Drug addicts. What do we do with them? Are they victims of a disease, or perpetrators of a crime? Do we toss them out of helicopters, pay for their treatment, or bring back gladiator pits and sell tickets?
Drug addicts. What do we do with them? Are they victims of a disease, or perpetrators of a crime...
Give them free access to cheap drugs that are 100% pure.
>ingesting a substance is a crime
>drugs make people lazy unemployed criminals
Dont pin the problems of the welfare state, public schools, etc on drugs
The addicts are in many cases victims from multiple perspective.
Addicts aren't the issue. They should be sent to rehab camps for 2-3 year periods, where they will undergo political and labor education so they can be reintroduced into society on parole.
The real issue are the pushers and producers. Anyone caught distributing or producing narcotics should be charged with sabotage against the national community and if found guilty, executed post-haste.
We should also invade Central and South America, which would be fairly easy to do. Instead of wasting military assets across the Atlantic, we should crush these parasites in our back yard, brutalize the cartels and collaborating villages, then set up strong militarized puppet states.
"Free". What's the end goal? Weening then off addiction, or providing free entertainment?
Yea retard, its totally south americas fault
Many such cases! You're willing to sacrifice functional and productive lives by way of military takeover, in order to clean up people with a degenerate genetic predisposition of being prone to addiction?
Is it not atleast a part of the problem?
Afghanistan is largest opium producer in the world since the US invaded.
CIA sells this shit back in the states and in Europe and makes mad money with it.
Its against the Governments interest to stop Drugs.
Start of actual common sense pr campaign that explains exactly how much of a burden and public health problem these parasites are. An abandonment of the touchy feely, oh but they can't stop, attitude.
We remove the coddling and the enablement that they're getting a lot of places, certainly here.
We put serial hard drug users into labour camps with a mind to reform.
Chronic irredeemable addicts will be allowed to continue on with their habit, but in entirely isolated situations where they will be required to produce to finance the system. Legal injection sites? Yes, but they're also _lethal_ injection sites.
The ones that insist on squeezing through the cracks to avoid treatement will be euthanized.
>"Free". What's the end goal? Weening then off addiction, or providing free entertainment?
100% pure, implies uncut drugs, which would likely cause them to OD.
Won't work and takes too much ressources.
Legalize it all, take away the cash from cartels and invest the revenue into programs to educate people about drugs.
Afghanistan is an unfixable situation at this point, not sure how to approach that. South America can easily be solved with military might though. It's as simple as this: They're brown people, they are a detriment to us, so we should crush them and solve the problems that they cannot. Yes, I know the US Govt has never actually fought a sincere drug war and has funneled cocaine into this country.
>sacrifice functional and productive lives by way of military takeover
Who exactly am I sacrificing here? Tbh war with any single South or Central American state would be way shorter than the Iraq war, which was already pretty short to begin with. Plus you're dealing with stupid Latinos who can be easily manipulated, bribed or controlled, instead of a bunch of ideologically driven zealots.
>genetic predisposition
This is ridiculous. Genetics have an effect yes, but it's not this black and white. There are social problems involved and by eliminating the problem at it's root (the drug production and distribution network itself) most of the other symptoms take care of themselves.
No they wouldn't OD because now they know exactly how much they need, Heroin from the streets is usually cut with other crap.
Clean and easy to get Heroin would actually cause less ODs.
I've met plenty of drug addicts growing up right outside the city. All morons who don't respect themselves. They're irredeemable. Don't fall for the memes that addiction is a disease if you become an addict you're just a weak willed fuck.
Addicts are the biggest dregs on society. They should all be killed like they are in the Philippines. I've smoked weed before and I have no clue why people get obsessed with that shit. Live your life without turning yourself into a loser
Education and Legalization are the cure user nothing else
The US is only in Afghanistan to Guard poppy fields so they can supply the world with it.
It just brings too much money.
Sounds like Canada needs to take itself.
There's cheaper ways to reach that end goal, mongoloid.
Doing 2 doses of uncut heroine a day is less harmful to your body than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day
Really makes you think
Lol not my problem that some faggots have no willpower at all. People are well aware of the consequences of doing drugs are yet i'm supposed to feel bad for them? fuck that noise. Just let these idiots slowly kill themselves
Send them to the Philippines.
We live in an unnatural and unhealthy society where many people use prescription drugs just to get by. Maybe the men would be more stable if they didn't come from dysfunctional homes (e.g. single or divorced mothers) and weren't constantly exposed to aluminum, xenoestrogens, and sweeteners.
Decriminalize drug use and eliminate the welfare state. Addicts will either reach equilibrium and be functional or they'll chase the dragon straight to the pearly gates.
No THIS is the cure honestly
They are spineless. I vote for the 3rd option.
This user gets it. These fields supply the precursors for all the opiods the western world uses.
I love this fucking Vince McMahon gif so much kek
I kicked a bad MJ habit a few years ago. This drug is now being decriminalized in a lot of US states, but to me it was still crippling at the time.
Anyway, I can speak from both perspectives as a user and as a clean person.
I'd say decriminalize possession for own purposes, confiscate dealers' money, stick it into rehab programs, and only admit those into rehab that seriously want to kick the habit and are prepared to leave their old using friends for it. (Otherwise rehab is just a waste of tax payers' money.)
Call based Duerte.
You're not intentionally being retaded, are you?
Common sense isn't common
This. Dont fuck up my good time because you cant maintain your high.
>Won't work and takes too much ressources.
Maybe so. A big paradigm shift is needed though. The 'dialogue' over drug use, hard drug use, where I live is completely disconnected from common sense. One small example, methadone maintenance. Arguments can be made for methadone maintenance. In the proper circumstances it's a good choice; for some people in some circumstances. The model has been applied willy nilly across the whole drug landscape. There's a hydromorphome maintenance experiment going on over here. That's ridiculous. The same characteristics that make methadone suitable for the model that was developed with it are entirely absent with hydromorphone and take away key pillars to whole thing. Maybe that's not a great example. There's a lack of thinking and a lack of understanding going on across the board though.
Right now there's a fentanyl o.d. thing happening here. We should be so lucky. Let them get it over with. I know people who work in hospitals. The amount of resources that this is taking away from people who are trying to have healthy decent lives is criminal. By dopers who don't give give a shit. There's a media hue and cry about saving and reviving them. If there was a plague of wing-suit jumpers crashing off the local mountains would we follow them around with helmets, then repair them so they jump again?
The underlying broader problem is what kind of a society are we running that is producing such behaviour. Meanwhile though, for a start, we need to lower tolerance for it a long way.
Research into drug addiction has provided conclusions that addiction could be a brain disease that impairs capacities like self-control and rationality, which are necessary for moral responsibility. The impairment could take place with the obscurement of chemicals and hormones as a result of drug abuse. If this thesis is taken to be the fact, drug users, regarding possesion and use crimes, should be viewed as diseased people, thus treatment would be a better option, both socially and morally.
On the other hand, there is the moral model of addiction, according to which addicts are responsible for becoming addicted as well as perpetuating their addictive habits because the alleged cognitive impairments that are induced by the relevant substance or which exist prior to the administration of the relevant substance are limited and consequently addicts are fully responsible for their actions. Also, most addicts are aware of the fact that their perpetual drug use has grave consequences between periods but continue to do it regardless of that.
Whether they are considered ill or criminal is important, as this carries judicial implications. With common sense it would be more viable to submit drug users into forced treatment rather than toss them in jail where they will probably pursue their drug use..
Gladior pits would be pretty sweet tho...