>Italian schoolgirl beaten and raped in broad daylight by 2 African refugees on her way home
>national media is silent, police don't care
>not even a police search for the two "refugees"
How does this make you feel?
>Italian schoolgirl beaten and raped in broad daylight by 2 African refugees on her way home
>national media is silent, police don't care
>not even a police search for the two "refugees"
How does this make you feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just another day of cucking for the Europoors
Average day in la Europa
Its europe...
even Italy is silent in this thread
>How does this make you feel?
don't feel anything any more. tried to wake up the normies around me but no one cares, so fuck them all, enjoy islamification.
Italy is not cuck--
this is depressing
>no sources
fuck off with your fake news
wtf is going on in italy? are the men all cucks?
haha what a time 2 b alive haha
born just in time 2 xplore dank mee mees haha!
This. We should should call out fake news irrespective of the agenda.
It just so common, and no-one is doing anything about it.
I thought the Nice attack in Paris would wake some people up.
I thought bring article after article of Rapefugee harming children would be enough but it isn't.
Nothing works and I can barley get angry any more just depressed.
here is the source, in italian
Yes, they will let this thing pass like nothing happened because.
>Germoney will take away our gibs ;(
Pretty mad
shit like this needs to be fucken spammed
leftists will have a difficult time brushing this aside or defending people who rape young girls. not that it will stop them from trying.
how new are you to google Muhammad?
allegedly means they havent found and convicted the suspects
>tfw you will never join a rightwing deathsquad and go into Malmö to purge
Why even live?
see sorry to burst your bubble Ahmed and Muhammad, but the article does indeed source. i apologize if you can't read english very well
Italy doesn't rely on gibs, they're a net payer.
They will let kids get raped for moral superiority and to look good
Such is the nature of the white man
her retarded sub human father probably did it.
>posts picture of a child
Other than that it was reported by every newspaper so i'm not sure what you're talking about
nice cover up Jobo, was it you and you're friend Abeni who did this?
I get that this is a tragedy, but the only excuse for there being no rioting is that white people are apathetic and feel no racial unity.
That is why there are no riots. White people are decadent losers.
>everything that happens is because of white people
What? How am i covering it up? I said it was on the first page of every newspaper for the entire day
Nice try Aaban, it's not gonna work today
>national media is silent
No it's not
I still don't know what the fuck the police did about this, she even claimed she had contacts with one of the aggressors on facebook so they shouldn't be too difficult to find
You can brother just set your mind to it.
They would care if an Italian man married an Italian school girl.
This is because the one thing "white" people hate most is a fellow of theirs acquiring something good that is detrimental to white woman's interests.
White people worship Jesus and spurn the God of the Old Testament. What are the differences?
God's Law:
Men can rape female children and just keep them: Deuteronomy chapter 22, 28-29, in hebrew. (Discussion: pastebin.com
(Also See Numbers 31, hebrew, notice female children and "take them for yourselves" (in hebrew: devour)
Furthurmore Deuteronomy says do not go to the right nor the left, and if anyone entices you to follow another ruler/judge/god to kill them.
It also refers to the man as ba'al: master, of the female.
As baalzebub was lord of the flies, the man is lord of woman.
Jesus's Preaching:
"You are of your father - a murderer from the begining" --Jesus talking about someone... seemingly the God of the Armies that we see in deuteronomy.
"No man nor woman, all one in christ"
"Do not stone the woman"
"A man that looks at a woman has committed adultery"
"Die for the woman"
All inversions of Deuteronomy.
"Better a millstone" cry of the american protestant is another one. (though out of context for once)
Jesus came to free women from men and preach a false inclusive god: to take from men their victory over women and girls.
Whites follow Jesus, and spurn God.
Jesus called the God of the Jews the "Adversary"
However many white men hate women's rights and like young girls, thus they do nothing to help you fight off the "islamic plague". They do not want to worship Jesus and respect or die for women. They want child brides as God allows, yet you "white nationalists" kill the men who even think this way.
