Do you guys ever feel like your in the wrong? It doesn't happen often, but sometimes I just get this sudden feeling that maybe all this nazi shit just isn't worth it. For example, there is this muslim girl at my college, and she is easily the sexiest girl I've ever met. She flirts with me and I flirt with her, and then I get home and hate myself for doing so, because muslims are filthy terrorists, but then I think "Wait, what if they are not all terrorists?" I browse Sup Forums to reacquire redpills but as soon as I go to school the next day it's right back were I started. Should I just fuck her and get it over with?
Do you guys ever feel like your in the wrong? It doesn't happen often...
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We should love Muslims. They believe in almost everything we believe in. Muslim women are loyal to their spouses in principle.
Go for it my man the Muslim's are actually our Allies in ideology. Marxism is the only thing dividing us. We are terrorists just like the Muslim's.
You ever get that feeling people will know your a shill before you press send?
>For example, there is this muslim girl at my college
>and she is easily the sexiest girl I've ever met
death penalty for you and her, insh'allah my shill friend
The Muslim's will want to fight Marxism just like we do. They are allies. The Marxists forced flooding of Europe with Arabs is going to backfire if we actually realize how powerful a Christian/Muslim bond would become
You're correct. They're not all terrorists.
Just like not all white people are good citizens with moral values.
never for a single moment
Maybe she's a moderate Muslim and will only cut your head halfway off
Convert her to Christianity if you're not a total fucking cuck.
my in the wrong what?
Threads like that are a good reminder of how badly cuckchan has fallen and how easy it is to shill here.
>Do you guys ever feel like your in the wrong?
Yes. All the time. That's my I trust my opinions because I'm constantly revisiting them, evaluating them, revising them and adjusting them.
If you never question whether or not your stance is wrong then your opinion is nothing more than a belief.
People who never stop to question the validity of their opinions are the people who cause all the problems to begin with; on all sides of the argument.
>letting your penis cloud your judgment
I only see 20% there though...
fuck off CTR. anyone falling for OP's trick is retarded.
How can satire ever be wrong?
Get the hose
Go away with your fake concern shariablue.
Do you want to meet the ill-mannered one?
Anyway, that picture is an edit. The original is muslim propaganda.
there's a reason why it's called the RIGHT wing.
>how do you do, fellow nazis? don't you sometimes feel everything we believe in is wrong, like when we claim all muslims are terrorists?
Go, fuck her, and then go to her family and tell them that you are dating and you already slept together. Fucking newbies.
Germany liked the Muslim's actually. There has been a Muslim minority in Germany for over a hundred years. They fought for Germany too.
The Marxist kikes have gotten to you Sup Forums
Don't lose sight of the real enemy. The kikes
Hitler did like the Muslims for a lot of reasons; however, racemixing is wrong. Even if she is a white Muslim, culture/religion mixing is wrong too.
>all muslims arent terrorists
but critisizing their religion or not letting them into your country makes more terrorists. really makes me think
Oh.. sure? I mean ill-mannered people are all over the place and they aren't blowing things up, maybe some spit balls. I think that is really prejudiced of the artist to include that.
>throwing your principles in the trash at the first sight of an attractive female who doesn't like you anyway
You are in the wrong. You should have said "Do you guys ever feel like you're in the wrong", rather than "... your in the wrong".
Op how can you find a trashbag sexy you stupid fuck. Shills must be gassed, even before kikes.
All religions are being criticized and they're not creating terrorists.
i can have have many enemies, and if you think muslims belong in the west, you're one of them.
this is just a sign that you have a very simple minded way of looking at the world.
The issue with muslims is not that they are all terrorists, because it's painfully obvious that they're not. There are many terrorists and their religion and many muslims genetics makes them more likely to be violent and terrorists, but it's stupid to think they all are those things.
The real issue at hand is that islamic culture is ultimately incompatible with western culture and so it would be best that muslim immigration is incredibly restricted to ensure that only a very small portion of the population is made up of them.
