Demoshills and Jews.
Intel agencies infiltrated
yeah by kikes
God Emperor Trump can only do so much. Globalists and kikes have deep roots in the government that will not be uprooted overnight, and even the trees we've chopped down can grow back if their roots are left
You think you can drain an entire swamp without a bit of leakage? There are a ton of career bureaucrats that have a vested interest in seeing the Trump administration fail.
Because Trump is obviously a Clinton plant secretly working for the establishment.
Just like we told you.
DEEP STATE MEME (the jews)
Reince Preibus is a republicuck lackey who is doing to the neo-cons bidding. He won Trump over somehow and now he's playing the long game to try and get rid of everyone the establishment doesn't approve of.
my sources say the leaks were done by santa claus
This is the counter-coup. You didn't think the establishment was just going to hand over power did you?
These things happen all the time in Latin American and Africa and the Middle East. Pretty much everywhere in fact.
Because Trump wasn't prepared to staff everything, and there isn't a chain of command.
The scrambling has made everyone lower than a director automatically feel on edge, and doesn't impart a lot of loyalty.
>Latin American and Africa and the Middle East
Been living here for a long time and don't remember such a shit storm.
Deep state left behinds fucking the current administration. Seems Frank Herbert wrote about his in the book Dune.
Good. Half the people in the government should be fired anyway. You can't drain the swamp by taking out the largest creatures, you have to take out the hordes of smaller ones as well.
Many many positions left unfilled, meaning that the god emperor can't get accurate briefings.
A competitive atmosphere mixed with nor enough hands on deck leads to workplace desperation.
Factions within the administration have conflicting policy objectives.
(the jews)
You are kind of retarded, huh?
Even Diego Maradona had more bullshit.
People who are really invested in keeping Russia the enemy. Remember that massive push to demonize Russia right before Obama got out? Some people really want to take softening relations with Russia off the table for Trump.
We need to purge these fucks.
All these fucking shills.
>Even Diego Maradona
...... I am talking about here in the USA. Last time I remembered this much monkey poop getting tossed post election was when they were trying to remove Clinton for that blowjob.
Trump pissed a lot of people off and they are getting revenge. Anyome with a brain full well knows you dont mess with the Cia and trump overstepped his bounds.
You mean traitors
money got ppl acting mad traitor,
snowden does the right thing but but to many nignogs ruining the system.
Some butthurt IC asshole is upset at Trump and is leaking info.
>It's an issue of national security when foreign states have leverage on politicians.
>It's expected and condoned when the CIA does it.
These intel agencies need to be cleansed.
Swamps don't like being drained?
Rogue intelligence agencies. Hell, OP, Fox news is even talking about it. It's not really a secret what's going on.
Neocons v tea naggers v trumpkins.
They're all traitors.
Leaking is the national sport in Washington DC. This is nothing unique to Trumps administration.
moles everywhere
the democrats and republicans will come and go, but the (((deep state))) remains. Trump is a threat to the permanent government, so they're trying to ruin him.
That's pretty much the reason why both sides of politics play music the jews like. Partially its based on an awareness of jewish influence, partially on a rather fanciful belief that that influence is bigger than it is. Abe Foxman made that point quite well in defamation: they do have influence, but a lot of policy makers buy into the same beliefs that most of society does, that jews are all powerful, etc.
I'd be willing to be that the CIA and NSA are full of career goldbergs to the same extent that you can see in the state department.
The Federal Bureaucracy is not controlled by Jews. Its controlled by career Bureaucrats. Americas "Deep State" is not some sinister conspiracy hiding in the shadows. Its always been there. Its the media, its the career government officials, the lobbyists, interest groups, the two political parties, and so on.
Smart Presidents like Reagan or Obama are able to manage the various factions within the Government and get them more or less marching in the same direction. Dumb Presidents like Grant or Taft create their own power factions in diametric opposition to the existing ones and then wonder why everything falls apart on them.
A smart president would destroy them. Because they are not supposed to fucking be there.
The Bureaucracy is not supposed to be there? The Media is not supposed to be there?
The media are controlled by foreign interests, does not qualify as "media" anymore, and is on its death bed because it cannot innovate sufficiently to keep up with the world. It's not relevant.
The bureaucracy is in large part a consequence of the Administrative Procedures Act. I'm inclined to call that one a Gordian Knot that can't be solved short of just cutting it apart. However, right now is probably not the right time to attempt that due to the need for stability (similarly for taking on the banks), so it just needs to be pinned down tight and held against the ropes.
Yes, the government is not supposed to be a bloated, inefficient, bureaucracy and the media is not supposed to be part of it.
