Im muslim ask me anything

im muslim ask me anything

Taqiyya is not an argument

Muh bedofail mudhammed is not an argument

muh sand muh lelz u bombz yoself is not an argument

and un confirmed hadith another hadith supporting them

i memorize over 600 hadiths and they are the most popular so dont try to act smart

Who don't you realize that the truth of reality is not Islamic, Judaic, or Christian?

Why do you praise a historical pedophile?

Can you hurry up and die faster?
>i really wanna piss on your grave

i said muh bedofail is not an argument you fucking leaf atheist cuck bastard

Why do your people have no devotion to the land of their ancestors?

I'm not talking about "bedofail" I'm talking about how Muhammed fucked a 9-year-old who was clearly not mature enough to offer consent to such an act.

This is a legitimate criticism of Islam. It's definitely an argument.

The revolting amount of bombings that occur within largely Islamic countries is actually quite an indicator that something is wrong with your ideology and is one of the more important facts regarding anti-Islamic arguments.


How does it feel worshiping a pedophile "prophet" who had sex with animals?

>you must be so smart OP

Have you ever seen

Day of the rake coming by mudlsime shitters like OP.

are you able to accept that people are individuals and have freedom of religion choices, or more interested in Islam, Shariah Law and values based on your religion?

they do
no because he was not you brainwashed faggot
the question is ?
muh bedofail
yeah sure

When will you start worshipping the Old Ones?

The ancestors.

The cycles of the cosmos and seasons.

When will you realise that Druidism is the answer.

>they do
Well, Jordan is pretty good about that, from my knowledge, but nearly every other Muslim nation has a immigration deficit.

>Taqqiya is not an argument
No, that in itsself is not an argument

Go spread misinfo on your backwards sandnigger religion elsewhere

why are Turkish people the only good muslims?

why are you so gay? why are Turkish people so masculine compared?

why are Turkish people free spirited, accepting and tolerant unlike arabs (you)?

Turks don't cover their women up and they drink, but they are still the best muslims out of the middle east, why is this? why do you get BTFO'd by Turks on the daily?

>t. mehmet
is not an argument as I am a fully white nu-anglo atheist, one of the most intelligent in my fields

holy kek
>underrated post

that does not sound promising OP...

would you accept christians in your lands or would you kill him for his beliefs and religious freedom

All muslims know how to do is lie about Muhammad being a pedophile.
It's like, we can read all the Islamic literature too mudslime.. we know what Muhammad did.
We just don't believe his bullshit like you do.

>we're smarter than you ya dumb fuck

>ask me anything
Why not convert to an ideology that isn't barbaric and nonsensical?

>Taqiyya is not an argument
It's hard to argue about lying with a liar, not sure anyone would bother with that

>Muh bedofail mudhammed is not an argument
You're right - there's no argument to be had. Fucking a 9 year old is objectively fucked up.

>muh sand muh lelz u bombz yoself is not an argument
WTF are you even trying to say here? You guys suck at getting along with one another and the rest of the world, history proves this. Get fucked.

>and un confirmed hadith another hadith supporting them
Nobody's going to read Sa Hih Bukari and come away with a good feeling about your shit religion

>i memorize over 600 hadiths
Leaving little room in your pea brain for anything else.

In short, kys

Jordan is redpill?

Here's a question: Do you believe that Islam itself is completely to blame for the horrible atrocities that happen daily within certain 100% Islamic shithole countries? Cutting hands off boys, stoning girls to death, throwing gays off of roofs, and so on. Do you support violence such as that?

What's the best type of truck to use on a Truck of Peace run?

Why are you a Muslim? Would you like to see more of the world become Muslim? Why can't you fuckers just leave us alone?

do you beileve that torah and bible sent from allah and changed later?

da joos did dis

Who is Jesus to you?

get out juden

Take you taqiyya elsewhere mudslime

>Taqiyya is not an argument
It absolutely is you duplicitous sand-nigger.

i would kill them but islam is kind of too soft...
fug of
yeah me too lmao
sure thing buddy
hahahahaha true
whatever gets you sleeping at night
fuggin jew
he is one of the main 3 prophets sent by allah

Ignore these sperglords.

