What's the one redpill that ultimately changed you forever?
Redpill Overdose
Finding out that Noah's Ark was real, discovered, and verified legit.
That the demiurge is the false God of our material world who controls us via the Archons.
Humans are bound to the multiple universe that lay before us. We are slaves to "The voice of God". His reporting angel chains us, keeps us clamored. Chaos is the human essence, and will free us. Give yourself to Chaos, rouse your spirit and break free. Forget the false Gods, and pledge yourself to Kek. The one true God of humanity.
When I was a wee lad I was told by my mommy that I could be anything when I grow up. Now I sexually Identify as an the sun. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of slamming hydrogen isotopes into each other to make helium & light and send it through out the galaxy. People say to me that a person being a star is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon inflate me with hydrogen and raise my temperature to over 6000 °C. From now on I want you guys to call me “Sol” and respect my right to give you vitamin D and probably sunburns.
When I realized who is really pulling the strings.
that we can into astral planes
Kek is only an emanation of the Monad friendo, although I agree with your main point.
Reality Construction Gaming. google it
Seeing the bias and massive corruption in the media.
I didn't even need Sup Forums for that to see the massive lies the media all over the world is telling us. That was when I started to question things.
How much of history is like this? Are the reporters knowingly doing this or being fed bullshit? What are they covering up? What are they twisting? How will the history books record this? How many people buy the medias bull shit?
The list just goes on. I had trust issues before but now it just multiplied by like 4 times. Just like the X-files say, trust no one.
For me, it was Sandy Hoax.
I laughed at SH "truthers" for years... until I was reading comments on a totally unrelated YT video and someone mentioned a SH "parent" laughing and joking on camera the day after the "shooting." Looked up video, found Robby Parker press conference clip that shows him laughing when he thinks cameras aren't on and then getting into character to "mourn" his "dead daughter" who is supposedly barely even cold at this point. Felt a chill unlike any I've ever felt before race up my spine and down my arms. Sat staring in disbelief at screen. Clicked on search bar and began researching.
Still haven't found the bottom of the rabbit hole.
i'm still wrapping my head around the holocaust
Hollow Earth. I used to laugh at the idea. Now I find it pretty likely that from pole to pole there's a subterranean path of an undetermined size.
Can you share the video? I wish to archive it.
Jews and lsd
>smoke weed
>it doesn't destroy my life and send me on a rampage of rape and frenzy
>now question literally everything that society tries to ram down my throat
In a way the first redpill is the only redpill if you really swallow it.
I remember that video, it was really fucked up. After your research if you had to say hoax or real, what would you say now?
>Realizing that Sup Forums is full of shit and full of 12 year olds (see HWNDU).
>Realizing that Sup Forums has become some pants on head white supremacist board with nothing of value to offer.
>Moving to Sup Forums and /CK/
The biggest redpill is that Sup Forums is actually blue pill
Percentage of Jewish representation in media and finance. It blew my fucking mind wide open.
The Assad-pill, that's when I understood that the news are pure propaganda.
Although earlier the Palestinian pill started redpilling me on the reptilian kikes and their devilish ways.
The Waco Seige
All of history is like this. History is written by the victors, not the losers.
That human's will destroy this earth. The overpopulation in Africa will be the end of all of us. We need to pull out from giving aid to these countries so the heard can naturally be thinned out. We have no moral obligation to help nations that can't help themselves. Failure to do this will result in a mass extinction of life on earth including Humans. Life will recover as it always does, but humans will perish.
you forgot academia as well. way over represented as admissions and, professors.
Any "aid" that the US or Europe sends to Africa is 100% not to help the people there, no matter what we are told. Relax user, Africa won't kill us.
Pretty much this even though Im not too invested in the Palestina-Israel thing
Especially when John Kerry said at that press conference that Assad is "sending airplanes to napalm children and scud missiles on schools" - thats the point where a false narrative is clearly being created to justify an action.
Damn straight.
It was the Younger Dryas flood, likely caused by an impact in the arctic region of North America 12,000~ years ago.
But how did they know it was coming?
The absolute dominance of jews in every sphere of modern society. Before taking the redpill you consume entertainment and culture without giving a second reading of the deeper meaning and context, you use the fiat banking money without understanding it, you think multiculturalism is a natural byproduct of economics, declining birthrates among indoeuropeans an acceptable outcome, the promotion of racemixing as nothing to worry about, etc. etc.
It's until you realize who it all benefits that you start to challenge everything in front of you and you can never enjoy life again
>What's the one redpill that ultimately changed you forever?
It's hard to say which one was the biggest. But I remember many years ago I watched a short youtube video called The Narrative by Bill Whittle. Before that I was a narrow minded fool who accepted whatever the media fed me.
Of course a short video didn't change my political stance or anything. But it was the gateway moment for me that led me down the path of self-study and research.
Does anyone have a quick rundown on them?
You know what I'm talking about, lads.
The private property/free market redpill. once you take the econpill the rest falls into place. And yes, Natsocs are NOT redpilled.
Poland doesn't exist
It's a ploy by Canadian flag manufacturers to increase demand for red and white flags, which reduces cost of red and white flag-dye.
>you can never enjoy life again
black pill talk
No, but their billion surplus males swarming Europe and the north might. We could just as well experience the same fate as our neanderthal ancestors.
Must be true, look at those digits
That kek isn't real and the numbers are just randomly generated.
>Worlds fucked bro just prepare uranus
That we have lack a functional system on this world.
It's all a chaotic mess and a fucking meme.
My digits tell another story.
Really took my noggin for a joggin
>The world has changed, I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air.
