My Father wprks for the CIA as did my grandfather and 2 of my uncles. What you all fail to understand is that we need continuity and the voting public is, by necessity, ignorant of how the world works.
At some point to save the nation we have to step in and make sure there is an acceptable person in the oval office that understands boundaries.
Its for the greater good of all and you have to trust your intelligence community to guide this nation.
My Father wprks for the CIA as did my grandfather and 2 of my uncles...
Other urls found in this thread:
My dad works for Nintendo and
at some point the people will rise up and gas the kikes running the CIA, faggot.
My dad is the President and what you don't undestand is that I've been pulling the strings all along, CIA.
I have judged you and found you wanting.
I'm my dad's dad.
I am not larp ing here. I am dead seriois. You people are in the dark and have no clue what you are doing. We need a strong, independent intelligence community making sure the publoc doesnt do anything rash.
Trump jas no business in office when Hillary was the better, steady choice
Don't make me call Igor and Grichka!
you have to go back to Israel
I am dad of my two grandfathers who works for CIFBI. You need to be dragged into a street and beaten to the death with rusted dildo.
You're really blowing it, then.
really shit tier trolling user
My family is actually from the Mayflower itself. You're the tourist.
Again none of you have access to the I formation and data that the CIA does so there is no reason to expect voters to make the correct chlice.
> Hillary was the better, steady choice
thinks we don't know how the world works go back to watching CNN
Trump woll be ran out of office for the good of the nation.
My great great great grandpa taught law to Thomas Jefferson before the country existed, nigger. And you know what, we BTFO'd potentates then, and we'll keep doing it. There is no 'choice' sanctioned by princelings like you. You will be BTFO'd as is American tradition.
Do you have access to intelligenc briefings? There is no reason for the CIA/NSA tp answer to a bunch of ignorant hicks and their leader.
Anything else other than "do what I say because I'm right and you're wrong"?
my ex-gf had an uncle who she said worked for CIA and he had a storage shed they couldn't find when he died. I was thinking it was a cache of weapons and upset they didn't get a PI to find it.
Other than that's their job and they'll all be fired soon? You're a fucking idiot, jew.
Its not "princelings" but rather patriots. Only so many people may know the truth of what happens so it makes sense for those selected few to have more input than others who are in the dark.
How can you possibly argue that the stupid shoild rule and direct people who are informed?
Which will result in civil war, you realize that, right?
Intel and politicians live in a bubble world, they have no clue what ordinary people think and feel
>sage this shit
You can't even spell...or you're misspelling words on purpose.
the CIA serves the president, not the other way around, faggot. If you don't even understand the basic structure of government, what can be said?
fuck the status quo
Nah. If you kill /impeach Trump it will not end well.
We will drag you out in the streets one day.
Keep pushing the most volatile president in history and see what happens. He won't go down quietly.
very believable post dave. but youre still going to jail for touching kids.
> fired
No one is getting fired. There are ontelligence dossiers on every single person on capital hill and if there was a purge those fules would be leaked to save the nation.
We can count on the legislature and the courts to protect the agency
Ordinary people have no clue what is going on so it is idiotic to let them guide the nation.
The CIA works WITH the POTUS
So why are you so informed if it's not you working in the CIA? Do you share state secrets during a family dinner? Your dad and grandfather should be executed for leaking secret info.
So you want one party rule in perpetuity. Way to fail at understanding the basics of democratic governance.
Quit Larping and start to protest on the streets, youre going down burgers.
You and your father won't be spared when the day of the rope comes.
Kek "save the nation"--you kikes want us all to die in nuclear hellfire in a pointless war with Russia. Get fucked you jew faggot.
None have a clue exept you right? Like those WMD in Iraq. Fuck off shill kys
Your family will hang for treason
Trump is a big pussy. Shame if embarrasing details about his wofe (sex tape) or daughter leaked. Shame if allegations of child abuse leads to those grandkids being taken by the police .
>the voting public is, by necessity, ignorant
it's your fault though
1. LARPer
2. I'll hang your whole family in the street faggot
3. Shill and SAGE
Yeah but who decides what is rash and what is not. The people never voted for you. You have no justifiable claim to rule over anyone.
