Just say you're a Muslim

>Be me
>SJW cunt berating me because I didn't share her (((opinions)))
>Accuse her of being Islamophobic
>She gets confused
>Tell her I am of a minority religion, a-shala
>Watch her do a 360 and walk away

Why don't you just claim to be Muslim when dealing with these shits? They completely shut down when this happens.

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Error 404: File not found
SJW begins to have a divide by zero moment...

Bumping with Islamic culture. This is a photo of what happens when you upset a typical Muslim.

>have a divide by zero moment...

Uh, you can't divide by zero, retard.

>American education

Is this what happens when a Muslim finds true love?

That was the point you plebian

>German humor

lrn2westernculture you disgusting shitskin

No, it wasn't, stop trying to backepdal just because you made a fool of yourself.

Newsflash, Ameritards: you CANNOT divide by zero.


That's funny but you shouldn't pretend to be a minority to win an argument.


It's okay, they're not actually people.

Whenever a SJW challenges me I claim to be Indian and they get just as confused.

It's fun.

Lurk moar fgt.

Did Germany just get the internet?

>If you lurk enough, you'll realize you can literally divide by zero!

American education -- not even once.

And here I thought you'd see I was engaging in illustrating this exact point through my banter...

Let me walk you through it...


He made the SJW throw an ERROR, the same thing that little magic calculator says when you what? ------> Divide by Zero.
Christ this must be why you guys are getting the raw end of immigration...too fucking ignorant to draw a basic inference.
BTW fuckwit, I work in a Nanolab in the Midwest USA, I know you can't divide by zero for real.

>G-guys, it was just a meme!
>I was just pretending to be retarded!

Nice try.

Lel gtfo achmed

Kek, ahmed is a lost cause. Dont try to explain it to him

You arent making yourself look like the smart one ...



Punctuation. It isn't just for the upper classes anymore.

Apostrophes matter, retard.

Keep it coming German, I am bored waiting on you to be witty.

Achmed prepetuating the stereotype, ecks deeee

Oh, I'll keep it coming...all over your face.

>Caucasus mountains fag who grew up to a half Muslim family and currently irreligious with fluent knowledge of Islam and its dangers

Already done it, It's even funnier when I get a "FUCKING WHITE MALE" response

Its a meme you dip

Now I almost positive your either 12 and bored at school, or unemployed and destitute. Please German, try harder...I was under the impression all the superior schooling would make you a more intelligent opponent. But, I guess all the smart Nazis came here after the war or died...what a shame.
Have fun with the Sociopolitical abortion that is your county and obviously your deficient education. I pity you.

Your mom's face is a meme.

I've been considering this. You can be extremely anti-feminist and somewhat redpilled in public, and it's all okay to PC retards if you say you're a Muslim.

>ITT: Retards that give free (You)s to some shitskin in Germany for very obvious bait.

kek something about German autism is so endearing

fuck you are stupid, that's why they see hans has no humor, waddafak


As a decent 9/10 aryan guy, people wouldn't believe me if I said I'm muslim. Mashallah

>Turk (((bait)))

My sister is a convert muslim.
Yes, the stereotype of white trash woman.

Anyways, i always win when i say "my sister is a muslim btw". :D

I just have to be careful to set the tone not condemning, which is the hardest part. :D

Muh Arabic numerals we wuz mathmetitions!

>Achmed so autistic he can't understand a joke

Pls just be bait

>Implying im not responding ironically

No, just the immigrants who got shipped in.

>Do a 360 and walk away.
Walked through you?

Okay retard, let me explain.

user was doing impression of computer.

Let's say you have computer and write shitty code where computer is told to divide by zero. What's gonna happen? Go ahead. Try it. I'll wait.

Back? Good. Now you see what happens. The computer throws a hissy fit. It looks like user did.

>user was doing impression of computer.

Then why didn't he just go *beep beep* and bluescreen?

You're not very convincing. Nice try, though.

top kek hans, I fucking had the best laugh of my day, the fact that it took everyone this long to figure out you're fucking with them is hilarious.


>360 and walk away
should be 180 you fucking moron

moonwalking away

You need to recover the 12 pillars of Islam too.


>Be a transsexual.
>Become religious because of a mystical experience.
>Start supporting Trump because I love white men and want to see them win.

They just trash you more. I cite Omar Mateen constantly as my excuse for wanting to keep Muslims out, and wanting to protect gun rights. They don't care - they say they hope I get raped to death by a black or Muslim.

Yes. Liberals really will wish death on you if you don't love Muslims. Even if you're a BTLGBBQT-kin that wants to be a robot.

Sounds about right!

>can't win an argument so you pull the minority card

you're just as bad as them.

what is this? newfag day?

I like to tell people my dads Algerian. works.

You're not very smart, Achmed.

Pretty good bait, Ahmed

>german autism

Neis bähit mähit


What kind of arguments could you even win with that shit?

>I support the president's executive order
>It's a ban on muslims and it's unconstitutional
>Yeah, well I'm a Muslim and I say it's cool, so just go with it, okay?

I have, its absolutely hillarious the about face they do

This works, because they don't fight with logic. If they did, they'd realize this """Muslim Ban""" fails to include 85% of the global Muslim population who can still visit the US.

They use feels, so saying "Well I'm a Muslim, and I think it's pretty intolerant of you to want to bring the bad Muslims here to sully my beautiful faith." will have them tripping and stuttering over themselves.

It's a sin to deny Christ.

>Have fun with the Sociopolitical abortion that is your county and obviously your deficient education
Hey, shh, glass houses...

>you all fell for his bait
cmon guys

There are Muslims that support Trump though

>Why don't you just claim to be Muslim
Because I couldn't larp as a mudshit even if I tried my hardest. A single look at me and you just know I want to kill them all.

I guess that's what happens when you're forced to live your whole life taking up their shit without ever being "allowed" to retaliate. You just grow bitter and hate them to the point of every single pore of your skin emanating eradication-of-the-shitskin intent.

Like, you can't even.

I think it would work very well against women's rights and lgbtqathuasdlfiajherwlwhrfijwergfoiherol

It would be a 5xx fault, not a 404. In a 404 the service is available and received your request, but the request was for a non-existent resource.

>9/10 aryan
how's your day Mehmed Alibaba ?

It's lgbtqathuasdlfiajherwlwhrfijwergfoiherolx you fucking kid-toucher racist rapist!

I go with "did you just assume my fucking gender?"

Or you could not be a little pussy.

fucking newfags

>360 and walk away

Did she moonwalked or something?

Pic related: the thread