So, vote for that and be an activist for that. Would that mean deportations and what not, maybe a purge or civil war? Perhaps so. Until that day however, there really is not an issue with befriending or fucking muslims. I warn you though, unless you can convert her you would need to convert to Islam to achieve a long term relationship with her since islam is passed through the father to children.
So, go for it. Just remember what you must do when the day comes brother.
Islam is an evil death cult.
If these people were buddhists, shintos, or christains, then they'd be fine.
But they're not.
And Islam is evil death cult.
If they want to keep to their evil death cult, they need to keep the fuck out and stay in their backward muzzy countries where that has bee a way of life for 1300 years.
A loyal Muslim woman will want her children to intermarry with more whites if that is what her spouse wants.
We need to stop seeing Muslim's as a threat. They are actually white Christian's greatest ally. Remember they aren't niggers, they are actually one of the master races. They have decent DNA
They are also loyal as fuck
I aint gonna lie, it happens to me all the time. Sometimes I just randomly think; fuck, why am I hateful little cunt? is being full of hate really how i want to spend my short time in this cosmic universe of epic proportions?
but then I see a news report about some Sudanese cunt commiting a crime and I remember why I am so angry lel
if you unironically form your beliefs and values by reading Sup Forums you're a fucking dumbass
1. What kind of muslim is she? Does she view Islam as a religion alone, and is she committed to the ideals of secular society?
2. Is she tolerant of other beliefs/points of view?
3. Are you compatible on deeper levels?
Islamism is bad but if she is committed to the ideals of secular society and freedom of religious expression you should pursue the relationship.
You obvious know fuck all about National Socialism if you think its about hating other people or religions. Stop falling for the untermensch neo-Nazi shit. National Socialism is loving your people and culture above all others.
It doesn't condone race mixing technically but it depends on what the origins of this Muslim girl are. Go for it though and be happy. Not all Muslims are terrorists and they should be our allies against (((them))) if we can find a way to cease the division (((they))) are causing between us.
Vid related -
I think we're right but sometimes I feel like an asshole for knowing or caring.
>I want to vandalize my heritage by mixing it with the genetic soup of a foreign, inferior people who have tried to conquer and subjugate me for the past millennia
self-removal from our genepool. Don't let the door hit you and your mulatto kids on the way out!
Yeah, I've known at least 2 dozen Muslims from grad school and professional life and all were decent people, friendly, professional. Most were very intelligent and all were productive and hard working. Never known any of them to be anything but peaceful and law abiding.
Stereotypes usually have some element of truth to them, but are usually way over blown. Sup Forums takes this to the extreme tho. Don;t believe these dumb fucks over your own personal experiences, OP. You can see with your own eyes and make your own decisions
She sounds like she would make a great sexslave op. Only possible when white men are back on top
>culturally incompatible
Stop with the cuck logic. It's an weapon of ethnic massive destruction. It's not about culture but about breeding out ethnic whites.
The red pill is to see it explicitly in those terms. Culture/assimilation is blue pill.
What the fuck is happening to this board? Fuck off you cultural Marxist shill cunt.
I'm on your side user. The Marxist Jews have made us hate them because of the wars they have forced between us. I don't want this place to be Islamic. In conservative ideology we are actually very compatible and Muslim's have historically converted to Christianity
A Muslim woman is more likely to convert to Christianity than any other religion. I think you forget that men run the Muslim world. A true Muslim women would embrace are ideology better than the retarded Marxist feminists
I suggest visiting Egypt with a girlfriend. Hell, take the muslim girl.
They are not terrorists, they are infiltrators from a hostile culture aided and abetted by jews.
This. Race trumps all. Islam is a symptom of dumb shitskin monkey brains. It is not necessarily the disease itself. All of these rules in their holy books requiring women to cover their faces were crafted because Muhammad understood that his shitskin brothers were all sexually frustrated dumb fucks. He based his death cult on the primitivel sandnigger brain
>muslim kid playing with airplane toy
freudian slip
also checked
>muh personal experience
>i know a nice muslim, so i'll ignore all the obvious problems
are you retarded?