>no its not
>covered by about four shitty local italian news
yes, yes it is
This. Hopefully the U.S. can cross-pollinate some nationalism onto us before it's too late, but Europe isn't getting out of this without a fullblown civil war.
>Such is the nature of the white man
The girl is 12, she'll have forgotten all about it by the time she turns 20.
It's LITERALLY a victimless crime.
Don't joke like that, my blood is boiling.
yes, the true heirs to the roman empire are the romanians. italians are all cucks that haven't even kept the name of their ancestors
What is your problem exactly? It was the headline of every major newspaper in the country, they even had to delete the comments on most of them because they were all insults toward niggers and rapefugees
More like every major italian news
Well, nobody gave a crap about that French coalburner of about the same age who got gang raped near the Eiffel Tower after hooking up on some sex app either?
She apparently knew her attackers via social media. How many of your daughters list refugee niggers in their contacts list unless they are coalburners?
Nobody deserves to be fucked over like this, but she clearly ignored a lot of red flags along the way, quite possibly deliberately.
I really feel sorry for Europeans, your "leaders" have doomed you to war. It's the only way to undo this.
This saddens me. I'm not racist inherently, but I've slowly become insanely anti-immigration. I've read too many stories like this and the fact that people are willingly ignoring the brutal rape of a whole culture and the destruction of white people sickens me.
I don't honestly believe in inherent racial differences or that one race should be put above or below other races. It is however abundantly clear that on an international scale we're trying to eliminate white peopl from the genepool.
I've never had any racial pride because in Canada we're raised to believe white pride of any kind is wrong and racist.
Figures the first time I feel any kind of connection to my race and it's of sorrow for what I now know to be a doomed race. I just feel so angry towards all of the white liberals pushing so hard for their own extinction because they think they'll be exempted when they're outnumbered.
Trump is our only hope to avoid extinction and this time last year I would have thought that was fucking insane. I still do, I'm reeling.
Clearly this is what happens when a religion based on barbaric conquest is allowed to exist in the modern age. Many such cases. Sad!
Hopefully MAGA goes MEGA and god emperor Trump makes earth great again
She was a drug addict who had sex in exchange of drugs but she's pushing the rape angle now because there may be a video made by her friends.
Innocent until proven guilty.
bet you're jealous she got BBC and you didn't
>niggers killing cute girls
The schoolgirl is actually a 16 years old woman.
According to rainews, she was not raped. The Africans just asked for sex, but she refused (racism?). Then the Africans beaten her a bit, she just got a broken rib and some bruises.
Basically, white nationalists, we feel schadenfreude when the muslims do something you do not like.
Yes yes, we know, day of the rope.
But what do we care? Kill us now: saves us 30, 40, etc more years of living in your open air prison. Anything we would like to have, anything that is good, you have banned and enforce the ban.
We know our life is nothing but waiting to die.
We cheer and cheer and cheer the sunni Islamist. We love the Jews and their God of Armies. We study and read their Texts, in the original language, and it lifts our hearts.
Girls should be married "good and young", and as Girls, not as women.
Ever notice the white communion dress still worn by catholic girls today? That is the bridal dress. A pure young girl is what men took as one of their brides.
This girl should have had an Italian husband, a master, but you whites have prevented the man his birthright. So other men take his place.
You whites are feminist scum and have been since the beginning. Completely cucked to your women, but now you harangue and control non-white nations aswell and destroy us all.
This is the future if nothing is done quickly.
When whites become too little to be able to defend themselves, there will be no pity nor humanity towards them.
It's very sad, but it's white people's fault. More than anyone else, we allowed this to happen.
Nobody is believing you Abundajja
Poor girl
>law enforcement
pick one Pablo
>proponents argue that immigrants have a RIGHT to inhabit Italy because they are fleeing the dangerous environments of North Africa
But it's the people that make it dangerous.
Those people you're letting in, they're the source of the danger.
The more of them there are, the more the danger rises.
copy pasta mental gymnastics
When the police and government fail to protect it's people, then it's upto the people to protect themselves. Stop being fucking worthless cuck victims and start bashing skills in.
