Daily reminder that unironically supporting any form of socialism including national socialism is an extremely cucked position
Daily reminder that unironically supporting any form of socialism including national socialism is an extremely cucked...
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>ahegao is norman tier now.
The fuck is up with her iris
>jews forum sliding again
k care
>wanting others people money to be given to you is cucked
What about National Socialism?
*semitic speaking immigrants from the american #Refugeecrisis of the 20th century
true. Communism/Socialism=Judaism
sauce on the girl(?)
saged not saged
>he is proud of having lost the war against the West
so who killed the most jews: Stalin or Hitler?
Communism pushes global Atheism for everyone, so I'd argue Communism :^)
>besides you haven't read about the Madagascar Treaty proposed by Adolf before cucks like (((Churchill))) and others had to ruin things
Damn I love this chick. So sexy.
She makes this stupid fucking face with her eyes. Not what i'd call sexy.
Is there such a thing as moral capitalism?
Check what the British did in the 19th century
Nvm, I take it back
I forgot about the 66 000 000 000 000 silmarillions under the germans
>national socialism is a form of socialism (which I hate)
only a clueless amerigoy could make that kind of statement
>Communism pushes global Atheism for everyone, so I'd argue Communism :^)
Communism is a Jewish invention. Communist Jews in Russia have murdered over 20 million ethnic Russians.
Making it possible to leech off others kills entrepreneurship and motivation. Why work if you can get money for nothing?
I am a good example of that. I don't work, I live on welfare and other peoples money. It's a problem. I shouldn't be able to do this.
nat soc is the only socialism worth a damn. the rest is for weak wristed tree huggers.
>just because it says 'socialism' it doest't make it a socialism
then why call it socialism in the first place ??
looks like a sjw
>hatefuck boner
how long would you guys last?
how the fuck does someone meet a woman who looks like that
You're literally on the board of Neo Nazis
AKA national socialists
so there's that
somebody please give sauce.
****trumped up trickled down nazi economists
Go outside for a start.
step one get out of your mom basement
step 2 be chat at least 8/10 or
have alot of money
>look at flag
Oh right it's a fucking dumb murican
It doesn't focus on the individual but the collective.
You work for the "order" / State. Good for wartime, when you need lots of people working in factories, to achieve a common goal.
Don't know about sustainability though.
You still have deathsquads doing the dirty work for the state. But I guess if you value nationalism above all else, you'd be drawn to national socialism.
Atleast it has some religious foundations left so that people aren't completely morally corrupt.
Daily reminder that supporting any form of libertarianism or anarchism renders one less than human
>asking for sauce
>shows you a picture where the name is BLACKED
who is she and why do you keep posting her
You could try to use the thing called rational and objective arguments for your position instead of childish insults. Can you even do it?
>being this classcucked
You are a fucking kike
Sup Forums is a libertarian board