Why do so many Sup Forums users seem to be loners, NEETs and virgins? What is it about having a relationship, a stable job, and being active in your community that makes people so bluepilled?
Why do so many Sup Forums users seem to be loners, NEETs and virgins? What is it about having a relationship...
>why are so many Sup Forums users loners, NEETs, and virgins?
Because women are scum
I have all of the 3 things you listed and still consider myself NEET. fuck off normie
>a stable job
Do you even know what NEET stands for?
Because society wont accept us if we don't accept their immoral faggotry
>be literal wage slave for half the year just to pay for shit healthcare system and subhuman shitskins
>fiscally retarded prime minister who got rid of many tax credits and income splitting
>engineers can't find jobs
>islamophobia soon to be added to the list of hate crime laws
>astronomical house prices still haven't crashed
>self-defense such a legal gray area it might as well be illegal
>expected to have a family just so wife can divorce rape me easily and kids spend most time indoctrinated by government schooling system (yes that includes private schools)
>prices distorted by everyone using easy credit frequently to make purchases
>debt crisis and recession on the horizon
>freezing cold
I can say that much for the leaf and we're not as bad as Europe. Americans are lucky enough to have Trump and freely move to States like New Hampshire.
>Why do so many Sup Forums users seem to be loners, NEETs and virgins?
I'd argue Sup Forums users are unhappy. Unhappy because NEET / virgin / outcast / whatever. Unhappy people are more able to accept the truth of the world than bluepilled normies.
That said I think its hard to get a snapshot of the entire community. I run a business and make absurd money, but im also a virgin for various reasons.
All of my friends are happy normies and don't care that Hollywood is owned by Jews, the government is stealing all of our rights etc. They are happy lapping up the soma and living their lives.
I have to admit I am degenerate enough to fap to many things
But these furries are way too disgusting and disturbing, the autism inside those suits are beyond saving
If you're accepted and functional in society, logically you will be in favour of the status quo.
1. There are so many people like that, that dont browse pol. The percentage is not so high as you may think.
2. NEET+no relationship = a lot of time. Many of people like this have the time to browse pol. Many other have the time to do something else.
Because i'm dead inside
Its what happens when you discover how pointless and sheepish the rat race is. You are discouraged and step off the horse.
The problem is people here don't race for anything after that. They just shitpost here.
>Left wing politics supposedly benefits loners, NEETs, and virgins
>They spend all day shitposting and trying to destroy the left
Hmm... really makes you think...
You can swallow red pill only if your mind is free from commonplace and petty bourgeois stuff like relationship or work. Ancient Greece and Rome reached heights in science and because all dirty work was done by slaves. Classical philosophers were basically NEETs.
>Why do so many Sup Forums users seem to be loners, NEETs and virgins
So are a lot of leftists (though slightly more successful, some have wageslave jobs or still go to college)
Losers have loser beliefs
I think it's beautiful to be honest, the people you've mentioned are completely outside of the realm of what is perceived as normal.
And what we perceive as normal includes having a house, wife, kids, favorite foot ball team, and lots of friends, but people here on Sup Forums are a product of their own society that tries to cover up any form of structural violence.
The people here on Sup Forums have lots to say about the world around them but can't say it in public because the public cannot handle the facts, they'd rather be happy 24/7 and live in their iPod/twitter/Facebook bubbles.
>tfw you went into STEM specifically to not have to deal with too many people.
NEETs are scum and should hang though.
Because the redpill is relentless and society failed us so we decided to awaken an ancient chaos god and channel his power through modern communication devices and destroy our enemies
>be red pilled furry
>lurks on Sup Forums during breaks at work
>can't say anything or else people might think I'm a dog fucking Leaf
why live?
Outsiders looking into the world and seeing what will happen, while standing on the sideline.
People who are in the middle of it cant see the developement.
Neet? I always thought it meant
This is now /gfur/
It's tiring. Putting up appearances at work, the bullshit 'comraderie' at work, pretending to love someone, the annual dinners, etc. Nothing really seems real
I'm about to reintegrate into society. Otherwise I will just end up offing myself. Time to get into shape. This is easy; society like more fit and the women are all about the chads. Practicing putting on a mask and having conversations with potential interviewers about anything on my resume (mostly bullshit). Reading textbooks to gain expert knowledge on related field. Getting my suit tailored. Getting my passports renewed. Getting the gig. Flying abroad. Finding a flat for 3k a month. Hoard as much money as possible. Become filthy rich. Acquire property. Get a fast car, a motorcycle even. Travel the world. Find some woman with decent genetics, reproduce with her, ensure my offspring survive. Wake up, go to work, come home to family, repeat until I get some brutal disease then kill myself in a hilarious way. Also try to hide the fact that I'm a psychopath and I have no real emotions or understanding of what motivates people. But I can play whatever roll society wants. I can give people whatever they desire, attention, prestige, affection, flattery, etc. It's all an act. The thing I want most is to feel alive.