Do you think "refugees" around you are getting funded from the western wolrd to migrate? If yes what do you think who funds them?

the jews

The jews started syrian civil war and deported all muslims to the EU so they wreck everything and act like barbarians so the jews can get permission to wipe us out

>sure thing buddy
Ayyyy so you all aren't hip to share your dirty little secrets with infidels, eh? Smart!

so hard core muslim
your country is as muslim as a pork chop

If all your countries are so shit you have to come to the west.
Why are you trying to install the values and laws you had that turned your old countries into shit in the new countries?

Even if you think christianity is bullshit you can not argue against the success of it so why don't you want to be happy?

how it felt to get rekt in the battle at Vienna ?

>Before we start this argument I just want to say that every possible criticism you could come up with is now invalid

Shouldn't you be off cataloging the slow goats for future use?

Sounds interesting.
Do you guys have a plan to stop this somehow?

1. Did you choose to be a Muslim?

2. Do you like being a Muslim?

3. Do you truly believe in God?

But he was, your entire culture is nothing but spoiled, violent manchildren.

dont avoid my question

Don't have questions, just stopped by to say hi.

[spoiler] and I want every refugee to be flagellated to shreds in boiling pigshit, oh and fuck the jews [/spoiler]

>It's hard to argue about lying with a liar, not sure anyone would bother with that
>No, that in itsself is not an argument

Taqqiya is pretending to not be a Muslim in order to avoid detection. A guy who says he's a muslim isn't using taqqiya.

confirmed terrorist

implying i dont want to impale the whole royal family and burn them to death except the the wife and daughter
the wife will be my eternal servant and daughters will be my sex slaves
after 5 years i will kill them for joy

like this one?

>ignoring the questions
>crying about kiddie rape instead

you left a stain on the toilet kurwa

how about I throw you off the roof you faggot

why you defend ottomans? didnt you guys rebel against them lol

i dont know about others

but i myself wont die without killing at least 10 jews
and im not being ironic or joking
yeah ( was a christcuck but alhamdulillah i became muslim)
nah im good
sure thing friendo
whatever you say fingolian chink
whatever gets you sleeping at night kiddo

ohhhh I see you are not meant for Jordan
you should be with gif related faggots

okay mabye this question is too hard for you
how it feels to know that muslims could rule whole europe if they didn't get rekt in the battle at Vienna ?

Do girls age quicker in the desert? Or are you to busy boy-fucking to notice?

> hurr durr ima mudslime
>truth is not an argument
>true things will not be accepted itt
>I'm master of mudslime religion and I know all so anything you say doesn't even matter

Fuck Mohammed, pussy ass bitch half nigger.

Just because you say something isn't an argument doesn't make it so. It just means you don't want that thing to count because it works against you.

okay mabye this question is too hard for you
how it feels to know that muslims could rule whole europe if they didn't get rekt in the battle at Vienna ?

not my ""guys"" i wish we didnt

fucking british faggots dividing the ottoman khalifate
long live ottoman empire and fuck modern atheist ataturk loving roaches

Take his word with a grain of kosher salt folks. Judaism and Islam allow lying to the goyim/infidels for no reason. That makes them the worst religions, at least Christcucks are just cucks.

There's something really surreal about people playing grassdive with human heads. tfw reality is stranger than fiction.

these guys are a little too soft
noice digits fagot
maybe i dont know
lol u mad

What is taqiyya? Be honest now, Abu.

>Taqqiya is pretending to not be a Muslim in order to avoid detection. A guy who says he's a muslim isn't using taqqiya.

>mfw I never said they were

shill more faggot

Marriages were used in the Arab world for relation ships with other tribes. Muhammad married a 9 year old, however sexual acts are not allowed in shaira law until they reach puberty. Which in Saudi Arabia is 15

>was a christcuck

I'm a shitskin catholic (half indian half paki). Muslim father wasn't around. Catholicism never convinced me. Should I convert?

ITT: A mudlime shits up the place with poor syntax and idiocy

taqiyya is lying to defeat enemies like you faggot

and i have no problem doing it

look at the EU you are literally going extinct

we will invade you from the inside out

You are done for
we will completely destroy you
nothing such as moderate islam there is only islam

islam is not the religion of peace its the religion of justice you cucks


fuck off snowflakes sins are met by punishment

Why do you believe that Mary, the mother of Jesus is the sister of Aaron? in Sura 19.
Essentially you claim that Moses was the uncle of Jesus, even though there are 1400 years between them.

blatantly false

shows what an evolved species we are

Pure autism

100% akhi

im just replying to these stupid shitheads ironically for lolz

if you want serious complete questions please go to a mosque and learn about islam

Welcome any time brother and i hope you chose the right path

And there we have it folks. Every towlie thinks exactly like this nonce. Get them out, now!

listen up goat fucker.