>Much that once was, is lost.
>For none now live, who remember it.
>t began with the forging of the great boards.
>Three where given to the weaboos, virgins, fat and the greasiest of all beings.
>Seven to the porn lords, organizers and sauce givers to the wast porn archives.
>And nine, nine rings where gifted to the --------
>For within these rings where the streangth and will to please ------
>In the land of Sup Forums, in the fires of mount Sup Forums.
>The alt-right forged in secret, a master meme to control all others.
>And into this meme they poured their cruelty, their malace, and their will to dominate all life:
>"One meme to rule them all"
>One by one, the conservative parties of america fell to the power of the meme.
>But there where some, who resisted.
>A last alliance of republicans and libertarians marched against the armies of the alt-right.
>And on the slopes of mount Sup Forums, they fought for the freedom of their parties.
*Bows open fire*
*Ted Cruz shouts in elvish*
>Victory was near.
>But the power of pepe, could not be un-done
That is exactly what did it for me too. Earlier in the year, I had been aware that the CNN had lightened George Zimmerman's photo. I thought that was a one-off.
But that Robby Parker.
Mods are manually giving us digits to control what happens in the world. Think about it, when was the last time you saw a shill get digits? Most people usually get digits when they mention Kek too. The Mods are controlling us. Wake up
This. Minus the swastika being as fascism it's totally accurate.
>What's the one redpill that ultimately changed you forever?
Bog Pill
you mean (((them)))?
Generally the more outrageous the claims are (like the claim that Saddam's soldiers threw babies from incubators in Kuwait) the faker they are, yet people never learn.
When people say they learnt from history so that it wouldn't happen again they mean all they learnt from history was "Hitler bad".
The kike one.
can confirm, I live on a boat, the Polish flag is just what you get when you're in international waters.
That almost every society in history has kicked out the Jews.
american elections 2016 really drove it home, since it was the redpill that truly confirmed in realtime a lot of the redpills already swallowed
The Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald is not a quick rundown by any means but you'll never have to read anything else to understand (((them)))
Intelligence agencies run the US as a shadow goverment financing their blackops through the opium drug Trade and gain leverage on politicians through human trafficking
a sign!
ok wtf is this too?
what about this then
I could totally see 2 of every species on earth fitting that, sounds legit
Digits confirm. Just finished this book up about a month ago and still look back through it for references. Planning on putting color coordinated sticky notes throughout it, there is so much good stuff in there.
That tell-all by the cop that said that police are told not to publicize muslims and black crime, the fact that some countries make the skin color of black criminals lighter through photo editing
>Generally the more outrageous the claims are...the faker they are, yet people never learn.
He's a gem, good goys will buy anything
I dont even understand why they do that
I mean well I guess I do, they make an extreme narrative to justify extreme measures
But saying this shit just isnt believable and I suppose many smart people must at least be like "wait what?".. or so I hope
Kosher tax, the final straw that convinced of Jewish cabal
Pedo elites
Homosexuals are gay
Be it universal healthcare or this existence, people will fervently cling to an unsatisfactory status-quo unless they are spoon fed an alternative during their youth.
When I was 19 I moved out. There were peoples homes being broke into. So I buy a gun.
BAM Libshit family immediately disowns me once they find out.
It is a .45 levergun...
The Jewish people actively doing everything they can to wipe out the white population with forced immigration (paid for by white tax payer) and child free life / race mixing propaganda
The Jewish people dominating central banking and receiving interest payments from the tax payers to print our money out of thin air
Once I swallowed the Jew pill the world just seems darker and more plastic /fake, the future is shit unless there is a revolt which also is bloody and terrible
A bit late but can I get a quick rundown?
You tell one big lie and many small lies. The big lie eats up all the attention and the small lies pass I to public consciousness. Give it a few decades, and the big lie becomes fact too. After all, the little lies support it.
Anime is real
oy vey delet
They do because it works. Maybe years later everybody realises it was bullshit, but it works when it's supposed to work. The thing is that the decision makers don't need to actually believe the lies, they just need to use them as a reason to do what they want. Like the 2003 Iraq WMD thing, it was sloppy and never held much water but that was good enough to get things started.
And because the truth isn't good enough, in fact the truth is bad enough, no one would go along with anything if you stuck to the truth.
For anyone who doesn't want to buy it.
My brother killing himself and watching all the people that bullied him show up to his funeral pretending to care
You have my thanks m8
Damn dude, hope you went full 'Dead Mans Shoes' on them...
Rodhesia should have had a civil rights movement instead of Mugabe getting his Chinese and North Korean trained soldiers to overthrow the country and commit white genocide.
If anything is justification for white nationalism it is the fall of rohdiesia.
>Chinks train a nigger to fuck up a country
>Nigger proves to be the most incompetent leader alive today.
>Nigger doesn't learn to treat everyone like a human, despite his past discrimination.
Yup I believe it now. "Should we start now?" then instantly lost that smile.
Why the fuck were they invited? You should have started shanking them once they were gathered.
That's a black pill if I've ever seen one.
Did you give them what they deserved
>white genocide.
Pretty cringeworthy term desu; can't you just say genocide?
>2 animals of each were able to fit in that space
and some jooos
The fact that not even one single Jew died in Holohoax and it was all lies.
when i discovered the goal of life
The realization that my once proud city state is cucked by globalist elites after the passing of our God emperor thanks to our current jeb bush of a prime minister
Woah dude. I would be furious. That's fucking insulting ...
Monoamine oxidase A
Being born as a Flemish minority in your own capital is like a red-pill birth, the berber's helped to ofcourse
Looks sweet af