There are people on Sup Forums who believe we were created
There are people on Sup Forums who believe we were created
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>There are people on Sup Forums
You are not woke yet.
Of course we were created.
The ridiculous idea is that it was intelligently done.
this is the final red pill
>There are people on Sup Forums who believe we were created by a divine force called "God"
Everyone knows the skyjew did it.
Not the final red pill. It's the REAL red pill.
>Sup Forums hates the jews
>red pills lead to Zion
Fuck off Dawkins
If we are meaningless reactions with no intrinsic value then you should kill yourself. It is the only logical conclusion
Xenu brought us here.
Fucking moron, now i'm going to get an infraction this sunday
>If we are meaningless reactions with no intrinsic value then you should kill yourself. It is the only logical conclusion
Cuckstain logic everyone
>there are people on this board right now that don't think reality is simulated
lmaoing at your lives kiddos
>Believes his religion filled to the brim with lies and greed is (((God's chosen))) religon.
>Didn't even have a homeland for years until they forced people to give one by muh six gorrilion.
Kek, enjoy your judgement.
The creation myth isn't in contradiction with evolution if you suppose we're just a simulation and god is a computer admin.
How much shit does he get for making that shirt.
>There are people who don't worship probability unironically.
What the fuck, are you pollacks all robots?
>we should kill ourselves if we're the ones with the ability to assign things value
Burger logic at its finest.
Are you sure it's just /pol? Evolution is terribly short sighted on the scope of the universe.
>There are people on Sup Forums who believe we were created
We were created.
But what was the system that created us?
>The ridiculous idea is that it was intelligently done.
Watch the matrix user..
>Evolution is terribly short sighted on the scope of the universe.
What does this even mean?
>he thinks hes free
i'm controlling you all right now you little roaches
It means that the universe is a simulation you fucking idiot and stating "MUH EVOLUTION" doesn't fucking prove shit. Go on, tell me that's crazy so I can spend 15 minutes linking you to all the ted talks and world famous physicists who believe it to be so. Fucking pathetic normie edgy atheist piece of shit.
Even if he is right we need something that created us.
We still have a creator, it just isn't human
atheism is a disease.
And who created the creator? Saying there's a creator is just adding another layer of meaningless speculation.
It's okay to admit we don't know where the universe came from. Or when.
Evolution is a fact, if you think it's not a fact, you are simply ignoring the evidence.
Also, there is zero evidence for god's existence, therefore he also doesn't exist.
I can't believe that in the year of 2017 when all this information is so easy to find thanks to technology(science may i remind you) there still are delusional people.
Yeah, who created the creator?
Well IMHO what created us does not need a creator because it would be another form of existence we're not familiar with, just like we were not familiar with much of the modern things we have now.
Maybe the "server admin" is laughing at us now?
If you're a pure retard with an imaginary friend that would be true.
>I believe
>Muh faith
I can make an argument for literally any nonsense by using these words, and by your logic it would make sense. Can you stop spreading your delusions?
I'll admit there may be a creator and a creator-creator. But I don't know hence I'm an atheist-agnostic.
I'm fine with theists as long as they're not gnostics. Gnostics are cancer regardless of whether they're atheists or theists.
Mom never hug you faggot user?
Wtf Bolivia I'm just speculating shit, the chance I'm wrong is also high af.
Well people need religion.
Try to corrupt Islam though, not Christianity.
>Out of nothing the big bang happened
>This is more believable than creation
Really makes you think
Look how smug he is.
Will he be smug when his kids are tortured to death in cages by Muslims for apostasy? I imagine he will be.
>mixing old testament and new testament bullshit together
I hate this meme.
Fuck off faggot. Read your bible. God made the earth in seven days. Get over it.
All I'm saying is that saying the creator is beyond logic or understanding is not an argument and should simply be ignored.
The classic good goyum red pill how to make a argument when you don't have a argument
Fuck yeah. God even created light before he created the sun and stars.
I mean, that's epic creation.
Or maybe we have always known the truth.
Who knows?
Also pointing out this "simple fact" breeds curiosity.
This is why Russia wants to invade you.
>believing in evolution
>believing were the result of random gene mutations
Sure it is faggot. And youre an adult with an imaginary friend. Where is your space pappi right now? Why doesnt he help the christians being slaughtered by ISIS? Why does he let children be born with aids? Why does he let children be molested, raped and/or murdered?
Youre a fucking idiot and you can't answer those questions. All the mental gymnastics in the world wont make sky dad real retard. Know that.
Well, if you want to get technical, we were created by our parents when they decided one day to join their genitals together, which in turn was the eventual result of each previous generation joining in union.