I don't care what you believe in religiously, you child molesting terrorist. Jesus was a prophet, so why not accept that your God is my God, and learn to exist in peace with Christians. Its not easy, but having different beliefs of who is THE prophet does not mean death to (((infidels))) except the Juden. Juden death camps should exist today for sure. However, denying Christians the ability to worship their savior and God, which is by the book, your God.

How about you shove your Allahu Snackbar bombs up your anus and fuck your goat until you ask your son to go bomb some place while you explode both inside and outside a goat.

maybe try forced gang finger banging as in pic related.

i don't know

>ask me anything

>if you want serious complete questions please go to a mosque and learn about islam




Why did allah sent 3 prophets with different books to create confict and wars for hundreds of years? If you say that bible and torah corrupted why allah sent them just to be corrupted? Why not send 1 book and 1 prophet to eliminate confusion? And why send a prophet in middle of desert instead of more developed and sophisticated part of the world?

>i don't know

Typical mudslime wisdom

Obvs you have never met a 3rd world non capital dwelling mudslime in your life.

Jordan, thank you for helping so many Syrian refugees. I wish the Gulf States would take some too.

hahaha thats right motherfucker

And guess what ? your retarded femenist SJW politcally correct faggots will defend us and your government cucks wont do shit until its too late

prepare for the final showdown bastard
pretty good ideas


WHAT A FUCKING LIAR.Aisha was 6 when Mo the Muzzie married her. He was 54.

And when she was 9 Muhammad had sex with her. Before that Mo the Pedo used to shower with her. Don't try to sugarcoat it you lying deceiver.

I appriciate your awnsers man.
Be safe. :^)

Is it possible that Muhammad simply didn't realize that Mary, the mother of Jesus and Miriam, the sister of Aaron and daughter of Imram are two different people?

>sins are met by punishment

And this is exactly why you and your ilk are going to be beaten back into pre-history

I'd say stone age but you assholes never left it

Reason is pretty redundant when dealing with Muslims. We are all just godless heathens to them and their book permits them to kill us. You can't reason with a jackal

nah fag
i hate all refugees specially the palestienian faggots
because after they died their books got edited

also mohammad was sent to arabs because they were the most backward so he came to teach them

>prepare for the final showdown bastard
Hope you have your bags packed, shit for brains

Yeah I will. I've been conversing with Muslim work colleagues about Islam. Planning on visiting a mosque soon.

Only 19. Still living at home I grew up in. Can't let my family find out I am considering Islam. They hate Muslims as is.

mohammad is always right
he is the last prophet sent by god and its not possible for him to say something wrong
lol u mad fag

Islamic deception comes in various ways.
You're just butthurt because you can't blatantly lie to people and get away with it anymore
None of you are trusted and your nation will be glassed soon.

Our retarded leftists will serve as bomb/rape fodder. We will pick you savages off when we are done laughing at exploding feminists

>i don't know
This sums up so fucking many peoples opinions. Multiculturalism is shit for the same reason as socialism is shit, society is brought down by the lowest members of society, the outliers make the rest of society answer for their mistakes. You would kill christians in your own lands so why shouldn't you be killed when you come to ours? If you don't understand that hypocrisy you are stupid and if you do understand it and are just taking advantage of it, I hope you come invade soon, Chicago and Detroit are good places to come.

>lol u mad fag
Nah - more amused at your useless flailing than anything

It's like watching a deer drink from a stream before you blow its brains out

Islam doesn't permit faggotry I'm afraid. KYS instead

Stay strong brother and i hope the best for you

Inshallah your family will realize the truth and will follow your steps to heaven

If you have any basic questions im ready to fully answer them if i know them

You must thank allah for guiding you to the right way and preventing you from going to hell

Allah bless you brother

are you mad people are realizing the truth and becoming muslim to save themselves infidel ?

Reported for extremism

Have fun talking to your parents

I have nothing against you or your kind.
I wish your kind would stay in your own countries though, and if you're coming here don't act entitled to anything and just follow our norms.
t. non-stormfaggot