Do you understand what cultural Marxism is? Because you're literally spewing multiculturalist garbage with the Muslim/Christian friendship crap
OP, you're correct. All this Nazi shit? Just that, shit. If they were actually the master race, then why did they fucking lose WWII? If they weren't so fucking vile and awful, then why have they been universally declared as the villains in any and all settings/stories/movies/contexts? If Muslims are all terrorists, then why is this sexy brown chick chatting you up? Yes, there are Muslim terrorists, but there are also muslims who are peaceful and who apparently want your fucking cock. There are also white/christian terrorists. They're called nazis. All they want is to kill and destroy and make everyone as miserable as they are, under the thin disguise of "muh purity". They're lying. Don't listen.
Change your life OP. Don't let Sup Forums think and feel for you. Follow your own conscience. Listen to what your own instincts are telling you. This whole thing is wrong, and you're good enough to recognize that. Don't get sucked down into this shit. Love and companionship are some of the most precious things we can ever acquire in this life; don't pass up a chance for that because of the hatred being preached on this board. Hatred will never make your life better, or make you feel good, or give you anything worth holding onto. But love will.
Now go get yourself some brown sugar. Good luck.
Its the same board user. Actually listen to history. The Nazi's actually liked Muslims. Just not when they flood our country. That's the Marxists doing user not theirs
Why do shills always use this specific pepe?
your muslim lady is a hypocrite. are you sure you arent being decieved?
>Do you guys ever feel like your in the wrong?
Christ almighty you could not be more transparent.
Islam is a cancer to this Earth. It was not created for white people. It was crafted for a small portion of the population that have brown skin and live in the desert. Islam is a psychotic war cult that is not only extremely stubborn, but seems to get more extreme as time goes on. With a massive Islamic population in your country, you can basically ensure that your country will never ever be safe.
>Should I just fuck her and get it over with?
No. I feel like Sup Forums is in the wrong about most things to. I come here to to engage with views I disagree with. I find it healthier than to just stay in an echo chamber. But that doesn't mean I don't think most views expressed here are rather delusional.
>One post by this ID
Men lead. Don't let poooosy make you doubt yourself.
Fuck her and find out where her cell hides, then call FBI and save your country.
Nobody gives a fuck what the Nazis thought.
They are willingly coming here on their own accord. They are coming in millions to Europe and the United States. They intentionally lie about their religion claiming that it's a peaceful ideology that doesn't exist solely as a means for brainwashing dumb sandniggers into conquering and oppressing the non Muzzie population. Muslims are the enemy. Shitskins are the enemy. Just because some globalist pieces of shit allowed them to enter my nation that doesn't mean I'm going to lay off of the blame. Fuck Muzzies and fuck you shill.
this better be fiction
if not, youre a dumbfuck, get off pol and start using your own critical thinking to form your own fucking opinions you fucking nazi larper
The marxists believe that their culture and ours can live side by side which is fucking stupid. That's not what I'm saying. They must completely adopt our culture if we are going to intermarry.
haha, isn't that always how it starts?
>i went to Sup Forums to teach those nazis a lesson
>i went to Sup Forums just to troll
and then, a little later, they're all
you're germen though, so it'll probably take you longer than most, considering how fucking cucked you people are.
>he thinks being redpilled means hating Islam
oh you little baby
Assuming this isn't (((hypothetical))) bullshit, have principles. Even if she's a basically normal girl, you know out the gate that your values are going to be completely different if she even has slight devotion to her religion and she's not going to want any kind of relationship where that wouldn't be a problem. How much are you willing to compromise on your values just because a pretty girl is paying attention to you?
Also, Sup Forums is a board of peace, and you should stop popping redpills if you can't handle them.
