In this general we will slowly build the most efficient system of governance that is scientifically beneficial and free of any emotional influences.
Thread guide: >propose one idea >describe the logic behind it >constructively criticize others' ideas
We will run through as many iterations of this thread as needed until we finally design the most rational and scientific ideology, using it to cleanse /sci/, Sup Forums and the rest of Sup Forums of their retardation so they're unable to influence any more elections in a harmful way not only towards science, but also in general.
Jackson Lee
Confucianist Autocracy
Brandon White
Slavic Dictatorial Technocracy Before the world can concentrate on science and progress it must be united under one banner so that there are no external threats should the country focus on scientific progress. This can be done with making a nuclear/orbital exchange with the west without their ability to strike back
Austin Sanchez
>Libertarian Democratic Technocracy
>Voters required to pass a mandatory evaluation test before their first vote >Vote weight is weighted against their score on the test, the test covers all topics related to politics and science >Welfare is cut-down, so are taxes and defense spending, the remainder surplus is fully dedicated towards science or state-run megaprojects (like NASA during the space race or the Manhattan Project) >Technocrat candidates are forced to write a short 20-page essay regarding their policies and the full reasoning behind them, posting it for free review by the voterbase during the election >Maximum freedom of speech and a ban for the government to employ internet surveillance on its citizens is a part of the constitution
Jeremiah Green
No fuck off, not sci related
Zachary Cox
Yes it is you sperg
Until the private sector develops its own means to dump a massive amount of capital into prolonged R&D, there is no one else but the government to do it. Not doing it equals to the entire humanity's scientific development being impaired from its potential. Discussion for how to achieve a government that does it (as opposed to the current one that doesn't), therefor, is probably the most scientific discussion one can have right now. It's the main issue of modern and future (especially future) science.
Joseph Davis
>I can toss science into the name and suddenly that makes it true! Fuck off Reminder to report all Sup Forums threads
Angel Powell
Filling false reports is a bannable offense
Jack Jackson
>false report It is an off topic thread, this thread belongs in Sup Forums It is in no way science and no one wants you mouth breathers on this board Which is grounds to have the thread removed Now fuck off back to Sup Forums
Isaiah Peterson
Wow, I've never seen a thread I wanted to hide so fast.