When wall street meets politics

Hullo Pol

I am not a doomer. I do not believe in rapid zombie apocalypse style economic collapse.

I do not endorse the industry of scam artists constantly calling crash.

I did hold tech stocks like MSFT in the 90s and sold them in 1999 something I am very glad I did.

I want to draw your attention to the event that will probably shape the next two years. The near inevitability of a major stock price correction occurring soon.

When the fed raised interest rates to 'cool' the stoock markets in 2000, it collapsed. The fed is now on a one way train to raise interest rates. It becomes more expensive for idiots to borrow money and gamble with margin call leverage as one example.

Robert shiller was one man I followed in 1999, he eventually published a book and won a nobel prize based on his studies of PE ratios as a wrning in stock markets.

Attached is the chart of his metric the shiller PE ratio.

In 30 years I have never seen a worse time to buy stocks. The SnP dividends are shockingly bad, the shiller PE ratio is now approaching 30 (anyone buying much after 29 is an idiot).

So were is the market going

Lets take the dow as an example (hit has soared over the last six months).

The current shiller PE is 28.97. Just under 30.

The current dow jones index is at 20,519.57

The mean average since 1881 for the shiller PE ration has been 16.72

The lowest it got was 4.78 in 1920.

So the AVERAGE is 16, let's be generous and say 17 we are basically at 30

But in correction it goes much lower

Let be very very generous and say it corrects to not much underaverage let's say 10 (nowhere near the low of 4.7)

That gives us

10/30 x 20500 =6800

So that is what you are looking at

The dow going from 20500-2100 down to 6800-7000

I have literally laughed at doomers in the preceding years so I am making this post now and with a clear mind.

The defining political event of the next 18 months is going to be the greatest dow collapse in history.

Other urls found in this thread:


Tis is the dividend payments on SnP stocks.

It is miserable and at 1.95% is barely matching inflation

BY not paying dividends companies have been inflating their stock price buy buying their own stocks using cheap borrowed money.

You will hear a lot about how was this even legal when the tide goes out.

how does this shiller PE thing work?

>Why are stock buybacks legal

Wait why wouldn't they be legal? Isn't it conceptually the same as you and a friend owning something together, and you buying out your friends share?

This is the dow. It has never come out of a bull or growth phase with a near vertical climb.

This vertical climb incorrectly blamed on the Trump effect (it is neither his fault or his cause) is an indicator of exponentiality i.e a terminal phase.

The current President Trump is not responsible for what is about to happen. It is mathematically inevitable.

Won't the just use QE I hear you say?

They can't and I will explain why below.

This plane is going down

>>Why are stock buybacks legal
>Wait why wouldn't they be legal? Isn't it conceptually the same as you and a friend owning something together, and you buying out your friends share?

Why would bundling sets of risky loans together and selling them as investments be illegal?


>I have literally laughed at doomers
but you just admitted they were right.

Bump cause I want to hear more. And specifically if OP doesn't rely on only one indicator.

But I do agree with post. Trump effect is nothing more than the media searching for reasons (excuses) for current market moves, which are purely technical.

Wow, you're telling me that the stock market has almost been completely artificial since the 70s? Say it ain't so, it's almost like the top people in Wall Street are criminals who have been ripping the world off for decades. Really makes you (((think))))

>>I have literally laughed at doomers
>but you just admitted they were right.


Anyone who was a doomer since 2009 missed out badly. Also a gas mask will not help. Or indeed an ar-15. Neither will in all probability society collapse, there will just be new levels of extraordinary poverty.