There's no apostrophe in CEOs, Donald

There's no apostrophe in CEOs, Donald.

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Imagine how retard you'd have to be to actually VOTE for him. Gets me every time ;)


mohammad gets you every time too :P

Well it's a good thing he's our PRESIDENT and not an English professor.

lol, okay




Thanks to OP we can finally confirm that Sup Forums has nazi... grammar nazi!!!

There's no achievement in your life, irish nigger.

Back to the oven, ShareJew.

One ceo = ceo
Multiple ceo = ceo's

Btfo does CEOS seem right to you? Idiot

There is now

CEO is used in a possessive way here, so yes, there is.

this has to be satire right there are people being paid to shitpost on Sup Forums?

Apostrophe can be used for plural. It's normally not used but it's not wrong to do so in cases such as

>Banana has three a's
>Faggot has two g's

If numbers.

you always apostrophize abbrevitized words

Trump is a busy man.
He has a secretary/assistant do punch in his tweets and sometimes remove characters to fit the GSM SMS limit.
You should contact them for a discussion about grammar and style and not Sup Forums.
Options: Sage

but seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes

I'm convinced he does it on purpose to make opposition look petty.

>There's no apostrophe in CEOs, Donald.
wtf i hate drumpf now

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear code's.

Kek never fails us!

>he fell for the "Sup Forums is satire" meme again

I trust you. Ireland learned this the hard way once when trying to order potato's.


Oh sweetie, thats not how you write! now come over here and give baby girl that easy D

oh sweety

there is in all-caps technical documentation.

Another episode of grammar Nazis getting triggered

Couldn't the call girl in the middle stay in the hotel room??

It's used incorrectly though


It's 4d chess. He knew it will trigger grammar nazis and now the media will focus on how left wing twitter trolls are the real nazis and then next thing you know he invades canada and brings back all our jobs when all the globalist shills are distracted by his grammar. It's fucking genius

Good luck you drunken British fool.

More than 50 million Muslims are willing to support those who carry out terror attacks to defend their religion, migration expert warns the EU

Read more:

Are you not willing to support those who carry out terror attacks to defend YOUR people? Don't be mad at Muslims because they have more loyalty and spine than you do, trudeau

Damn grammar nazi. Somebody should punch your face.

People are saying he should have other people tweet for him, but would you trust other people with your DMs?
Imagine the amount of minors being sexted and the brown envelope deals being arranged