Post your expectations on whats going to happen in the next 8 years

Post your expectations on whats going to happen in the next 8 years

lone digits= never gonna happen
Doubles=the opposite happens
Triples = will 100% happen

>Pic unrelated

yugoslavia is reformed

israel will become a super power

Jordan will not annex israel and jews will survive

jews will take over the world and kill all muslims






Its more likely we go to war than that happening

Jews Rock

Trump invades N. Korea and wins

i thought they only made soap from jews

Rocks too ? thats cool

America will be taken over by Islamists.

Hitler 2.0 will unite all the right wing parties in Europe

Post your uncut 8'' penis AT ONCE or feel my wrath :^)

I will get a gf

the bavarian ?

Herro :^)

Marine Le Pen will be elected president.

tri moreta

Perth is Nuked

Holocaust denial will become mainstream this year.

Poland will get even poorer

EU starts crumbling, Eastern Europe starts forming a new alliance between each other because Russia, but it will also fail because Poland will think of it's self as the new Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It will end probably with South East Europe selling Central and Northern Eastern Europe in exchange for clay and shit. Though even if Russia attempts to take any clay it's self it will crumble under their stupid federal system.

Basically I except a political mess unmatched by anything in History besides maybe the fall of Rome or China.

Ivanka opens up her own store.

The deep state will take over Washington

Greece will bail out and will prosper in this century as a leader of the west world


leave me alone faggot

also do you notice no one even saw that kek confirmed israel will be destroyed and all jews will die ? its because they are all good goyim shills

James Alephantis is convicted of child sex crimes

Hahahaha instant kek

Jews will kill all palestenians

ExCUSE me, but Jews are our friends!

Now rape my face plz

thats not possible bro

Trump grows godly wings

opposite happens :DD greece civil war confirmed

Does this mean Greece will have even more debts you can't pay?

>greece civil war confirmed



fuck off gay achmed


All palestenians will die
Attempt 2

oh my god

greece ded

You're so aggressive and that's so sexy

The EU disappears

We need to stop this. What have we become

Palestinians kill all Jews

Germany shows the world the EU is actually the fourth reich and gets BTFO again.

the end of time

Muslims will be cleansed from the earth.
A portal will open from an alternate world where the Nazis won and they will remove the jew.

All Arabs die.

>tfw my image was reposted

>We get a fresh, based Pope.
>Terrorist attack on Rome. New Pope having none of it.
>New Pope, Patriarch Bartholomew, Trump, Putin get together in Vatican.
>"ISIS we see your jihad and we raise you one crusade."
>Tenth Crusade.
>Reclaim Constantinople. Reclaim Holy Land.
>Byzantium and Republic of Jerusalem appear on world map.
>Proceed to wipe Radical Islamic Terror off face of Earth.

EU will break apart.

The eternal Anglo will be stopped


fourth reich takeover confirmed

A favela nigger and a sand nigger. A match made in heaven.


t. serbshit diaspora

Everything is going to be alright and we worry for nothing

then you wake up

I guess this means you're getting a boyfriend.


anglos will take over....................

is this ww2 all over again ?

Fascism rules the world


WW3 by 2020

Well we have the 4th reich, so I guess?

>you're getting a boyfriend.

My body is ready

EU will not break apart.


but whats the opposite of this ?

t. Ustase refugee

I mean who care about facts, when you can post memes, amirite?

WW3 now


>WW3 by 2020

33W by 0202

methane bubble in siberia will burst and we all have to live underground

will never have a gf

i would rather have a jew than a sandnigger any day of the week
all the jewish tricks in the world are useless if they don't have the muscle to utilize it

Not being able to get a gf in the Philippines is like not being able to get water in the ocean. You could be a total fucking loser and still take a girl to 7-11 and drink red horse with her and score. It's easy mode for getting a gf.

>Jews rock
I never thought I'd agree with a Slav