Are you fucking defending this? 16 oh, that's ok then. Beaten just a bit? Only a broken rib? She was racist? Well that's just fine and dandy you fucking cuck.
Refugee suddenly becomes everyone's dream job
rape and get paid
>Souch is the nature of white men
Naily reminder that those ''white men'' kicked your ass in Viena and ww1.And has killed more people in History then you could ever imagine muhamad.
Thats right,So Hong Kong when will you guys embrace cultural enrcihment?
>one Italian notes that actually this was reported on heavily in Italy and there was public outcry
>the whole thread is Americans getting riled up at the idea that only they care, ignoring the person that knows otherwise
You guys are hilarious.
When a white man is accused of rape
>Lying whore, she's just trying to frame him!
When a dark-skinned man is accused of rape
Never change, Sup Forums.
The girl in the picture is completely unrelated to the news story. That's Fortuna Loffredo, a little girl that was repeatedly raped by a pedophile, then thrown from a rooftop and killed.
Op is probably a faggot using a proxy to shitpost, as nobody that isn't Italian would know about that story.
>Libshit women WANT this to keep happening
Lol, I hope they end up raped and murdered. Almost none of them are worth saving.
>Then the Africans beaten her a bit, she just got a broken rib and some bruises.
Europeans are so fucking in love with African cock that they will justify a woman being beaten and raped if it means more African cock!
Reads post
>Looks at the flag
Oh never mind
>The girl kept the attack to herself and told no one after it happened, not even to her mother.
90% of degeneracy=American
how does this even happen
what goes through these guys minds that they decide a helpless pre-teen girl is a good target for rape? not just one maniac on his own, but two guys bounce the idea around and actually go through with it.
no empathy at all. How can you cope with seeing a child screaming and bleeding everywhere just so you can nut? this isn't even just an anomaly like if a white guy did this, this is basically commonplace in the countries these things are from.
>Naily reminder
Thanks for the naily reminder, retard.
Naily indeed.
Sure is naily in here.
Can we both agree that america was a mistake?
How have no fathers sought revenge with all the rapes?
>how does this even happen
The next thing you know you're sucking dicks in a dark alley.
>Cute little white girl gets attacked, conservatives outraged
I've been seeing this meme for literally my entire life.
>Misswrites 1 letter
Germany please.
[nailing intensifies]
Sure nailed it, buddy.
Too sad to answer
We really are doomed
Like that black mom that got 18 years for jamming a vibrator up her infant son's ass
what the fuck kind of person even tosses around the concepts of "baby" and "getting off" in the same thought?
Well, it's a statistical propability.
Mudslimes rape more than any white population and women lie more often than men, especially given financial benefits while also being more prone to vengeance.
> dark-skinned man
You're eitehr a cuck or kebab, either way, fuck off.
There are white christian pedophiles as well. There is no need to highlight the race of the offender other than fueling racial hatred. Sage.
>Italy is a first world country
>ignores a despicable act of raping a young girl
Jesus pick one
Over here those immigrants would be caned, jailed and deported if not hanged
You hit the nail on the head.
Good going.
Oh look who talks,i gues your next to get
I only hope her mother was a progressive feminist.
a nation that can not defend their young is a nation without a future.
fight back or you deserve it
There is no such thing as a progressive feminist mother here.
Why are excolonies better then there ex overlords?
This is because Trump was elected. The refugees are pissed, and rightfully so
(((Good post.)))
Who makes sure that there is no racial unity?
>racial unity among Whites is racist goy
Who owns the media?
Who controls the schools and universities?
It's the international jew.
No. Don't be a defeatist cuck. The only way we are doomed is if enough people are deatist cucks.
Unlike you Eurocucks, we throw the raping trash into prisons and keep them away from society. White America (outside of major cities) is VERY safe... when I was a kid we never even locked the doors of our house (UPPER New York state... next to Vermont and Canada)
The Black shit you see about America is all inner city welfare niggers.
Fuck off gypsy