So goys, why not Hungary?
I'm sure we can have a nice expat community going in Budapest.
So goys, why not Hungary?
I'm sure we can have a nice expat community going in Budapest.
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Their language is hard to learn and I don't want to be a burden.
I'm considering it as a Polack, I want to guard the border
Let's flee to Soros' home! Good goy.
Because I'm chinese
Considering it. Probably no neetbux though.
because is just as shit as any other eastern european country
they might pretend they're above Poland, Slovakia, Romania and such but they aint
better than your shit hole
>Probably no neetbux though.
It's precisely the reason why we are fleeing our countries you twat, gibs are that attract sub-humans and parasites.
And me
Italy is the best country in the world though
>because is just as shit
Well, Budapest is pretty nice. You don't have to live in backwards parts of the country you know.
Also, it will always be better than people killing, raping and stealing around all day erry day.
Well, stay in Germanistan, you low-life.
If your only interest in life and for a country is neetbucks and womyns, stay and die with your sinking ship.
not for long,
All the Shitalians I've run throw my life are beta faggots with big fucking mouths. All show and no action,sad.
ITALY: Police force elderly Hotel Owner to house African Illegal Immigrants on his Property
they deserve everything whats coming for them. Fuck them no mercy!
>If your only interest in life and for a country is neetbucks and womyns, stay and die with your sinking ship
Well not my *only* interest
>stay and die with your sinking ship
>All show and no action,sad
But their brain is uncucked. The police there don't fuck around. I wouldn't bet my life on German courts or police if it's me or a migrant.
They gonna send you in prisons for speaking your own language, haven't we learnt anything from Transylvania? We had a few wars there if i remember right and all cause hungayrians were huge faggots
That's actually not a bad idea. Accept in all the successful, intelligent, nation building white folk, while the rest of Europe gets flooded in a sea of low IQ brown. Hungary becomes the next super power, along side Russia.
Imagine the possibilities.
Like a European Singapore. Would be pretty sweet.
>Bro, my cousine's wifey had a brother, and he married an american girl. You wont be burden..
Bro, here isnt a lot of jeew left.
Kek, italybro, atleast we aint look like shitskins like the italians :D
Fuck off Germanybro, you realise, that you had always a crush on the pizzanigers. And they fuck up every fucking time... When you guys start to nazi again?
Sorry, it's Singapore for me. They need ITSec guys like me and will for a while.
"The owner previously made an agreement with the government to house genuine war refugees for fair compensation as his business is in crisis.
When he was denied both fair compensation at just 7€ per migrant per day and was to receive 50 African males rather than Syrian families, he tried to bail out of the contract but couldn't."
haha get fucked greedy bastardo
>I don't want to be a burden.
basically this + i want to be able to take care of my parents when they get old and that involves staying in the same country as them
Hungary seems cool tho
Singapore is 80%+ Chinese, it's not a fun city to live in, I assure you.
I understand your feelings, it was a pretty bad felling that my mom is home and i cant help him instantly. Well ask them to come with you :)
Sometimes Hungary can be a brainfuck too, and you know not everything is going as it should. But we have something what romanians doesnt, historry :D
i fucking suck with languages
would rather go down with the ship than shit up someone elses lifeboat
That fucking kike is banned from here
Stay in your country and resist because if you flee the west is fucked we need soldier
I love you Hungary, I'll bring you lots of cheese and windmills and I won't touch your women or get on welfare when the time comes.
I heard that their languague is very difficult to learn and i wouldn't want to be like a fucking mexican speaking my own languague or a broken hungarian.
Feels bad.
If moving to east i would go to the czech rep. i think.
The modern white man burden.
Want to be nice so bad, would rather suffer and die.
I lived in several countries, not always speaking the language, and as long as you're not being a cunt, people don't really care.
Be respectful, abide by the rules, show you at least try to communicate, work hard, pay taxes, and you're good to go wherever you are.
Would they ever take working white americans?
I want to be in europe so I can help when shit goes down, would they ever let me in?
Yeah pretty much this, great as being a Hungarian border guard would be. I wouldn't want to live in a country I am not really a part of.
That being said if there was a sort of commune for Polacks fleeing progressivism going, I would probably move if I could get a job there.
So? What's so bad about that?
It's my perfect state and is located far the fuck away from where everything is gonna go down in this century(or at least I think so)
Just shut up coglione, you don't know what you're blabbering about and you Make us look retarded faggots as yourself.
Sup Forumsacks just to verify, I am in no way Polish.
>So? What's so bad about that?
Oh nothing man, you never lived in a place with a majority of Chinese apparently.