They will never adopt our culture you retard. Not only is Islam an extremely stubborn belief system where Imams basically preach that fraternizing with non believers is heavily discouraged, but also that most Muslims are non whites from shitholes like Pakistan, Somalia, and Tunisia where shitskins are genetically pre wired to muh dik any vulnerable hole that crosses their path.
I don't come here to teach anyone a lesson or troll. I come here to engage with people who have views vastly different from mine. I also spend time on a lot of far left sites to get both sides.
If it means anything to you, I'm not interested in pushing my personal agenda.
You're not redpilled.
You're a 4cuck moron who thinks he's redpilled.
>race-mixing is ok if everyone converts to christianity
this is why universalist religions are garbage.
hose better be attached to a fucking accelerant
I'm a proud islamophobe, but if one of the countless muslims qts here in oslo wanted to be my gf, I'd happily welcome the impending islamization of this country
basically, u gotta be able to improvise
Strawman: The post
if i see you walking around with a muslim girlfriend, i'll improvise a noose.
>talk about how bad multiculturalism is
>go on dates with non whites
>they're really nice
>calmer and more wifey than white girls
>they suck my dick in the car and swallow
>go home
>go on Sup Forums
Yeah I don't know. I figure that on an individual level, multiculturalism is fun, but on a wide scale sociological level, it's a problem.
Also, you can't really marry somebody outside of your race. Then your stuck with their shitty culture forever.
Basically, multiculturalism is only fun when it's sucking your dick and riding your cock.
don't kill urself, there's enough muslim chicks for everyone!
A compromise for you is to take her, move back to her country and have children there.
I am Muslim but not very religious and I approve this post.
Imagine if priests run around preaching the Christian Old testament with the passion and tenacity of a Salem witch hunter. That's essentially what a majority of these bastards are doing and why people turn to shit. They're too young, too naive and too stupid to think "sure this maybe God's word but this book is referencing alot of things that don't matter in today's society so..."
Absolutely stop thinking religious Muslims are acceptable. Maybe the old generation but today's generation just use it as a weapon, put the hijab on for attention when it's suppose to be for modesty.
In a country mostly occupied by non Muslims wearing the hijab does the exact opposite of its intended purposes. Sorry for ranting but they are fucking dumb.
>Basically, multiculturalism is only fun when it's sucking your dick and riding your cock.
Pretty much this but also when they are cooking you new and tasty foods. They are the only benefits of multiculturalism or "diversity".
>on an individual level, multiculturalism is fun, but on a wide scale sociological level, it's a problem.
That's the problem. On a limited on even individual level you can get along with people of other cultures and races. I would say that even you can marry outside your race. But if you are doing it by the millions and importing foreigners by millions then you are making a huge mistake. Even worse if you don't encourage them to integrate and import people from third world countries that in some cases hate your culture or simply are antithetical to it.
Oh yeah the food thing too.
Every time I date a non-white, it's fun at first because we're just fucking and eating her culture's foods.
Then shit goes downhill. I meet the family, I see what they do on a daily basis, I see how the structure works ect ect
Dating outside your race is like a cute hobby. It's not a realistic goal to marry one
But seriously non-white women are better in bed. Especially if they are mixed with Spanish at all and they have that big ass
Fucking normie degenerate. Get the fuck out.
If you are well adjusted, chances are that the only people you see are the ones that are on your level. This is the fault that have been comitted in Sweden, where the middle class is sheltered from the destructive nature of muslims and only meet well adjusted muslims. You can not make the best judgement based on this.
no. you obviously havnet been redpilled on globalism.
Globalists don't care about people or culture. Only money. Like a certain (((people))).
Fuck they care if muslims kill you. Fuck if they care if muslims .
No you fucking disinfo shills. Muslims are not our friends. Ever since literally 1200 years they have never been our friends. kys
As I've gotten more redpilled my life has progressively gotten worse so that makes me wonder about what you've said every once in a while
You browse Sup Forums for redpills but can't spell You're. Fucking kill yourself.
>Do you guys ever feel like your in the wrong?
We're called alt-right, not alt-wrong. Nuff said.