What happened here?
Red pill me the history of this region.
What happened here?
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White man ruined everything. Specifically the Catholics. The end.
It's what happens when you half ass a conquering.
Quetzalcoatl still roams that land...
racemixing, thats why were shit
Are the natives bad a choice for making a family?
yes, theyre retarded, theyre ugly as fuck, they smell like shit, most of the criminals look like natives
>Shitty Religion
>Bad Goverment
Need I to say more?
Spain stole our gold
>more zika and drugs
>gangs and death all around you
> third world countries
>Age of consent in mexico : 12
>deadly animals
>shitty weather
Smog has long since killed him
What is wrong with the religion? Catholic christianity is still better than orthodox or islam.
Among other things like anons have mentioned, I've noticed a correlation between shitty, 3rd world countries and warmth. Africa is hot, south america is hot. You don't need much technology to survive and support a village.
>Catholic christianity is still better than orthodox
That's where you are wrong kiddo
It is true. Mediterrian countries have bad econimics. (Spain, Grece)
desu I think this is one of the main reasons too
Human rights and strong anti-firearms laws hold us back from a purge without brainwashed 1st world idiots getting in the way.
Around 10 thousand years ago Giants inhabited this land, then the great flood happened, then we got raped by the Spains and now we are subhuman mongrels with an average IQ of 88
Thing is that Catholicism has three modes: Cucked, Ultra Con, burn the witch
tacos y burritos
Singapore is hot as fuck. The gulf states too but they're just lucky they have oil, otherwise they'd be africa tier
brown reggaeton shithole full of loud rude shitskins
Just nuke us now
Well nowadays maybe but back in the Middle Ages catholics ruled over everyone and flourished while the orthodox countries remained poor uneducated and undeveloped.
Contrary to popular belief, it was not racemixing. Spanish colonies had a great degree of success. Numerous universities were founded in SA a full century before Harvard. Industry had developed pretty well at the time. Culture was strong and natives were assimilated (some of Moctezuma's descendants ended up serving in the Imperial army, and in some cases natives were loyalists during the wars of independence, for example). Relatively few nigs were imported.
What really killed SA was the political crisis that took place when Charles II died. The empire pretty much died at that point, and an era of decay started.
Independence wars followed. I should note here that Spanish rule was mostly okay and that there were no major reasons for colonies to be mad at Spain. They arose mostly out of the greed of local landlords and general jewery, that took advantage of the Crown's declining influence.
From the beginning, the independence movement was centralist and dictatorial (save for very few exceptions, that ended up being defeated anyway), with leaders of the revolution being pretty much your stereotypical hispanic dictator.
Some sort of maoist cultural revolution ensued then, in order for the new rulers to justify independence. A narrative was created where Spain and the Church were the evil guys, and that somehow we were being exploited by then. Hispanic cultural heritage was targeted in a way similar to what's happening now in Europe.
This did not have an immediate impact in productivity (SA was generally, at least decent, until the start of the 20th century), but it did decimate the culture eventually.
What is worse, cultural masochism paved the way for modern day socialism and communism, which is basically what is going on in SA right now.
Here we are taught at school since we're kids that we're poor, that we are supposed to be poor, that it's everyone else's fault but our own.
>What happened here?
Nothing of relevance
I wonder who ravaged Constantinopole from the inside and helped the Ottomans to easily conquer it.
There is nothing wrong with burning witches.
Ok the question is now, how do we become a first world continent?
It is incredible how we are still undeveloped even though we never had a real war, just look at Europe, they rebuilt themselves twice after killing millions and bombing whole cities.
>south america is hot
You fucking wish. It is RNG Weather:The Continent
Drug production
My bet is the declining of the Byzantine empire began with it sack by catholics in one of the many crusades.
Murica was mad cuz communism and that. Establishing military dictatorships and so on.
They had stuff. We took stuff as payment for Spanish lessons. We spent the stuff
Now all we have left is good memories & a big family
Mestizaje maligno
I don't think the correlation is that strong. Like that other guy said, look at Singapore, or Hong Kong. The Chinese Canton is one of the hottest and richest provinces in China.