They're... Well, Chinese.
They're very different from those that are migrating to Europe.
Lets all move to Hungary and make it great with our skilled labor then!
Eastern Europe will be flooded by White trash western European escaping their own cucked nations in future once they got destroyed.that is what Nick Griffin said and he was leader of British National Party.
>let's go boys
let's go boys
>let's go boys
let's go boys
>let's go boys
let's go boys
>let's go boys
let's go boys
Please come to budapest . It is a liberal rathole we need redpilled westeners to make budapest great again.
Other parts of the country are fine but poor.
Nick Griffin was right about everything.
Greater Hungarian Empire when.
But what about when Russia and the European Union go to war
So you want to be an immigrant welfare leech?
I'd prefer Poland
I know eastern europe sounds amazing to Sup Forumsacks but
How do the average people in Hungary feel about people emigrating to Hungary? especially in the context of germans moving away from their leftie government.
Yeah, but I mean how bad can it be? I mean I have to see degeneracy every day here.
>fleeing your homeland
Hold your ground you fucking coward
Is Hungary going to be the last stand of Europa?
> let cucks who don't fight for their country into Hungary
> they vote for liberal and multiculturalism
Is Orban retarded?
Nah, I believe an ethnic cleansing will come first. Even if liberal cucks are currently in power, the common people will eventually lose their shit over multiculturalism, after which the crematoriums will be fired up.
Well, I just want a better life for me and my wife.
I was where you are, a few years ago.
But thing is, by staying here, I do not resist, I do not hold my ground.
I stay, put my family in danger, pay taxes that goes straight to those fuckers, and I am miserable.
There is no war, there is no conflict, there is no revolution, no nothing.
If there was a war, or something I COULD DO, I would think about it.
But it's not the case.
Neither I or France gain anything by having my staying.
Fleeing my home isn't for me because I still believe we can save it, but God bless Hungary.
"European" refugees, pardner.
Well Slovenia is like Hungary. Only safer. And whiter. And much better economy. And even more strict migration laws.
But there are absolutely no gibs here. You will fucking starve to death if you rely on social transfers (~200€ per month, you need at least 1k per person to live decent life, at least 600€ just to survive).
I'm pretty sure companies like Gorenje need all the french speaking folks they can get because they export a lot there.
There's nothing left to hold
The people of this country have turned their back on culture and history
>European Refugees
You don't get to complain anyway, you got a cool President.
where do you guys see this going? It's going to be race war before 2030
We will fight to the last man, but if all becomes lost it's always good to have a backup plan. Hungary will become western bro central, and conquer the world.
Fight ain't over yet germanicstan, never hurts to have an escape plan just in case
Shut up, Ireland.
>Will you take in syrian families from the warzone for reasonable compensation?
>yes I will
>Ok Mario now provide room and board for 50 fighting age African men for 350€ per day
Defeatist fags, France is still majority white and the FN has it's chances. Cowardice and defeatism is the plague of modern western civilization and should not be tolerated.
>implying i'm not already planning on moving to poland
>France is still majority white
Not for long.
>and the FN has it's chances
You can vote from outside the country you know, I did it before.
What do you suggest I do? Stay, pay taxes like a good goy, hoping something magical happen and all the shitskin evaporate into thin air?
I don't get people like this, if "globalism is inevitable goy!!" then shouldn't we go to societies that aren't hostile towards us?
Le Pen will make France Great Again!
>Le Pen will make France Great Again!
Will she make all the shitskin (25% of the population) disappear?
The answer is no, obviously.
Then she can't "make France great again".
I'd go to my ancestors homeland of Sweden (mothers side) but after seeing it falling it makes me rethink this but then again I'd love to fight back against shitskins who are attacking Swedish women.
She'd at least do something about it instead of allowing shit skins into France, you need a Nationalist leader to lead a country to have protection of THEIR citizens.
t was a popular children’s toy.
Children often attended guillotine executions, and some may have even played with their own miniature guillotines at home. During the 1790s, a two-foot-tall, replica blade-and-timbers was a popular toy in France. Kids used the fully operational guillotines to decapitate dolls or even small rodents, and some towns eventually banned them out of fear that they were a vicious influence. Novelty guillotines also found their way onto some upper class dinner tables, where they were used as bread and vegetable slicers.
Guillotine executions were major spectator events.
