¿is the future currency?
¿is crypto jewish bullshit?
What does Sup Forums think about Bitcoin
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Only time can tell.
The only monetary system that is free from direct influence bullshit and banker bullshit.
Even gold is bullshit now with the futures and all that bullshit.
Going to be big in Europe when everything goes cashless.
This. But it's closest practical thing to gold.
>have limited supply
>controlling parties (major mining groups) are interested in keeping things working
>large sums can be stored in you anus
If something happens to its core, its over.
Too fragile, has no military powers to back it up.
But still interesting.
Except for the fact that the limitation is not physical but digital, so, not real.
Also I have heard that your government officers have been stealing mining companies and using it themselves top kek
Main problem with gold is that it requires extensive infrastructure and thus pushes towards centralized storage (and today it is pushed there as far as it can go).
That, and the fact that bullion banks are pushing futures, leading to 500 times more paper """gold""" being traded than there is actual gold backing it.
>not physical
Increasing supply will require protocol change, consensus of >50% of miners and all clients, and such massive turmoil will crash (in adoption and trust sense) bitcoin to another crapcoin.
From (((interested party))) it makes as much sense as for state to start counterfeiting it's own currency
if its going to replace paper currency in future electricity bills will skyrocket
If I get Bitcoin what are the chances my money will disappear
It's mostly a chinese curency. It's good for them because their government can't get to it. Every time you see Yuen down this shit goes up.
>¿is crypto jewish bullshit?
If anything it isn't because the jews can't tax it or track how much you have.
It's used extensively in money laundering.
>Too fragile, has no military powers to back it up.
Yeah, good luck trying to destroy bitcoin lol.
The Chinese central bank (PBoC) has probably had by far the most detrimental influence on bitcoin (2013 crash, the several crashes since January 5 2017), and even they say bitcoin can't be killed.
That's the beauty of it, bitcoin doesn't need banks, vaults, security, personnel, buildings, boardrooms, managers, ...
It won't. Bitcoin is too slow and has transaction fees (that will skyrocket once mining stops).
Bitcoin for storage and clearance.
Crapcoins or good old centralized systems, backed by bitcoin, for consumer use.
>It's mostly a chinese curency
Chinese volume dropped from 95% to about 30% in two days after the PBoC enforced trading fees.
All that volume was Chinese devils flipping their own bitcoin back and forth to create empty volume, because the exchanges offered them benefits to do so.
Ethereum is bitcoin 2.0
Butcoiners trying to preserve tgeir investments in an obsolete currency controlled by chinese mining hardware manufacturers cover up the true identity of satoshi nakamoto.
Satoshi nakamoto is Nick Szabo. nick szabo is a contributor to the ethereum project which fulfills satoshis (Nicks) vision of a blockchain using smart contracts.
The writing is on the wall for bitcoin. Ethereum is the final form of blockchain and will supercede bitcoin in market cap once people realise they dont want to use a cuckcurrency controlled by 4 chinese individuals.
Ethereum is moving to a pure proof of stake mining algorithm which will cut out the chinks forever more this is causing mass butthurt by miners.
If you like money, dump bitcoin and buy ethereum.
>Created most likely by CIA to fund terrorists
>When it got out of hand, more and more countries try to regulate/ban it
Its basically a middle finger to fiat money. Gives you more freedom, but not privacy.
>t. Bitcoin trader for over 3 years
when shit hits the fan bitcoin wont matter. Dont put all your eggs in one basket.
>will disappear
In "loosing BTC" sense these chances are equal to chance of loosing your wallet (set of private keys). Which is not high if you are not retarded
In "loosing $ due to BTC drop". No idea, but in long term i think it will remain stable (in short term it will probably fall (~400-700), as today price is inflated). But I am only 1/16 jew, so not a good councilor here
Ignore this shill.
Its for buyin drugs.
>Community that consider 'ebil frauds did ebil things to harm REAL HUMAN BEANS' valid reason to fork network.
It's a good experiment and idea, but it's still a crap coin,
Bitcoin does not give you privacy per se, but it allows you to put effort and have privacy.
We all need bitcoin wallets
Kekistan uses bitcoin as half its currency.
>Ethereum is bitcoin 2.0
You mean ETH or ETC? Or how many more hardforks will you do?
Lets be honest I participated in the ride from 1$ to 22$, but lost interest in that crypto since.
Just means that less BitCoin moves around because they're cheap chinks. It's still used for getting rid of dirty Yuen.
If I want privacy i go for Monero
>It won't. Bitcoin is too slow and has transaction fees (that will skyrocket once mining stops).
The last bitcoin isn't supposed to be mind until over 100 years from now.
By then, mining could be embedded in the smallest electronic devices.
To think otherwise is like pre-industrial people thinking it would take thousands of sheets of vellum to record what's on the average hard drive today.
Jew don't have some shekels to count? GTFO of this thread
What we're seeing now is the actual Chinese volume.
Even when people thought 95% of bitcoin volume actually did take place in China, in reality it was only about 30%, on par with the Yen and Dollar.
I remember bitcoin when it was a couple of dollars, but ignored it because I thought it was currency for a computer game or something.
