If Pewdiepie jokes about it it's anti-semitic, and the MSM tries to destroy his career?
Am I getting this right? Makes perfect sense...
Ok, let me get this straight. If Sarah Silverman dresses like Hitler, it's ok?
She's a kike, so yes.
>Niggers can say 'Niggers'
Fuck off stormleaf
>most subscribed on youtube
(((they))) couldn't shut down his career without doing something like shutting down his channel and banning him from social media sites permanently
no dumbass its becuase
>Sarah Silverjew
>jewish women
>white male
you know the rest
Kikes love Nazis. It gives them room to say they're OPPRESSED wink wink. It's why they created the alt right and antifa. Jews want to burn down this country with no survivors. It's their MO. Cause a shitstorm so bad they're forced out, then they blare it out on the international press how oppressed they are to mobilize foreign powers to BTFO the oppressor, and then work with the foreign powers burn down the crime-scene--much like a murderer burns down the house of his victim to cover his tracks. Over and over again the kikes do this. It's actually fascinating to see how they keep getting away with it.
She was making fun of Hitler, pewdiepie was making fun of the people hitler had mudered. Are you retarded, what don't you get?
Ever heard of Jewish privilege? Ever hear of Jews run Hollywood?
>m-muh white male oppression
Autists ITT
Milo is Jewish but he doesn't get a free pass, does he?
Her act is obviously mocking Hitler, tha'ts the difference. fucking inbreds
So is Milo.
>"women are funny too guys"
This bitch.
Pewdiepide did nothing wrong
IT'S OKAY WHEN ( ( ( S I L V E R M A N ) ) ) DOES IT
The term "nazi" was deregotary slang invented by escaping hungarian jews.
Found the jew
Imagine if the masses become desensitized to the Hitler and muh 60 gorrillian.
If the final solution became a meme in the eyes of the public.
Imagine for a moment the shreiking and kvetching.
Imagine derHaulocaust becoming cliche.
Let her go.
"Nazi'' was anti-National Socialist term originally created by Jews as an insult but good luck explaining that to...
Sarah Silverman is detestable swine and should be publicly executed for her subversive decadence and calls for a coup
>comedian who who isn't appealing to anyone in particular
>youtuber whose audience is mostly underage people
Not like he can't keep producing content either, he just doesn't get Disney money nor Youtubes support.
Milo is an autist attention whore
no one likes him
silverjew is part of the system
she probably even owns a few children on Podesta's Island
>thinks cursive is swastikas
Milo gets tons of fucking freepasses you idiot, he even admits to it himself. He's a Jewish faggot who uses that to be able to push right-wing narratives without the consequence that it has for most others.
Indian shitposters are like Canadian shitposters if you took away 20 IQ points and basic sanitation practices.
>le purple pigeon
back to rediit
Who? The broad masses of people? I have completely given up on them. Now, my ideology about women is pump then dump.
it is the same logic that makes a black male saying nigger something socially acceptable
You mean this Disney? Or is there another Disney?
>oh no he gets paid a little less literally 1984 censorship
Not an argument
The one actually shilling for shekels is PewDiePie. He's not even American, but he throws on a MAGA cap, spams some alt-right memes and gets another million subscribers from t_d. Thx for the money!
>permabanned from twitter
>had at least 5 speaking engagements canceled so far
>literal riots in the streets when he shows up for an event
yeah tons of fucking freepasses. you're an inbred too
She's a shock comic. She can get away with anything because she doesn't give a fuck when people complain.
Pewdiepie complains like a faggot anytime somebody writes a negative headline about him.
>Jewtube will continue collecting revenue off of Pewdiepie's popularity, but will stop sharing a tiny percentage of their shekels
How (((coincidental.)))
Suck a dick, Chang
It's ok because she's a stupid kike mouthpiece for braindead millienials that sit in front of the telly for every meal.
If i did that, how would you find a job, Dravidian?
Pewdiepie OC thread
Time to meme him into the God Führer
>Saaaayyy nigger
Holy damn.
This slander against the supreme leader of the Aryan race PewDiePie by the Jewish lying press is outrageous and sickening. If this rat-faced sicko Sarah Silverman mocks white Christian goyim and their redeemer Jesus Christ by saying "Yes, we Jews killed Jesus, I'd kill Jesus again!" you can hear the sound of silence emanating from the Jewish lying press. If the absolutely revolting Jewish sexual predator Lena Dunham releases a twitter video celebrating and gloating about the "coming extinction of straight white men" there is again silence.
But if, GOD FORBID, a White pure-blooded Scandinavian Aryan defends his homeland and his people from the vicious attacks committed against our ancestral homelands and our racial bloodline, points out the millions of Somalis and Arabs our countries are flooded with by these evil-minded Jews, it's like another Holocaust all of a sudden.
PewDiePie has no interest in the opinions of the Jewish-controlled media because he is not part of the Jewish-controlled culture. He is white Aryan counterculture. He is the avatar of the spiritual reawakening of white racial consciousness among Generation Z, the generation of the alt-right.
Hail Pewds! Hail the Bro Army! Hail Victory!
pewds is clearly "ironic" about all the hitler stuff and he has never defended his country nor his people (probably because there's nothing worth defending), and he will not give a rats ass about some cuckfeed level butthurt from his sponsors.
checked and verified.
I'm as convinced that Pewds is a nazi, as I am that Silverman is too.
It's the fucking double standard and media manipulation that pisses me off.
Is she sponsored by Disney? Also she's Jewish so it's inherently different. You might think it's a double standard but it's similar to the difference between saying white power vs black power.
jews are disgusting. am i on a list now?
>I can trace my ancestors to a single village in Ireland
>Ergo nobody can have white pride
This is how normies actually think.
Go away CTR
The moment you decided to browse Sup Forums, you have been on a list. Specially you, since you live in the UK.
Only kikes get to joke about jews. Anyone else, and it's anudda shoah oy vey GEVALT!
kys kike
Maybe this?
Sarah Silverman is irrelevant past being an entertainment puppet, she's actually dime a dozen, her following is niche.
Pewdiepie has a much bigger following. Mostly younger generations. He's in a much, much more influential position that might reinforce the counter-culture.