Does anybody else used to be interested in Milo and now just cringes at his rallies?
Does anybody else used to be interested in Milo and now just cringes at his rallies?
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he has rallies?
If you were ever interested in Milo that means you think Sup Forums is satire right?
I've moved beyond him, but he's a good first dose of the redpill for young people.
No. He's always been a gay Jew to me.
I know that Sup Forums is satire. It's just that he has become super cringy.
anyone who took an interest in this jewish faggot isn't on Sup Forums I hope
I've been here for years and never heard him speak or read an article he's written. He is a meme to trigger liberals with there is nothing else of value
I lost my shit when he was being reported as the Quebec shooter lol
I think antifa retards attacking his speeches and calling him a nazi just gives him more viewers. I've seen him speak, don't agree with everything he says, but college kids need something other than the constant reinforcement of destructive culture being promoted by flip bitches.
That's were you're wrong, Sup Forums is not satire, and he was always cringy.
Autini was always cringeworthy.
>I know that Sup Forums is satire
nice meme you got there sweetie
He once said that he tries once a year to fugg a girl, just to see if he can stop being a fag.
He also said that if he had children, he would hope that they were straight.
Made me a lil bit sad.
I always cringed at him.
All ecelebs are not to be trusted
At first he was kinda interesting, didn't say anything revolutionary but how he said them and his whole character made it interesting. After a while you pick up on his whole shtick and it becomes repetitive and boring since his only content is pretty watered down.
Still think he has potential for entery level redpilling on edgy teens that want to be against the system
When I saw his presentation preceded by autistic raps about memes and he came in dressed in drag is when I realized he was kind of an attention seeker.
He used to make good points and give interesting answers, but now I don't know what he is anymore.
Milo is pozz hope he dont comeback.
Milo for Pope
whats your problem?
those are PC words confront your emotions and express them properly
what does cringe have to do with political correctness?
/r/cringeanarchy represent.
It's obvious milo became a huge attention whore when he moved to the
states and started gaining some notoriety and fame for his uni speeches.
Figures like Milo are absolutely required for a large number of Normies to open their eyes to the fact things they have been told all their lives are good (feminism) are actually psychotic ideologies based on lies and false suppositions. Once you break the first hurdle it's so much easier to take the higher level red pills.
He first came to my attention when he supported GamerGate. Which just happened to be what killed GamerGate.
your coment made me cringe
I think I liked the idea of him more than what he actually is.
>no nu-lyneux nor his psycho friend
Top zoz
Who is the mystery meat in between southern and woes?
The madman keeps getting away with it.
peterson is good.
He is purity death spiral proof.
If you take Sup Forums seriously you're mentally ill. It would be like watching Team America or Fight Club and unironically admiring and emulating the main characters.
>I think antifa retards attacking his speeches and calling him a nazi just gives him more viewers.
You think?? His book sales went up 5000% percent after the Berkely riots
He used to be fun / edgy, now he's just kind of a faggot.
I never liked him.
I'd bet my anal virginity this thread is a shill circlejerk
I know like half of these.
Also fuck you for insulting Taylor.
Milo was always playing this so called (((alt-right))) movement when he is a gay jew himself.
Only idiots will fall for him.
there yah go boy, divide an conquer.
Aurini is better imo.
He is a true Sophisticate and is pureblood true aryan hammerskin etc. Milo is larping as a white guy.
Used to watch him a lot, but not much anymore. It seems like he used to be a more eloquent debater. The last talk I saw him give, he just constantly cracked jokes about sucking black dick or being a faggot. Maybe it's the coke?
True Patricians have always preferred Aurini.
I was interested in milo because of his last name but when I opened a video a faggot in drag spew out shouting how much he loves dick
also turns out he's really jewish not greek wtf
the fact that he was a pol hero a short time ago shows the newfaggotry in the board
I was listening to him on Joe Rogan's podcast the other day. I had never really listened to I'm before..
Holy shit he really is a try hard faggot who spews memes irl. It was pretty cringey, I heard people say he was co opting the alt right which I don't really give a fuck about but he definitely sounded like he was trying to be an edgy Sup Forums poster
Milo is shite. He was good for like one week back in 2015.
if the market wasnt saturated he would have become a blue haired SJW victim.
Milo is in it for Milo, always has been always will be.
Does anyone unironically like Milo anymore?
I've been able to see through him since the day I first saw him. He's an attention whore. How can people have been on Sup Forums this long and not instantly recognize the type? He's a contrarian because it gets him the most attention possible. He throws meat to the alt right because it gets him attention, love from the alt right folks and hate from the left, which is all just as good to an attention whore.
Hes like a jew leading other jews into the gas chamber for extra food. Hilarious is peoce of shit would jerk off conservatives as if he wouldnt be dragged behind a truck for suck black cock.
I like Ben
he rode on the trump bandwagon, but basically his entire position is left libertarianism and that is a degenerate dead end. most people may have started with him as baby's first redpill, but as soon as you realize whites will be going extinct you begin to give less fucks about the petty bullshit Milo harps on about.
is is, in the past 24 hours i've seen similarly worded threads about gavin mcinnes, paul watson, etc.
>i used to think he was cool but now i know Sup Forums was right
how many of these threads have there been since gamergate?
maybe listen next time faggot
>all these Aurini lovers
What? The man is an absolute retard who has no idea what he's doing, can't spell correctly, and is the definition of a pseudo intellectual.