>implying the same couldnt be done with bitcoin
Bitcoin is just as private. Just use different addresses ad infinitum for the same wallet and nobody can ever know who you are.
Bitcoin is good for buying black market goods from foreign retailers.
More Chan people need to find ways to get people to deposit bitcoin in their e wallets
>To think otherwise is like pre-industrial people thinking it would take thousands of sheets of vellum to record what's on the average hard drive today.
Just go and read a fucking whitepaper. Mining is limited in protocol. If you try to claim you 'mined' something past last compensated block, that it will be rejected by network.
Once mimblewimble comes out monero won't be used much.
We need KEK-COIN
Don't ever discuss with jews, you cant change their mind. Just ignore.
Two big bumpers of price are the some that are bumping $.
>Chinese people trying to buy BTC and sell it overseas for $
>Scared european capital, that flees to pump US$ and BTC
We will have next rise during French and German election
Triggered bitcucks
Crypto a rrency is only valuable if retailers accept it as a form of payment.
If you can buy food and guns from foreign retailers with bitcoin the currency is great.
Once the last coin is mined, block rewards simply cease, but blocks can still be added.
And 100 years from now there will be a myriad of ways in which miners could still be sufficiently compensated for mining.
Drugs are worth money that means bitcoin is worth money.
>Cryptocurrency is only valuable if retailers accept it as a form of payment.
Replace cryptocurrency with gold, and notice how wrong you are.
And if you don't think future implementation of technology won't allow for the use of bitcoin for transactions at visa-like speeds, then I don't know what to tell you.
Bitcoiners in denial that satoshi nakamoto is nick szabo
In the following video nakamoto explains he created bitcoin as a simple prototype and goes on to explain that ethereum is the full realisation of his vision of blockchain
This triggers the bitcuck
>when your software is the most retarded ponzi scheme imaginable but you give literally ZERO fucks and keep making it more insane
It's doomed. Governments will regulate shit out of bitcoin and at that point it's just better to use normal currencies.
>that brain tho
SegregatedWitness will solve all problems and send us to the promised land.
Please stop selling your bitpennies and continue dealing with transaction times of up to 10 minutes.
Timestamp for where he claims to be Satoshi, please.
you cant be serious. go look at the code and compare to bitcoin
you are very much out of your element
Still, 4 of the 5 top mining pools are Chinese companies and there is clear and obvious relation between the Yuen and the Bitcoin.
It's a Chinese alternative currency.
The only people who want it to be the future currency art the (((people))) that already have a lot of it.
Something like 90% of the bitcoin is already owned by 4-5 people
>Governments will regulate shit out of bitcoin and at that point it's just better to use normal currencies.
Protip: governments can only regulate in their own space.
Even China (the biggest internet regulator ever) realizes it's futile.
+12 Ether shekels have been deposited into your account.
The only thing keeping bitcuck value high is general public ignorance of what a blockchain is supposed to do
If people start to understand, they dump btc for eth and never look back
>myriad of ways
Only way for miner to get BTC is
1) per block reward
2) block transaction fees
By definition. Other ways would mean building new system on top of BitCoin (aforementioned crapcoins and centralized processings)
>but progress!
Automatic regulation, it's in protocol for exactly that reason. Total H/s of network grows, target raises, rate of blocks stays same, with limited block size it means transaction rate stays capped - 'transactions per second is limited resource'
Miners will process blocks with maximum fees, which means your 0.01BTC +0.001 BTC fee (10%) for weed will be stuck forever, as miners process 5000.00 BTC+100.00 BTC (2% fee) transaction by institutions.
For now, subsidies are primary source, so miners can afford emitting suboptimal blocks (to avoid risk of orphans). in future such luxury will disappear.
>there is clear and obvious relation between the Yuen and the Bitcoin.
Right now, there's a 40 USD difference between the bitcoin price in China and elsewhere.
After the last coin is mined, there are no more block rewards, however blocks are still generated and transaction fees will still exist.
ether is being used to pull bitcoin out from under bitcoin weak hands. it had some success when it was pushed by the nyt around a year and a half ago. if i was going to put money in anything other than bitcoin, it would be monero (xmr), but there's no way i'm going to do that anytime soon. maybe after bitcoin reaches $13,000+ usd.
it's a pump and dump thing like all memecoins
it's cool if you entered early
you're a chump if you buy into it with cash
if anything, try to earn some by offering services for btc payment, then gamble using it, there are no taxes so you won't take that hit
I wonder how it'll cope after chyna demand settles
it has a future because it does not rely on the middlemen aka banking systems
there are dangers of getting fucked over, you can't do shit if someone takes them away from you or swindles you
There is one Bitcoin price ? Maybe I'm wrong but it's the same price all over the world... What do you mean?
The price is supposed to be about the same, with some minor variations between exchanges and currencies.
$ 40 is a massive gap, and it appeared after the PBoC involvement last week, when they made the three Chinese exchanges halt withdrawals of bitcoin.
The candlestick patterns even diverged significantly between Yuan and USD/EUR/..., while they are normally supposed to be virtually identical.