The CIA is running a war against Trump.
didnt trump pay those russian whores to take a LEAK once before?
Alphabet soup agencies at war
muslims too
>The Federal Bureaucracy is not controlled by Jews.
>Smart Presidents like Reagan or Obama
Why do you even bother posting? Your shit stinks for miles.
I'm also assuming that a lot of staffers that were there during the Obama administration are telling every reporter they can get in touch with everything they hear.
Fucking snakes, that's treason, they should be jailed
Why doesn't trump just clean house and get his own staffers?
If I was president I wouldn't want any former Obama staffers, etc miles within the whitehouse.
He did. One just resigned.
They should be hanged. It's treason.
Even though you insulted him, you still want to treat his lice.
Shit like this is why people have Sup Forums pegged all wrong. We just want the best for people.
Mike Rivero made the observation yesterday that Trump is probably thinking like a businessman rather than a politician. In business, your employees are there to make money doing what you tell them to do.
Politics is more to do with allegiance to power cults.
This. I dont know why people are supprised. Government within the government is pretty much the cornerstone of this board. Its the definition of 'the red pill'. Trump winning was a fluke or divine intervention, it definitely wasnt meant to be. If you ever doubted that (((they))) had an agenda, the unprecidented reaction to Trump should convince you. They are literally trying every trick in the book.
Trump is very clever. He'll learn.
Trump is a puppet of the Kremlin
too many traitors. Trump shall go full Stalin and purge them
one can only hope. He should call Kim Jong Un for tips
Because the democrats fill the government with people who are loyal to the democrat party, and not the country. Just because you win one election doesn't mean these activists all leave, to the contrary they continue to infest the government at every level.
When they are in under a democrat president, their job is to push for the agenda of the democrat party.
When they are in under a republican president, their job is still to push the agenda of the democrat party and also to sabotage the incumbent republican administration by anonymoose leaks and malinformation.
His demonstration of that on the campaign trail is one of the main reasons I decided to place my bets on him.
Cautious optimism.
Previous Obama staff is doing the leaking or it's the bureaucratic kikes (neocons and libs) that are getting scared
>legitimate opinion = Jew
Russia hacked the election
Trump associates, "had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election".
There should be a Grand Jury to investigate the Trump/Russia regime
I was just thinking about this analogy a few weeks ago.
Who is this semen demon?
Trump scares the uniparty system and the Intel apparatus so much. That's why we love him!
>White house is leaking
>White house is sinking ship
>Captain goes down with the ship
Trump has only been in Office three weeks.
He hasn't had time to weed out the scum from the last administration and they are acting like the degenerate shits they are.
Takes time to locate and terminate the traitors but they will be eliminated.
(((factions))) battling it out...
previous faction along with intelligence community and part of the MIC are resisting the new trumpenstein faction
Pretty much this. Democrats routinely get 90%+ of the vote in DC. The entire city is democrats. The primary employer in the city is the bureaucracy. Not hard to figure out that the federal bureaucracy is ~90% democrat, and that the most important positions are filled by the most loyal democrat apparatchiks. People who, like has been already said, are more loyal to the democratic party than the United States.
Perhaps it's worse. Perhaps they can't mentally separate the democratic party from the United States. Perhaps they think they are one in the same.
They don't call it "Democractic Centralism" aka "Leninism" for nothing.
It's relevant to take notice that Trump correctly uses the language "our republic" in his speeches. Note that the apparatchiks always signal to each other by saying "our democracy."
Death throes of a powerless regime.
too many Obama leftovers and butthurt establishment Republicans combined with the faggy Democrats slow walking every single cabinet nomination.
>Talk shit about "the swamp" and how you're going to drain the past administration, probably via firing them
>Only focus on high level staffers because you thought you were going to lose the election had didn't plan on what to do about the other couple thousand Obama WH staffers who you blamed for all the world's problems
>Surprised they all hate your guts and do whatever they can to undermine you before you eventually fire them all anyways
Trump is an honest to god fucking idiot. He thinks he can run the WH like his business, but he forgot that he didn't hire 80% of the actual workers there, and hasn't made any plans on what to do about it until they started leaking shit. What did he think would happen when he labeled the ENTIRE Obama administration as the cancer plaguing america (which it is), yet left them at the WH after he took over?
Dems want dirt so they plant spies.
Kikes being kikes.
Also the spy problem will initially be overlooked by normies, but when we start asking the question "hang on, why is confidential info leaking?" and "why is clinton openly supporting this?" and the normies begin to here this - then real shit happens.