During the Reign of Terror of the mid-1790s, thousands of “enemies of the French revolution” met their end by the guillotine’s blade. Some members of the public initially complained that the machine was too quick and clinical, but before long the process had evolved into high entertainment. People came to the place de la Revolution in droves to watch the guillotine do its grisly work, and the machine was honored in countless songs, jokes and poems. Spectators could buy souvenirs, read a program listing the names of the victims, or even grab a quick bite to eat at a nearby restaurant called “Cabaret de la Guillotine.” Some people attended on a daily basis, most famously the “Tricoteuses,” a group of morbid women who supposedly sat beside the scaffold and knitted in between beheadings. The theater even extended to the condemned. Many people offered sarcastic quips or defiant last words before being executed, and others danced their way up the steps of the scaffold. Fascination with the guillotine waned at the end of the 18th century, but public beheadings continued in France until 1939.
Hungarians are a bit xenophobic, and already pissed since appartment prices and food prices skyrocketing because of tourists.
>implying le pen will guillotine a fucking quarter of the population and no one will stop her
the delusion
Does this mean that newborn whites in Paris are 25% or am i being retarded? I know its bad over there but it cant be this bad, r-right?
It's literally like 10%
What is it like in hungary? Is there room for a humble American librarian and army reservist?
nah m8 I have a job set up in a comfy asian country whre I will live as a solidary strawberry farmer on a mountaintop shitposting on an america based mongolian throatsinging cavepainting site... you know lile that one guy that posted a while back.
maybe buy a mail order bride from like indonesia or something and start my own little white-yellow tribe of (you)s
It means 73.4% of births in the greater Paris is Arab or Black.
There is also some Asians, not represented in this graph.
So yeah, less than 25% of births occurring in Paris and its suburbs are white.
It's _THAT_ bad.
"Paris is lost" is no meme.
A quarter of teens in France right now are not white.
How does one become a librarian? Sounds like a cozy job
big cities are a lost cause.
when i was last visiting paris it was like a battle between gypsies and the booniest blacks. like scraping the blackish patina that forms in the gene-pool over years of not cleaning it and molding it into a city that you garnish with a couple of animals that you get by setting a kfc-flytrap up in somalia.
paris is hell on earth for me.
saw a nigger there that was wearing his pants the wrong way around, you know so that the zipper was at the back?
also a homless nigger making """"music"""" by hitting a banana with his dick as """""""""""""art"""""""""". people loved it.
a multicultural hotspot of fashion and art
also they speak french 0/10
Muslims are the only demographic above replacement
Muslims have more kids when they come to France for the handouts
I'd like to move to Hungary with my family if they extend this offer to Canada.
i dont know what to do
im in a deep depression
im in finance so basically all multikulti hell holes
thinking commodities, then geneva/houston would be options
We are not abandoning this country. I came from Croatia few years ago, AND I AM NOT LETTING THE USA BE RELINQUISHED TO THE THIRLD WORLD. I hope you and every other American born male feel similar
i had a friend move there, he lives and works there, i dont think they literally give a shit as long as you're white
USA is 48% white. Are you fucking stupid? USA is least white "white" country in the world.
NEETbux are the Jewish ploy to make white goyim work to finance the breeding of shitskin goyim.
you need an university degree
This is what I'm conflicted by; the best opportunities would be in Budapest, but then at the same time so are all the libshits and skinskins which I'm trying to get away from here in the first place living in a liberal, multi-kulti large town. At the same time, while what I'd want most is to live in a small town or village, I doubt the locals would be that welcoming or accepting of foreigners and they'd be little in the way of work on offer. As much as the heartlands of Jobbik's grassroots would be appealing, I doubt they'd want me there as a white European, but non-ethnic Hungarian immigrant.
What the second and third cities like overall to live in?
Also my only other problem is what happens if the EU ends up with leaders like Macron and Schulz in place who want to go full-on ultra pro-EU, ultra-liberal and force migrants down every member states throats. Hungary won't be able to resist the entire EU on it's own and seceding would be disastrous unless a whole block like the V4 agreed to do it simultaneously in response to the EU forcing policy on them and suspending voting rights.
In 100 years they'll be better than the west. Look at my country, I can totally see people in a few decades seeking refuge in Hungary
The only problem I can see is that most hungarians don't speak english, at least the older generations don't
>as long as you're white
>tfw serbian christian mixed race mongrel
>tfw rejected by both whites and non-whites
well, we kind of deserved it as a nation, but why me???? :(
poland will never take in african/muslim rapefugees
we have enough problems with the brown germans, however they generally get fucking beaten to shit wherever they go in poland, poland literally terrifies africans/muslims
do you have any kind of concept what france and portugal are???
yeah budapest teaching english. he has a math degree. says it's 1000000000x better than canada and he has lots of hungarian friends
Depends on what your idea of fun is.
If you like spending money and chasing pussy, that norge guy will love singapore