What would Sup Forums do?
Reality has a well known liberal bias
It is my 4th year at uni i havent talk with anyone yet. I had no gf no friend since high school. I dont care jews, Trump or being redpilled. It is the only place that i can share what i think. It is the only place that i can have fun with my friends even though all of them hate my flag.
Read it again.
is /furry/ the ultimate redpill?
in the age of technology, autism is the new master race
But most of Sup Forums's user base are active students and other young adults who go to college and earn some money on the side. If you are looking for virgin neets, go to other boards like /jp/ or to reddit.
If digits, yes
because they are clueless about . and have nothing to give in a relationship.
ok, I'll admit I chuckled at the last panel.
Play their game, pay the price
When you are happy and comfortable you have little to no motivation to deconstruct your surroundings.
Loners, virgins, and NEETS already felt there was something wrong with either society or themselves since they didn't fit in. So they sought out understanding. Eventually, all roads lead to the Red Pill.
They realize that BOTH sides are sick and degenerate, and they discover WHY.
>pretty cold
for you
By disconnecting ourselves from society we're able to objectively observe it with an outsider's perspective.
>t. supreme gentleman
whoever made this is embedded very, very deep in the furry fandom
Because they're not mentally ill and jerk off to conspiracy theories.
I'm serious. The reason people are attracted to conspiracy theories that prove that they're "right" is because they're genuinely weak and disenfranchised in life and need some proof there's a conspiracy holding them back that only they can see. They need to make themselves feel powerful. Ergo.
"It's not my fault I can't get a girlfriend, it's the Jews!"
As such they don't improve themselves and instead steep themselves more into conspiracy theories remaining miserable but "never at fault." Because jews and sheeit.
By disconnecting yourselves from society you can blame all your loneliness and personal problems on jews and blacks and disregard personal responsibility.
>there is six million genders!
>womyn are equal to men!
>only white people are racist!
>Islam is religion of peace!
Sure, reality with liberal bias. Now tell me how diversity is our strenght.
Sup Forums is a point of convergence for several "looser" boards.
In particular...
Sup Forums Sup Forums and /r9k/
With Sup Forums being the least looser-ish of them.
Sup Forums however is NOT just Sup Forumsv/r9k/ , it also has it's own group that is unique to this board.
The group that is unique to this board are typically the AnCaps, LoLbertarians and Nazis.
All three of the groups HATE SJWs.
ALT-Right used to kind of encompassed all 3 of these groups until the Nazi's went full sperg and start chimping about how a complete nobody at the time, Richard Spencer, at some point wrote "Alternative Right" in an article.
This made the Nazis claim that "Alt-Right" is not a reactionary movement away from globalism, corporatism and big government and identity politics...
but rather "Alt-Right" means white identity politics.
This was kind of when Alt-Right became a toxic phrase every where.
I actually acknowledge that my personal problems are my own responsibility and I'm not lonely. I prefer to isolate myself since I'm an introverted sociopath with no interest in relationships of any kind, the only ones I have are out of necessity.
No matter what you do liberals will still think Sup Forums is a neo-nazi board. It isnt because of Nazis went full sperg.
Nice straw men there kiddo. Real arguments are hard for conservacucks I suppose.
Are you sure you are not the one projecting your insecurities on right-wingers and Sup Forums?
>Nice strawman arguments bro.
It can't be disagreed that a large number of people on earth do not fit within the gender binary. Its better to think of it on a scale rather than a set number. Whether this is a mental illness or not, and as to what the best treatment option is, is still up for debate.
Women are equal to men. Doesnt mean they're the same as men. We think differently, have different bodies and different brains.
Any race can be racist. Asians are one of the most racist people on earth with eastern Europeans probably tying them off.
Every argument you used a tiny minority of the population believes in. I very much doubt you talk to many people in real life.
I can see you get your view of people from cringe videos and Sup Forums liberal hate threads.