If you take a look at SA, Panama seems to be doing OK even though it's hot as fuck over there. Uruguay seems to be one of the most alright countries here, and while it's true that it's a lot colder than most (no jungles etc), it seems to me that the main reason for our OK-ness is that we were founded on an anti-centralist tradition, kind of like Panama (although we're losing that very fast right now).
Argentina has always been centralist as fuck. This is why they do OK every now and then, when they get a good leader, but as soon as they switch to a bad one their country gets raped. In northern SA there was this massive centralist 'Gran Colombia' project which failed, not because of a federalist spirit, but because local landlords were too greedy to agree on how to split power.
Paraguay used to be one of the leading industrialists in the region, despite all the racemixing. Small country, i.e. not centralist: but they got cucked when Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay attacked it, killing like 90% of their males. I don't think they've yet fully recovered from it.
>Ok the question is now, how do we become a first world continent?
Give up, move to a real one
Thank you I learned something important today. I am not suprised that you blame others for your own problem we are experts on that too in the east.
Why is French Guyana greyed out?
What they do to you?
China is hell. Fucking panama, argentina? These are joke countries..
Also 98% of them were slaves
Its a meme my city is as safe as any top tier euro country thanks to catholicism, our only problem was family violence and it´s almost solved, now our problem is that we have to face waves of amerindian migrants
they were developing countries becoming 1st world countries until murica came
This so much
>Its a meme my city is as safe as any top tier euro country thanks to catholicism
For sure you aren't from Lima
If you ask me:
1. (And I only have to mention this because it's Sup Forums) Forget about race. That might work for the nords, but we know better. What's done is done. Culture is all that matters. The 'whitest' SA regions aren't necessarily doing better. That is the Hispanic tradition. Look at Spain during the Reconquista, they didn't kill themselves, they just retook their land and reestablished their culture, even in provinces which to this day have a Muslim name.
2. Forget about the 'muh gold' myth. Even if you're an Indian, you're Hispanic. Indians back in the day understood it. 'La raza' refers to us. It doesn't matter what color you are, if you speak Spanish, if you believe in honor and goodness, you're one of us.
The self-hating meme was put in place by the founders of the new nations as an excuse to secede from the Spanish Empire. But it is very bad in the sense that it sabotages self-improvement. We're literally being taught at school that we're a bunch of hopeless morons and that only begging to our government for 'freedom' can help us, instead of hard work.
3. Promote cultural unity, and political fragmentation. Hispanic culture is perfectly suitable for our goals. Having a unified, historically based culture, moves it away from the clutches of corrupt politicians.
Political fragmentation would help contain the damage of our tradition of corruption.
What a cuck. Central and extreme south-american natives have no potential, while the peruvian and chilean natives can be more civilized than you cumskin.
t.Actual breed of native and white criolle
My whole family is full of educated people, and my brown "cholo" father was an important figure on the market, until the fucking banks bankrupted REEEEEEEEEE
Where is his money Where is the 10years of deals Where is the 100k dollars!
If you weren't underage you would know that 100 dollars on peru in the 80-90s where something from another world.
Your country will still be cucked by socialists until you give education to the poor. They aren't niggers; it's actually funny that those who are raised with an acceptable(not even middle-class) education and alimentation, without crime hoods, they are more successful that your stupid pijos.
I hope PPK doesn't get shot.
Your points are well, but I think the greatest issue (at least in my country, I think it's better in Uruguay) is corruption, drugs, shitty laws and no law enforcement. Drug addicted homeless human filth snorts pure cocaine next to police officers and they do nothing, because the law doesn't criminalize this human filth.
Just shoot them in the head, shoot every drugaddict on the street in the head, for fuck sakes this country needs a Duterte. Ecuador has so much fucking money from Banana, Cacao and Oil but we do nothing with it, so sad. I wish for us to have a car or technology industry like the Japanese.
Hell or not, Guangdong is decidedly prosperous despite the heat and the jungles.
I didn't speak well of Argentina. I did of Panama. It might be a joke country, but so were the original 300 retards in that cave. They show a good trend in the given context, and that's all that matters.
This and only this.
