Is making children and raising them the only true, objective sense of life? Why do anything if you don't want children? Anything you do if worth jack shit as one day you will die and the government will take away all your belongings as you can't give them to your children. Your living enemies will also make sure that your image gets corrupted as there are no children to defend your image and protect your ideas from being stolen.
Always look at the
That's a vagina.
Nah, it's just your perverted mind playing tricks on your consciousness.
People who don't watch porn see dolphins in this picture.
>perverted mind
*healthy mind
You have a lot to learn.
>never saw this vagina reference to Maria
>3rd time in 2 days i see this shit froatling around
nice try ((((((((((((scholomos))))))))))))))))))
no. its a pussy if i ever saw one
No it's not.
Life is about enjoying yourself, and then you die.
The end.
Life's one big fat joke, might as well enjoy the ride.
Kid's are not something I'd enjoy, so I don't want them.
Inb4 ''hurr millenial'', I'm 28 and have been in a relationship for over 6 years.
No marriage for me either, as it also adds litterally nothing.
In a sense yes. The purpose of life is to create more life. The meaning, is up to you.
Why are you here?
Kill yourself.
You're losing your touch, Australia.
Who gives a shit about what happens after you die? You are going to die anyway and there is nothing that changes that
You can't achieve true happiness without kids. You can't win with your instincts.
Would it even be obscene? I mean it could just be a reference to Mary being the mother of Christ.
I can freeze my brain in China ;^
Of course you can, all you need is bitches and money.
Are you sure it will be really you after they unfreeze the brain?
Watch some Jordan B Peterson to help sort yourself out.
From an evolutionary perspective there is only survival and extinction of a species. Species that continue their own survival are less likely to die out than a suicidal species.
So in the end you have some free will outside your genetic programing. Not as much free will as you might hope, but it is still there. So sort yourself out and make decisions for yourself.
>Why do anything if you don't want children?
Because I want to.
> Anything you do if worth jack shit as one day you will die and the government will take away all your belongings as you can't give them to your children.
I can give my possessions to whoever I want to give them to. Nifty little thing called a will.
>Your living enemies will also make sure that your image gets corrupted as there are no children to defend your image and protect your ideas from being stolen.
Why would I care if people steal my ideas after I'm dead? Who on earth would try to 'corrupt my image'? I am not some historical figure. I do not think I need to worry about this.
Bitches and money get boring at some point. Children can make you happy until you die, long after your dick stops working.
Post more of these illusions
Yea...we are a piece of the puzzle we call an eco system. We have the natural desire to procreate and continue new life no matter how shitty and hard it is. Just like an insect, or any other animal.
We are nothing.
Not really. Its just a body part. But a vulva is inherently sexual due to its function. But the OP image isn't subtle at all.
I always knew the virgin mary was a disgusting roastie
Sure. The chemical information and structure will remain the same. You are your brain. There is no such thing as a soul.
Some would argue, that there isnt a free will, and everything is controlled by your genetics and surroundings.
Where are the dolphins? I MUST KNOW!!!
Sure kid, just ask 99% of married men how happy they are.
That's bullshit and you know it.
I prefer my freedom and be able to do stuff I want.
Also, pregnant women are fucking disgusting, I doubt I could be near my gf during that time.
If you want to be reductionist and try to come up with the most objectively true "meaning of life", procreation is the bottom line. Nothing more nothing less.
If you don't have children, you are L I T E R A L L Y failing at life.
But because we as humans are not merely biological, instinct-driven creatures, we can come up with all kinds of different shit to justify why we do what.
Imo, the "deeper" meaning, beyond just "reproduce", is to ensure your children have it "better" than you. What "better" means is pretty subjective. I don't think for the average westerner, having more material wealth, more money, more and bigger and newer "things" is really better.
I think spiritual and moral wealth is what we are lacking mostly, not material. I'd prefer my children to grow up in a "simpler" life, without a lot of shiny things, but rather a spiritually, morally and socially healthy life.
the light should be at the top, at her hands
Once you hit 30-35 (depending on your IQ) you will change your mind.
We are nothing?
Fuck that, we are everything.
I want biological life to consume the galaxy. Us carbon-based lifeforms are meant to rule the stars, and the way we do that is by inventing things and fucking like crazy.
If my descendants/cousins rule the stars then my life was a success.
I will conquer the galaxy even if it is not in my lifetime
Yea, however after reading some stuff about cloning and possibility of teleportation, i think there is risk, that you are going to die and dissapear and other you is going to start existing.
sick fuck
You're a misanthrope and therefore an enemy to all humans.
You are vermin. A toxic by-product of civilisation left to grow by disinterested and impotent task masters.
Your existence is a stain on human ethics and an embarrassment to all of humanities ancestors, those better men and women that fought for humanities apex spot in the known Universe.
Neck yourself Geralt de la Toilet Cleaner.
>nofap day 24
>first time I manage to see the dolphins
it's working goys
He's right, a healthy mind is designed to find human faces as quickly as possible. There's clearly human faces there, so a healthy mind would see those and deduce the shape of the bodies.
you would have to keep all the tissue of the entire CNS or your entire life after would be boiling agony of phantom limbs
Lol Eurofag
"Kids add nothing" is the stupidest sentiment ever.
Glad your genes will die with you, you waste of life.
To add to that, I'd add that it's to learn how to love perfectly. That takes a lifetime, and can only be accomplished through several generations.