If you want to discuss creationism, at least specify "created" lest some autist like me goes in another direction.
>Writes some literal nonsense
>Realises it and ends his post with an insult
Lmaoing at your life
>[autistic screeching]
>There are people on Sup Forums who believe we were created
There are bots on Sup Forums that were created by people.
Why would he need to micro manage every single action done on earth?It's even in the Bible that states he made this world for us, we manage it by his guidiance.
Retarded communist.
Makes me think.
>A process which steadily degrades a genome cannot produce a better organism.
>Impyling a chimpanzee isn't better than a human
This is not an argument.
Was that an attempt to make fun of my post, or are you just memeing?
>believing were the result of random gene mutations
We were, the question is WHY did that come to be and WHAT is god if it is "the creator".
I'm a panentheist btw.
What people are calling god here are either memetic systems, aliens or everything itself.
Aliens are not gods, they're aliens.
>There are people on Sup Forums who believe the Universe came out of nothing
cmon man, don't be so sp00ky
Good argument for your imaginary friend bro.
>muh creation dot com
People who have the same religion, believe in different stuff. That really puts into perspective how much they care about their religion/god.
If god is real, he either had to have a creator, or he came out of nowhere, or he was always there.
Now, you choose one of those three options, and apply it to the universe itself, and you would have a more respectable opinion.
created by start dust
Not being an adult with an imaginary space daddy makes you a commie? Good logic dude.
An all powerful being who can stop the rape of children and doesnt is a piece of shit and evil you delusional fucking infant.
Again, none of the gymnastics you're doing makes uncle sky dad real faggot. Youre a fucking delusional cunt. Its pathetic.
i think he was making fun of you for being a faggot
>Dick Dawk
wew lad the guy is a retard
And there it goes again, you either start memeing, or start insulting. No counter argument, nothing.
I've come to realise that the main problem with people and religion, is that people no matter religious or not, can't accept the fact that they are wrong.
Learn to accept that you are wrong, and improve upon it.
If the topic of religion interests you, and you have questions that seem to contradict its reality, then you should explore these questions, seek answers to them, inquire honestly of the people who claim that there are good answers. Until you do this you are nothing but an ignorant fool.
Admitting ignorance is the first step towards wisdom, but it's not the only step. A major lesson to learn is that there have been very smart people for thousands of years, the Bible was not written by cavemen, and it even contains skeptical analysis, doubt, incredulity, much of it strikingly modern.
Reading the Bible was all it took to make me question my atheism. Studying theology finally put an end to it for me and I am now a Christian. There are good answers to the questions you are asking, but they are not simple, especially not enough to answer over the internet without raising further questions. The answers come in the forms of books, not one-liners.
If you're a young atheist, I really challenge you to go on a quest for answers. Listen to what the religious intellectuals have to say, past and present. Perhaps especially past.
>ITT idiots who haven't even read his books pertaining to his actual field of study
Read Selfish Gene, that's the book that really made him mainstream. It explains how evolution works from the point of each individual gene, and that species and organisms themselves aren't considered evolutionarily valuable. He also goes into the quasi-genetic perpetuation of memetics, which I believe was one of the first instances of memetics being professionally published.
>there are still people here not being neo-pagans
He looks like such a flabby manchild
The best review I've read of The God Delusion is definitely Terry Eagleton's. He pretty much nailed down my own feelings on the book that I had while reading it. Dawkins doesn't take his subject matter seriously enough to actually put in the legwork and he makes some very basic errors in representing the arguments that he purports to refute.
retire soon
>projecting this hard
The existence of an eternal actual creator being is a logical necessity. It's as true as 2+2=4.
Stay mad athefag
So I suppose the entire 19th century was justified then
fuck off fag
The irony of these religious threads that you idiots always argue about is that bullshit shitposting religion of Kek has more grounds in reality than any other religion. Chaos is the natural order of things and arguably the only force really observable in nature.
thermodynamic equilibrium when
Threads like these are the closest Sup Forums gets to being Reddit.
OP doesn't like religion
>there are people on Sup Forums who don't know that atheism is psy-op to mutilate the western man from spirituality
We were we exist...
We are the product of energetically favorable chemical reactions. This we were created from energetically favorable chemical reactions
look up the big freeze. the universe is futile, doomed, and pointless.
Evolution doesn't discredit creationism even without the "I'm just a computer program" meme
The Bible says time in earth is much faster than time in heaven. So one day in heaven could be millions of years
I.e. God created everything in days in heaven time, not earth time.
Time dilation due to energy can explain this
Or you could just stop being autistic and not take the Bible literally.