>lets nuke russia for hacking my emails
>i'm the better steady choice
Actually guidance by a informed group is a better way to avoid war as opppsed to a rabble of people putting a dangerous lunatic in office who harms the intelligence community.
> We must turn a blind eye to evil because muh greater good
kys big guy
That would be nice if it was true. Only the intell community has been co-opted since its inception, I suggest you read economic hitman. Corporations run those agencies and use subcontractors to profit off the American people. Everything from the vietnam war to the war in afghanistan is to fatten the pockets of some corporate shills. The problem is , There are those in the agency that genuinely want to do good for the country and have risked their lives to do so, Yet they don't understand that they are nothing but pawns to the braintrust. Your father and grandfather were the latter.
LOL nice thread john, you cuck haha btw guys john is my friend he was just messaging me on steam about how easy this board is to troll he said he would make a thread about his dad being CIA and get over 50 replies in less than an hour.. cant believe it actually worked lmaooo
>we must defend democracy because democracy doesn't work
I can't wait until he fires them all. Every single one of them out begging on the streets for shekels. I spit in your face you little boy. You little jewish boy.
>B-but muh Queen Slayyy
Fuck off CTR 2
Bill Casey believed all terrorism anywhere in the world was centrally orchestrated by the KGB.
He seriously believed that.
Just let that sink-in for a moment.
You think you are the informed one?
Maybe it shoild be limited toa small, vote on decisions amongst themselves.
Trump clearly shows the public cant decide what is best for them
And where did William Casey end up?
>DEAD with a brain tumor for his troubles, Mysteriously he ended up like that when he was supposed to testify under iran contra.
The only reason you are alive is because Trump is in office. You must turn him or stand aside. Any other option ends in your death.
You're a smart boy. Don't do anything stupid.
get stuffed
The World works the way we make it work
We are not impotent victims of some unseen hand we are the motivator...
You will comply with the will of our president or you will be removed.
this. It shows you how leftists are actually stalinists and would kill everyone to get everything 'orderly' according to the jewish way of thinking. All the goyim in order. Communism=Judaism in action.
It's about power. Otherwise, why don't the CIA little faggots go make their own little CIA country if that's the case? They surely have the necessary resources.
Funny, I had a friend whos mother we supposed worked for CIA. She said she worked in finances to my friend, said he never saw he with or around anything financially related, his father didnt really know what she did and didnt press it. Friend committed suicide two years after highschool, his family was fucked up, never around and cold as fuck. She was mum and definitely doing shady shit. If you were really intel, you wouldnt be coming out and here of all places.
Trump Running Up Against Cintinuity of Government.
Since 9/11, the USA has secretly been in war-time mode. This affects government processes and structures. That is what Trump is running into and being resisted by. The 'Deep State' has been in WW3 mode since 9/11 and regards the legislative, judicial and executive branches as merely aesthethic.
Maybe should your boss Nancy Pelosi when a Flynn twitter account is fake so she doesnt cite your intelligence agenda then look like a total dumbass.
This shows how they're full of shit and just seeking to use the populace unwise to their treachery as a sugar-daddy.
Kek if this were real, yes you'd be unhappy because you can't buy trump.
if anything trump exposed the CIA and the IC. now people know for sure they are not impartial and will go against the will of the people.
>Its for the greater good
It's not, now fuck off.
Oh God. Look, you people have no clue how to run things. Over generations each fsmily in oir intelligence community teaches the nnexxt generation about reality.
You cant expect tje son of some plumber to have an equal understandong of the world as fhe son of an intelligence officer. I am not saying they shouldnt be allowed to vote I am just saying they shouldnt be allowed to force thier ignorance onto agencies that know better staffed by educated people.
>you have to trust your intelligence community to guide this nation.
Blind trust - is something you can give to a normal human.
You can't trust them to be on time for work or stay until cloks over, if there is no way to know they did.
You can't trust people to pay all the taxes they supposed to pay. That's why checks are done.
You can't trust people to always tell the truth even when sworn to do so. But courts would have it a lot easier if they did.