Blockchains themselves are a fantastic technology that'll revolutionize business in due time just like the internet did. As for bitcoins in particular: only time can tell. I think that bitcoin is like the the first internet browser equivalent of cryptocurrency. When we get the first netscape equivalent (simple for normies and backed by companies/producers) then crypto will be he order of the day. What will probably happen is that either India or China will supplement their paper currency with a crypto alternative which will slowly lead to crypto being commonplace all across the world. It won't replace paper but it'll be preferred to paper.
Wrong my friend it is impossible to have a blockchain "owned" by a bank or company. By their very nature they are decentralised. A centralised blockchain is just a database, a common thing in banks to tell you what money you have.
Kikes btfo
I don't think it can be used for fractional reserve lending, and it's resistant to artificial inflation.
So that's two things it does better than typical bank-distributed fiat.
So what I'm understanding is that the chinks basicly did all this trading between themselves to create the illusion of huge trading volume. Did they do this to keep the value of Bitcoin up?
Because if so it's seems pretty logical for the Chines government to do this. They don't want savings going outside the country so they impose these fees that deters Chinese from buying Bitcoin.
Or you could say that ethereum is bitcoin 2.0 and that bitcoin will soon be worthless once people start to realise this fact
What you say seems logical is in fact a ludicrous misunderstanding of facts
I know a founder of ethereum AMA
>95% of the currency is owned by chinks and sweat shop owners
>future of currency
pick one
Are you stupid? The bank can just have a blockchain that they have a master key to that allows them to change anything they want or mint more currency whenever they want.
That's what im reading from articles and people. If you know better please educate me and don't just be an asshole?
Yeah but that wont be a blockchain it will be a private bank owned currency. Why would anyone buy that over usd? I think you need to rethink your bank chain.
The chinese government are faking volume on bitcoin exchanges for what reason? Use your brain jew.
It's the exchanges themselves faking volume on their own exchanges to bring in more customers.
>look at my liquidity trade here etc. Etc
Use your brain jew. Why would the government be trying to increase business for a bitcoin exchange? You ludicrous small brained freakazoid
>Did they do this to keep the value of Bitcoin up?
The three big Chinese exchanges (OKCoin, BTCChina, Huobi) did this to compete against each other.
It was like a dick-measuring contest to see who could get the greatest """volume""".
So they charged zero trade fees, and gave incentives for sheer volume, like lower withdrawal fees the higher your volume.
So they ping-pong ching-chonged the same old bitcoin back and forth between sock accounts, creating tremendous volume but without a single impact on supply/demand and therefore price.
>Because if so it's seems pretty logical for the Chines government to do this.
The past PBoC interventions (ban on margin/leverage, forced introduction of trading fees) have been very beneficial for Bitcoin.
People now no longer think nearly all of the volume is in China, which is a good thing.
Last week was the first actual step by PBoC beyond basic regulation: a semi-aggressive attack on Chinese Yuan dodgers.
Again, it has its pluses for Bitcoin, as it weeds out those traders that have zero interest in Bitcoin, and were only out to find an escape route towards the Dollar.
When I said the chinks I was referring to chinese traders who abused the system not the chinese government dumb William.
no, because most people don't even know what bitcoin is yet. ethereum is the cheaper, inflationary, centralized bitcoin. it's basically fiat in crypto form.
I have a script that can be used to cheat an online gambling site. If you want it you can give me BTC in exchange.
[email protected]
excuse me it's [email protected]
I don't think you know what a blockchain is senpai. Also the proposition is that the Fed issues this currency as a blockchain USD that has minimal transaction fees. It makes online transactions easier by cutting out several middle men and gives the government more spying capability and control over the population.
Why buy Bitcoin futures when you can just buy Bitcoin?
Impossible to tax, hard to trace, perfect for laundering, good liquidity to fiat currency, impossible to control issue or circulation. It is everything the left hates, everything the right loves. Jews wll be as split on it as anything else.
For newbies: It is not for investment as it is far too unstable. It is good for trading.
Pump and dump elsewhere you enormous faggot.
Inflation for ethereum will be below replacement once the POS algorithm comes in.
Bitcoin once again BTFO
Triggered by a superior currency.
Bitcucks in a nutshell.
Ethereum is bitcoin 2.0 even your precious satoshi (real name nick szabo) says that ethereum is superior and that bitcoin was merely a simple experiment.
szabo is not satoshi.
you're british, so no one should listen to you unless they want to lose their money.
ive tried to buy bitcoin three times but i never figure it out and end up not buying any because i dont want to be scammed. its a cryptic currency for sure
you are just lazy sven
do you live off of welfare?
>t. didnt buy btc cheap but has a lot of ethereum
The bitcoin currency is based on gold I think.
And you're a burgershart what's your point bitcuck?
I have plenty of both. I run one of the oldest businesses to accept bitcoin in the UK.
Is it smart to invest now?
Is it going to drop again to $200-300 or will it mostly just rise from now on?
There's a lot of predictions saying that it will keep rising to 10k maybe even more but idk.
my point is you don't have enough cash to get your teeth fixed, so maybe you shouldn't waste your money on eth.
Ive seen plenty of burgersharts up close and personal. The average brit looks a million times better
you guys are almost pakistani