I would like to apologize, in behalf of all the British people, to the Argentines. We are sorry that we stole your islands centuries ago. I hope it goes back to your possession soon.
If any of you anons need to apologize about something, post it here.
Apologies Thread
Sorry for taking blacks from Africa as slaves.
Not because I feel bad, I'm just bummed we have so many blacks now.
Should have used Mexicans as slaves. Better culture all around. Plus, they probably would have taken the whole thing in stride.
Sorry we humiliated you Argies, also sorry for killing all those Teenage conscripts, but if you're going to bring a militia to a war fight your going to get bummed
Nice try proxy shill at least learn how to speak bong before you try.
I'm sorry we let you into our country, Ahmed. Don't worry, you'll be exported back home soon.
Just give it back to Argiebros
Ever heard of the auto-correct feature on your phone?
Kill yourself you idiot millennial nigger nazi of /utg/
id like the apologize to the rest of Sup Forums that op is such a fag
Sorry for not paying the wall, i hope we can manage to make a deal again and pay for it.
Not sorry for anything. Would do it again too.
I know this is bait but... fuck you OP you cuck fagit.
Whatever you say martinez
Sorry for being a straight white male. I continue to not check my privilege and it's making your life horrible. I will keep thinking about it as a make a dollar for every monopoly dollar everyone elses makes. Also sorry for Making America Great Again since running a country takes straight white balls, something you lack in.
Take a picture and timestamp horsenigger otherwise you're a proxy
>says the leaf
Are you that much of a spastic cunt that you can't work out how to change to British English? Fuck off and we're keeping those islands, they have paramount and strategic military purpose. But you wouldn't know that, coon.
Mongolia representing on the Taiwanese Porn Hub
>pic is close enough
Holy shit
Is allright, send some guinness and is all forgotten
Sorry we discovered and then populated islands right off your coast that you didn't get round to bothering with as you were too busy getting rich off Royal Navy merchants to care.
>in behalf of all the British people
Hello Ahmed
>British English
Why are you giving in to American memes? Theres English and just English.
Deal. I hate these jew threads.
I'm sorry to all my fellow Gen Z's who are going to have to die fighting tooth and nail for the existance of our culture, race and land.
Nice try you proxy or paki cunt.
>The Falklands remained uninhabited until the 1764 establishment of Port Louis on East Falkland by French captain Louis Antoine de Bougainville, and the 1766 foundation of Port Egmont on Saunders Island by British captain John MacBride.
Some other countries might have claim but not Argentina.
The people want to be under British rule so shove it up your ass.
Reconquer asia, its a mess now
Hi Finland!
I'd like to apologise to Sup Forums for Britian colonising Canada, Canada was a mistake.
Sad thing is the The Falklands could easily have peacefully, happily, chosen to become part of Argentina if Argentina weren't so fucking retarded.
All Argentina had to do was be friendly, give priviliged economic/travel status to Falkland Islanders (pre-emptive citizenship essentially), accept their right to live their was just as valid as the right of the Italian/Spanish/German/Irish etc 'Argentines' in Argentina to live there, popose that they be brought into the country while maintaining certain devolved rights (think Puerto Rico in U.S.) and so on so forth and eventually it would have happened naturally.
But they chose to go full Peronist/Fascist/Retard and try to bully the Falklands into submission - which might be a winning tactic when facing other Latins but history clearly shows it's not a good idea when it comes to Anglo-Saxon or Celtic types.