>Mestizaje maligno
US playground, hard pill to swallow but it's true
>spanish people
I agree with you, and something like that is beginning to happen in Uruguay as well.
But I really think those are the consequences of what we've done.
If you tell someone since he's a child that he is and will always be poor, that his past and future were stolen by history, that we have no past and nothing to be proud of, and that the best he can hope for is for Socialism to get someone else to provide for him, what's he going to do?
He won't work his ass off. He'll probably feel unmotivated, rot in the slums, do drugs, steal, etc.
Prosperous nations understand this. Look at Scandinavians, for example. There's something to learn from them.
Throughout most of history, they were hut dwellers who didn't even have a writing system. It wasn't until culture was forced upon them that they became civilized. Now they boast of what little tradition they have as if they had invented Philosophy.
Germany does something similar. Until not too long ago they were superstitious forest dwellers. Even in modern ages, they haven't done many good things of any consequence. They're mostly just good at making shekels, backstabbing their neighbors and boasting about their own achievements.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash them, they're doing what they have to do and we should learn that from them. At the end of the day people will end up believing what you believe of yourself. Grab something good and make believe.
>Anonymous (ID: HODXXa2p) 02/15/17(Wed)17:24:00 No.112748994 ▶
>File: 1485474338128.png (234 KB, 1000x500)
>234 KB
> I agree with you, and something like that is beginning to happen in Uruguay as well.
> But I really think those are the consequences of what we've done.
> If you tell someone since he's a child that he is and will always be poor, that his past and future were stolen by history, that we have no past and nothing to be proud of, and that the best he can hope for is for Socialism to get someone else to provide for him, what's he going to do?
> He won't work his ass off. He'll probably feel unmotivated, rot in the slums, do drugs, steal, etc.
> Prosperous nations understand this. Look at Scandinavians, for example. There's something to learn from them.
> Throughout most of history, they were hut dwellers who didn't even have a writing system. It wasn't until culture was forced upon them that they became civilized. Now they boast of what little tradition they have as if they had invented Philosophy.
> Germany does something similar. Until not too long ago they were superstitious forest dwellers. Even in modern ages, they haven't done many good things of any consequence. They're mostly just good at making shekels, backstabbing their neighbors and boasting about their own achievements.
> And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash them, they're doing what they have to do and we should learn that from them. At the end of the day people will end up believing what you believe of yourself. Grab something good and make believe.
The human nature is to work and fight for their own merit. No effort life -> degenerate offspring.
The jews of south america.
t. congolombian
Okay so, Spanish came and conquered Mexico. Then slowly moved south, conquering shit.
Turns out Mexico and what was Peru back then had lots of silver so things were pretty cool for the Spanish. However, the Spanish were so damn busy mining silver in South America that they completely neglected to expand further into the continent. This allows the Portuguese to slowly take more and more land which is why Brazil is so damn big.
At a given point because shit happens in Spain and 'how the fuck did we lose so much land to Portugal?' someone gets the brilliant idea of splitting things up to decentralize the power in the colonies.
What was Peru gets divided into several pieces which was a bad move because while Peru was pretty damn content being Spanish, the new colonies weren't and got seduced by ideas of democracy and shit like that.
Argentina declares independence. Spain takes back its giant silver mine from them. Argentina tries to retake the silver mine and gets its ass kicked again and again.Then Argentina gets the idea that if all the colonies freed themselves they could totally drive the Spanish out/get the silver back. Which kind of works until the Argentian dude realizes Peru is imperialistic as fuck.
Around the same time some other dude is going around trying to free South America. Due to a series of improbable circumstances and the Brits helping out because why the hell not, he actually manages to free Peru. He also makes sure no one gets the silver mine by being a douche and convincing the people there to make their own country named after him, ensuring North Peru, South Peru, and Bolivia would come in conflict with each other until they all agree to hate Chile above all.
Then the continent becomes a valuable lesson about how countries that aren't ready for democracy shouldn't fucking try it.
Gran colombia when ?
