Women can't into Scien-

Women can't into Scien-

>What do you see when you picture a scientist? Is it a white man in a lab coat? This portrait will smash that stereotype to bits.

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Bump for Science

>back left

this meme needs to die


Why, why do scientists have to be badass? Why do feminists keep using this word

wow omg i had no idea that being a scientist and male were mutually exclusive. i am so glad this article has changed my view on this, and hopefully the view of others. it was at one time unfathomable that women can do the same thing men can. i had no idea up to this point. wow...

>some women get to the same level as man
>aren't they equal though?
Checkmate atheists

?????? My problem is not that women can do science it's that they like to emphazie the fact that women science and give them publicity. These liberals want men to feel like shit


to bad most of you fucktards don't even do elementary school. Go back to rice picking or forest burning

Their age of consent is 12 though. HMMMM

Not an argument. There's never really been a notable female scientist, even Curie and Meitner they were just lucky to find something while they took over work from their husband/collegue.

I'd recreate the initial conditions of the big bang with her every night.. there would definitely be some cosmic inflation in that dark matter region

Oh, wow so brave and independent, now post photo of twelve female welders.


Twelve trash collectors.

Nothing again?

How about twelve oil drillers?

So equal, wow.

>Why are they badass if the goal was equality? Why isn't the nerdy guy in a lab coat badass but she is?

Well because obviously women were stereotyped and discriminated against for hundreds of years.

>But I haven't seen this in my lifetime. In fact, I see more and more privileges given to women in STEM. Scholarships, special treatment, etc. It may have been true 50 years ago, but it hasn't been true during my lifetime. Why?


The expression is "too bad", and you're obviously projecting.

The only fuckable one is the one in the pink dress.

Came here to post this

Women never into scie-

>the older one gets the more this schtick gets tiresome

Shit scientists taking attention from important ones, just because they have a pussy.

i don't care what the fucking the expression is mate.

What breakthroughs did they contribute to science?

I went to college with a bunch of women who went on to get Ph.D.s in chemistry. None of them seemed very smart to me. Most of them teach at shit-tier universities now and constantly bitch about how the facilities aren't good enough.


>only one fuckable
not even surprised

Having vaginas

What is the left's fascination with the term "badass?" I constantly see them using that term. Why?

women scientists are all under 6/10 and the least graceful women you'll ever meet
women can't think logically anyway, so science will regress as it already has begun to

Looks like a Tumblr meme.

There's your fucking problem right there.

>my science is more sciency than your science because I have a fucking cunt


>vaginer make better science than penor
>vaginer 1 penor 0

There are 3.5 billion people on the planet, and they can only find 12 women scientists?

Why do feminists insist on diminishing the meaning of the phrase "badass". Male scientists aren't badass, so why hold women scientists to a lower standard?

When i think of badass, i think of war heros like "mad" jack churchill.ยทen.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Churchill.

Or extremely skilled martial artists or powerlifters. Being badass implies some sort of physical or martial prowess.

That giantess on the left is a dude, isn't it?

Damn it, they ruined ghost busters now they are going to ruin science!

Incubation chambers can't come soon enough.

Wow. Another thread where Sup Forums shows everyone that everyone on Sup Forums has mommy issues


>be interested in science
>be reasonably intelligent
>be patient

literally all it takes to become a scientist. it's a meme that scientists are all geniuses. most of the work that scientists do is as tedious and mind-numbing as standard office work.

half of these women look like they pursued science because they had a chip on their shoulder. rosie-riveter headband chick did for sure.

wtf im sexist now