The human mind isn't designed to gain an opportunity (trust) without using it to its own (or its kids) advantage. Natural selection has made sure of that.
That's why you can't trust anyone, and especially not people who can hide under various labels of "secret - for your protection, not mine".
Everything needs to be confirmed by people from the community so we can build a strong society instead of a deep state.
Oh yeah? Well, I'm CIA.
That's why I voted him in. I voted for Ron Paul in '12 in '08. I voted for Bardnarik in '04.
yeah like all those rape (((accusations))) stuck and lost him the election right faggot? i fantasize about dragging you into the street and killing you with my bare hands. i only pray that God will grant me a long enough life to fulfill this dream.
you aren't a patriot, you are a traitor
same difference. You're saying their vote shouldn't be counted. You're still full of shit.
> Oh God. Look, you people have no clue how to run things.
That's why someone smarter than you and your dad wrote this book explaining everything.
Have you read it?
Then stop larping, faggot.
No shit. We are at war and if you strangle the war effort you are harming the nation. Sometimes it is necessary to.suspend certain things and institutions to save the nstion.
The constitution isnt a suicide pact.
Hear me, and hear me well. The day will come. Oh yes! Mark my words, CIA fag. Your day of reckoning is coming, when an evil wind will blow through your little play world and wipe that smug smile off your face. And I'll be there, in all my glory, watching, watching as it all comes crumbling down.
My dad works for Nintendo. Check mate.
I'm an American, as were my father and grandfathers before me. What you have to realize is that the CIA doesn't really understand the world or America. What we need is competence and loyalty, so every once in a while we have to step in and elect someone who will purge your agency of the idiots and traitors running it.
>The CIA works WITH the POTUS
Wrong. The CIA works at the pleasure of the POTUS. Every single person can be fired and replaced by the POTUS alone.
>Trusts CIA
Never dude,never
Stop funding genocide you stupid faggots.
>At some point to save the nation we have to step in and make sure there is an acceptable person in the oval office that understands boundaries.
What is the CIA charter? Oh that's right, excludes you working inside of the United States. So fuck off.
>Its for the greater good of all and you have to trust your intelligence community to guide this nation.
I am also in the intelligence community and I'm telling you that you don't have all the facts
do you think that it's safe to allow people who are even more brazen and reckless than this guy are somehow more acceptable?
also why do you give a shit, no matter who it is doesn't make a lick of difference, you guys have to come to terms with hanging Clinton and friends out to dry, just whack them, did you see their tweets in response to the Flynn resignation?
they're fucking dangerous morons, shut them down before they harm the system more than they already have,
kek--I get this image in my head every time a liberal pretends to care about the future of America or humanity, or when kikes pretend to be patriotic. It's embarrassing.
Sounds like the cia is the one that doesn't understand boundaries
yea he needs to do what Reagan did to the Air traffic controller strike in the 80s. Fire them all.
>We need a strong, independent intelligence community making sure the publoc doesnt do anything rash.
like it wasn't the intelligence community who created the weather underground?
get lost bozo, you have no idea
>mountain nigger telling me not to trust my own government
You're either retarded or not even trying. Go LARP on leddit faggot.
>What is the CIA charter?
the CIA charter enabled the CIA to found new organizations and to alter their own charter, the CIA as chartered was gone about 10 seconds after they came into existence
Fuck both of you guys. Kikes need to get out of this country. We're not your goddam piggy bank you faggots. OUT OUT OUT!
>Proud to come from a long line of government workers...
Kill yourself nigger
>an acceptable person in the oval office that understands boundaries
You mean like bringing drugs across the border and installing puppet dictatora in third world countries? Oh wait that was the CIA....
Fuck the cia. You kid rapists and cannibals need to burn.
Yeah, go over there. You need to stay back.
>Kikes need to get out of this country.
you realize that the intelligence community and CIA specifically was founded by nazis, the actual exact same nazis who run Hitler's machine?
but you know jews nazis it's basically the same thing
Lazy trolling, its a subtle art user
What were the tweets about?
>Fuck the cia. You kid rapists and cannibals need to burn.
most of the CIA is not child fuckers, just certain groups of them
a disproportionate number are the victims of child abuse however