Your level of delusion is funny, 100k? kek
80s 90s hahahhaha i know most of the darkest secrets of my country unlike you or 99% of the country
Im also a halfbreed with middle class education, i read the entire library of my native/curaca descendant/latinfundista grandfather just to name small acomplishment
A "pijo" jajajajaaaja i fucking hate those maricas, im the complete package user believe it or not i have worked in the shittiest jobs, the hardest jobs (yeah i was always the best because muh aymara-toledan genes) and top tier jobs.
We are fucked accept it and try to lead these hatun runas in the future but you can keep renewing your toyota hilux year by year famalam we MUST keep evolving
If you take an amerindian doctor, engineer, geologist or w/e out of their field they are totally fucked...sad!
There's a reason why I consider Uruguay our best son.
>Look at Spain during the Reconquista, they didn't kill themselves, they just retook their land and reestablished their culture, even in provinces which to this day have a Muslim name.
Most of the Muslims in Al-Andalus were converted Iberians, there were also Iberians who didn't want to convert so they had to pay special taxes and live in ghettos. But essentially, there was practically statistically negligible racemixing in Al-Andalus. After the reconquista, we DID kick the ones with moorish ancestors out (look up "Pureza de Sangre")
Does it snow in u r gay? I think organizing to survive the winter is the main factor in progress and 1st worldness
Some tasty Bantz, quick paco and carlos, tell me more about your regions, I'm curious.
Isnt panama like a us satelite? Kinda like puerto rico just not officially
This. Based uruguayanbro
Now I know you are underage. You don't know about the horrible presidency before the terrorism nor the bad management of the chinkpresident.
>If you take an amerindian doctor, engineer, geologist or w/e out of their field they are totally fucked...sad!
Is this supposed to be an argument?
>80s 90s hahahhaha i know most of the darkest secrets of my country unlike you or 99% of the country. Im also a halfbreed with middle class education, i read the entire library of my native/curaca descendant/latinfundista grandfather just to name small acomplishment
A "pijo" jajajajaaaja i fucking hate those maricas, im the complete package user believe it or not i have worked in the shittiest jobs, the hardest jobs (yeah i was always the best because muh aymara-toledan genes) and top tier jobs.
Are you retarded?
The whole point of my post is that education can bring everyone to success (except niggers). The problem with the poor is ignorance. They get a lot of one-sided deals with foreigner (gringo) bussinessmen and thus get "enslaved" in a deal that could have benefitted them better.
The socialist problem will always emerge from the poorest if they keep having a shit education.
The capitalist economy is fine, but it harms our own people if they get no benefit from it (through education quality).
I'm browner than you cabesepinga.
Look at this burger and laugh.
Gracias hijo,actually South america was never thought or managed as a colony in the aspect that we didn't produce shit in the metropolis to sell there,there was industry and those territories were as much part of spain as spain itself,actually it was even more castillian than some of the territories of the iberian peninsula where there was some kind of fueros.
Spain tried to do the best it could with the leaders it had.
The only regret I have is that south America didn't manage to become one southern united states and one central united states or a huge Hispanic united states..you could have been as much of an empire as USA itself or even bigger since you could have held california and the west coast plus texas... (that's quite a big valuable chunk)
the church actually is evil, they're keeping mexico down and are a huge cancer stopping reform down there
t. hecho en mexico
>better than orthodox
Chile, Argentina and Uruguay are countries that are different between them(Specially Chile since we were isolated by the Desert in the north and the mountains on the east), but also those 3 countries are way more different, specially when compared to Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, etc.
Usually in the southern cone you don't see a lot of LATINO shit, and at least we are functional countries, as always the problems are in the more uneducated people, and with I mean people that believe every single thing that the media says.
Why I say that? Because we have seen an influx of illegal Caribbean immigrants, and the media is washing their image
Uruguay tried to do this, actually. Look up 'Liga Federal'. We eventually got backstabbed by Buenos Aires centralists and Brazilian imperialists. Uruguay was basically the only remaining independent State
>Forget about the 'muh gold' myth.
That is nigger thoughts,the gold isn't even in spain it ende up in jews hands be it Italy holland or England, plus we ourselves had the same thing with the Romans, iberia was one of the richest places in ancient times in regards to gold and silver,the Romans took it after we fought them and they enslaved/killed/allied us and left civilization in return,I'm still grateful.