> God is perfect love
> God is a perfect parent
> A perfect parent loves perfectly
> Takes a lifetime
> Parent starts to love when they first become a parent
> Parent still doesn't know shit
> Parent learns some shit
> Children become new parents
> Parent is now new grandparent
> New Grandparent can teach new parent some shit if new parent lets them
> You learn most through teaching
> New Grandparent learns love through teaching love
> New Parent is better parent than new grandparent was
> Child is better child than progenitors
> People die actually understanding what it was all about
> Humans embody love ad infinitum
> Hey look, we're God
If you replicate a brain atom by atom you will crate another you for that moment. As soon as both brains start to gather new information they will become two different minds. But, you will still have the same wiring and memories so it will be you but with a different set of new memories. He will be a snapshot of you at the point in time of his creation. That's why you need multiple clones.
Have children or not, you will be equally miserable.
Sure mate.
I'm sure you'd change your mind if you had an active social life too.
of course biologically it is you, however the present you isnt in control of the body, so at the same time it isnt "you"
The body is a blob of autonomous cells. You are the information. One of the possible ways a brain can be wired. You can have a brain dead vegetable that lives just fine as long as you feed it.
In his defense its 3:15am here. The bantz, they start lacking energy and fucks given diminish quickly.
>objective sense of life
Only objective sense of life is proliferation of germ line. Something pond scum does pretty well.
>Why do anything if you don't want children?
For yourself?
To support parents?
To increase wealth of extended family you are part of?
>will take away all your belongings as you can't give them to your children.
Write a will and pass your shit to more reproductively successful branch of your family.
Tldr. You are an abstraction layer on your brain. Create an artificial brain with idendical connection structure as yours and you will be able to copy a yourself.
Larp more. That will never happen. Were all going to die, just like the dinosaurs.
>if i ever saw one
I came here to say the same thing
Almost every depiction of Mary is basically a vagina.
That's what happens when you steal a religion from pagans.
If Mary was a virgin how did Jesus get through her hymen?
Lmfao. I thought you were trolling and had just drawn random circles. Took me over 30 seconds see those fucking dolphins with someone specifically pointing the little cunts out. Man I need to sleep.
Since you ended up seeing them I think there is still hope for your soul.
We both won't have kids.
I by choice, you because you're an unsightly fat little creature.
Not really. As every 7 ish years or so every atom that was "you" has been replaced with a new one. So those memories you have as a child running around playing etc, is not the same person that is looking at this website.
The atoms change but the structure remains the same. Atoms don't keep any relevant information in them. The fact that your brain erases unused memories after some time is what makes you a different person. That's why the structure defines who you are, not memories. You can have no conscious memories but you will still solve problems in the same way only because your brain is wired in a certain way.
He didn't
How was Joseph ok with some "angel" raping his wife?
But how did everyone know, did she show her hymen to everybody in town? sounds like a scam to me
That logic is flawed, people are assholes.
There is no J in the Hebrew alphabet.
Also no evidence that any of that shit happened, outside the bible not related to the bible (referenced from)
Freedom, money, (((bitches))) - Everyone wants these, but once you have gained all of them you will one day want kids, it may sound completely foreign and useless to some of you right now but it is human nature to create offspring.
It may take 5, 10, 20 or 30 years until you realise the happiness and love of raising your own creation but this concept is ruined by the fact that most women also want their own version of 'freedom, money, liberation'
By the time both sides realise what they really want it would already be too late for most, there's a reason the top elite have a 'strong family', just look at Trump - he has complete trust in his offspring to support him and also take rein of his empire, the wife may be questionable to some, but it's the offspring and how they are raised that counts.
>tl;dr - Don't be quick to dismiss creating offspring, there are many benefits if done right (especially with a good wife, even if they are hard to find)
You will be unhappy with children too.
Yeah but what I'm saying is in regards to the teleportation/death/cloning aspect. Even if teleported and copied, you will still be you even if every atom is different.
> People are assholes
> Flawless logic
If you believe that you are the information than you would be a-ok with killing yourself in one place and getting rebuild in another.
Prove me wrong asshole.
Dat shit is pretty spooky senpai too bad hollywood turned it into a shitty movie with a retard plot
Because I am not allowed to breed
>t your perverted mind
I hate christcucks so much
Why is there a glowing egg in that picture?
so we should give him links to degenerated porn so it can go back to normal
Only if an identical twin is a copy of yourself, which it isn't.
At the end of the day, that's the official purpose of all of us. Very few of us leave any lasting impact on the world other than offspring. It's called continuance.
I'd only see dolphins if they weren't stuck in a weird little bottle cave shaped like two people
>I doubt I could be near my gf during that time
lol you wont be thinking that when it happens unless you're a piece of shit
> God is perfect love
> God is a perfect parent
No. Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only object in life. Reproducing is encouraged by God the Father, though.
I will have kids but only if I'm allowed to raise them on a 100% McDonalds diet like my parents raised me, and how they were raised as were their parents before them
You sir are a homossexual.
No wonder why Europe is fucked.
kek was waiting on that
>implying isaac newton was worth jack shit
life is a game, the goal is to win the war of all against all and be the only one left standing.
100% of married couples my age (milleneals) are happy. Boomers and Xers btfo
I am here to write my thoughts and pontificate.
I may or may not breed if only to teach my offspring classical literature from a young age and instill within them the love of wisdom.
there is no true objective or purpose to life you dumb pole
Well it's not about making shekels either
Based Aquafresh.
Yes, don't reproduce Goyim.
you have no way to substantiate the claim that the purpose of life is to procreate. you can't even demonstrate that the purpose of hearts is to pump blood, because purpose is not intrinsic. it takes only the slightest of introspection to reach this obvious truth, most people manage to do so but they choose to ignore it.
Shekels give you power in life. Their benefits are visible.
When you die, you cease to exist, and that is the end, so why concern yourself with the future?
schlomo pls
you're a retard
I never suggested anything to the contrary; only implied that you certainly have a vested interest here.