Why don't white people conquer other people anymore?
It seems like white people are about to be conquered by Spics, Niggers and Sand Niggers within the next century.
Why don't white people conquer other people anymore?
It seems like white people are about to be conquered by Spics, Niggers and Sand Niggers within the next century.
>Why don't white people conquer other people anymore?
Revoked the right of conquest. Started with the Nuremberg trials and then later the UN.
white cops and judges (cucks) will destroy our livelihoods and a nigger will have our place in life and country the next day while patriots sit in jail.
in reality, there is a massive stress that's been building for 100 years, and when it breaks, the result will be the most swift and violent coup in the history of the world.
You guys think there'll be another reconquista within the next 200 years in Europe/America?
This. White people are nice until we're not, and when we snap, even the laws of science crumble. Atoms shatter and rivers of blood flow.
White people cucked themselves with laws and technology.
Can't happen soon enough to be honest fampai
Will Europe turn into a non-white majority?
We don't even live in a political climate where migrants and invaders can be deported, much less killed. Meanwhile large sections of Paris are in flames, women and kids keep getting raped, European and Canadian leaders keep importing incompatible cultures and keep taking massive shits on the safety and prosperity of their native citizens.
I don't want to see rivers of blood. I want to see mass deportations and the people taking back control of their governments. But every time a populist candidate is trending, the establishment do everything in their power to sabotage and shut them down. Even Trump is being sabotaged by the intelligence community deep state.
How will the people get back power when we've given away so much of it to the state already?
Are white people fucked in the long run?
Yeah the only reason we haven't snapped yet is because it would involve a nuclear holocaust. That's why tensions are so high
Probably only by doing things that would be illegal for me to tell you here because, you know, CSIS is watching and we don't have freedom of speech here.
Based off demographic trends. Yes they will
>I'm Christian and I Love the Quran (:
Renounce heretic!
We simply have to invent a method to safely and efficiently hang many traitors at once, and have it on film.
The system and establishment is 100% against it
People are conditioned from birth to submit to authority, and the government controls every aspect of their lives
>Why don't white people conquer other people anymore?
The biggest mistake white people ever made was being too compassionate and not genociding the native population of every place they conquered.
we conquered a bit of ukraine a few years ago
but we are not exactly white so...
Because white people are weak and can't fight?
I mean, if a race war ever happen, white people would be the first one to be extinct.
Nothing left to conquer until space colonization.
It was more greed than compassion that stopped them from genociding everyone. Cheap, native labor is best labor.
International Laws
No that's wrong. Race war would be the perfect reactant to instill the right of God into the White man and give him the moral impedus to kill.
That's why the Jew sticks to soft-killing us through chemicals in plastics and political tension. Because we will allow ourselves to be eroded by it since cucks among us can't see the White Genocide taking place and will defend the deep state.
Stop being a retard. We still rule the world, and we will continue to do so for the next 100 years.
IF we contain the chinese.
>I'm a Christian and I love that one book that asks to have me killed or used as sex slave
Top cuck
>ruling the world is good enough for you
what good is owning your own house when it's a fucking pig-sty? we have to clean our castle.
Are white people inferior now due to liberalism?
Jews will be if they keep signing their names to shit like this.
If you seriously think a bunch of poor, uneducated, violent muslims represent the greatest threat to your "superior" race instead of the second largest power and soon to be the second superpower, then you are the inferior one.