Only niggers in africa can fall for a we wuz kangs and we poor because they took our gold...the wealth of a country is in its people and culture that's the best resource if you can't manage properly that,then your bound to be selling to the lowest bidder
Only n
>illegals being washed over by media
So, basically same shit up here in Burgerland only in brown version?
Fucking hell that bites, I was hoping you guys would at least be free from the left's schemes.
Yup, we brown and white people are getting fucked by niggers from Colombia and Haiti.
The problem was just dificult transportation, spain lost the colonies just 50 years before intercontinental travel improved.
If Napoleon didn't invade us things would've been different.
The reason of course being that we let him enter cause we thought it was going to invade Portugal, an ally of the eternal anglo, the true plague of the world.
I guess that's where this meme comes from.
No bullshit, you are all mixed, christian and speak spanish, the difference are just military and football, don't fool yourself, there's no such thing as a nation in the entire america
The spanish and portugese fucked them right in the pussy
no such thing as poverty just dumb people or too many kids
and costa rica too
Take this from the least mixed country in the Americas: Race doesn't matter.
That defeatist, abandon-boat attitude won't get us anywhere. We can't keep running away form responsibility: attempting to is what got us here in the first place.
We have openly encouraged laziness and criminality for a century. We can't just suddenly try to pin it only on genetics. And you can't put all mestizos in a boat and send them off. It's never going to happen. Thinking about it is masturbation.
I don't care what race someone is, or even how intelligent they are. If I see an unintelligent black guy washing the streets, and he's honorable, hard working, speaks my language and shares my history, I will respect him.
I'm not advocating for or against racemixing. I would certainly oppose bringing muslim refugees, for example: but what's done is done and we have to work with what we have.
If natives end up getting the lowest paid jobs, that's fine, they can still add to society and they can still be dignified in their work.
I know what you mean. I was referring mostly to the attitude. They were almost defeated and managed to push through against all odds. This is a different challenge, that should be treated the same way.
>no such thing as poverty
Your country was poverty incarnated until the 70s.
Poverty, failure, and shattered hopes.
The military dictatorships actually saved our countries for a while, but the pigs were too dumb to realize the cultural war going on, and when they left, our Continent was handed to commieniggers.
The same is true for the USA but you'll still get retarded faggots on here who won't realize that
Memes aside, what are some actual fucking good general books on Mexico + South American history
What do they make you read in Brazil or whatever
To add to you point, at least here in Chile we have been taught how the big bad spanish came and stole land and gold, and were bad and mean, while the indigenous people were hugging trees and watching the grass grown.
In reality, in both sides there were assholes, in both sides there were good people, but when at least 50% of the history of your ancestors in paintes in such a bad light, nothing good can come out.
As South americans we should embrace our culture,our spanish and indigenous heritage, embrace the mistakes and understand that we owe so much to Spain, wherever we like it or not.
maybe because we had 4 civil wars, lose all colonies and then having another civil war ending with a dictatorship that was closed to foreign commerce?
You didn't even get the point but you jump for some reason, perhaps to feel better about who you are?
We are far more into the pit. And the saddest part is that we are literally watching a replay with you guys.
That''s fucking retard as if Portugal posed some major threat to Spain. British, the eternal Anglo and Portuguese had to liberate your country afterwards from Napoleon rule. Dos de Mayo was suppressed. Thank the 1st Duke of Wellington, fucking ingrate.
I'd argue against racism, but to be honest Chile has a much more prevalent native element than Argentina, and especially Uruguay.
What Chile did was pretty interesting, actually, with thinkers in the early 20th century arguing that Chilean were a superior breed because of the mix between warrior mapuches and Spanish Conquistadors.
Probably bullshit from a genetic point of view, but I think that attitude is 100% on point. You can't change what you are, and it doesn't matter what color you are the goal is still the same: righteousness and prosperity. Take what you have and make the best out of it.
Its a totally irrelevant region. Only time it had any relevance was when the gold and silver imported from there influenced gold and silver prices in Europe. Otherwise nothing of significance happened there.