Swedish "social democrat" wants to declare war on Denmark. The reason behind this radical opinion is not what most people would expect.
You see, part of this swedish politicians plan is to capitulate only hours after. IN ORDER TO GIVE SKÅNE BACK TO DENMARK.
So what wrong with the cowardly swedes giving back Skåne to Denmark you might ask yourself. Well the only reason for this, is that they openly admit that we are much better here in Denmark to handle the shitskins, yup the swede said it, not making this up.

"A fast solution to the political headache is to declare ward on Denmark in the morning and then capitulate right after lunch and offer the danes to pull back the borders to 1645, back when Skåne still belonged to Denmark.

With this solution it will gain all parties except for the "troublemakers". Skåne will even get the danish food-politic too, and us swedes will get rid of an acute political headache.

With danish solutions, which has more pragmatic solution and clarity than you will see in Malmos and Swedens political majority, the situation can be solved, but it implies that we give Skåne to the danes after we capitulated."
- Johan Westerholm wrote in his blog (
ask what you want to know, it is in le potato language danish.
Sweden explain this, why you want to give your precious enrichment force to beautiful Denmark?
please dont let this slide, it is funny as fuck

Other urls found in this thread:

bump for Skåne

Is burgers and swefags and other LARPers too busy looking at interracial porn and praying to sandnigger gods to even notice this brilliant swedish politics?

You posted this crap two days ago, go away

I was far away on vacation two days ago, with my phone turned off. Stop LARPing that shills are following you


Also it was one of your politicians who said this. Doesnt it bother you at all? Are you fine with giving away your land to a small country?

a SWEDISH politician said this, not a dane. Why are you so delusional and denying?

Never seen this person, says he's a journalist on wiki

I just googled it for you my swedish friend. He is a member of your social democrat party. Swedish google dont show this or what?

Would the Danish government realistically kick out the muzzies or be stuck with them?

You know, Sweden doesn't have a proper army. They're using ours. And I'm not interested of attacking Denmark, at all.
I suggest you Danes to throw a rock at them, they start crying.

The war bit seems a bit excessive. Just hand it over. Danes clean it up and rebuild, using their kebab removal skills, and the reward is the clay itself, since they need more clay and we don't. We save a lot of money. Also as a consequence we get even better better denmark - sweden relations. win-win.

I don't want Skåne back unless all the shitskins are gone.

Pretty sure the danish government dont want Skåne at all in its current state. Especially not when the swedes put it this way. Danish and swedish politicians disagree on most things to begin with.

We have a saying here in Stockholm, "The biggest military defeat we've ever had was when we won Skåne"

Skåne is fucking shit, and like 50% brown as well

They are all mentally ill. Not surprised if this is true tbqh.

b-but what about the people living there?

If you let your home fall to that level like skåne/malmö then you don't deserve to decide anything anymore.

make it happen swebro. this sounds good

>We have a saying here in Stockholm, "The biggest military defeat we've ever had was when we won Skåne"
No, never heard that.

Stefan Cuckvein can do anything he wants because millenials voted for him.

Make Denmark Sweden Again!

>annexing a nigger colony
They only cost money and you import niggers, see colonial Europe

i would gladly sign up to execute every sandnigger in skåne and i would do it with a smile and a boner

That why we make them stay there :)))))

I'll have you know I have never voted.

You are the problem

I'm with you there, brother.

>You both have small dick syndrome. The sandniggers would probably use you as fuckmeat, you weak, pathetic, pink Danish pölse whores.

I wonder, do they have explosive genes? So we you spray them down will they explode? If so, stand 50 meters away.

nahh they will not declare war on denmark over some shitskins

What's your suggestion?

Well I know people who are not your average LARPing autism neets who are willing to do bad shit to the invaders. Not that I would myself. But you cant know who those two danes is. It all starts with opinions.

You can get swedish google results from which you should be using anyway btw because Google can fuck off.

I guess the Social Democrat assumes that if we gave you Skåne Denmark would not send the natives on their way and have the city recolonized (Daned). It's not the soil which is cursed it's the demographic.

Of course they will not. But the fact this is a leftie "idea" is kind of funny though.

Eternal Swede! They cleansed the area from Skanians and filled it with untermenschen. Removal of non-Nordic element when?

Vote, won't change shit though. A system is in place to cuck the right on everything they bring to the table. :)

>denmark isn't cucked like sweden

Change takes time. Just like it took a lot of time to slowly indoctrinate your swedish people. It goes both ways. Lots of lots of hugboxes to destroy before the most mentally ill people snap back to reality.

Jävla 08

In all honesty though, Denmark is cucked beyond recognition, maybe not as bad as some other countries. But it is pretty fucked here too.


Literally all Swedes including people in Skåne support this.

> Well the only reason for this, is that they openly admit that we are much better here in Denmark to handle the shitskins,

Sure. You're harder on immigrants.

I'm not sure you're quite getting the sardonic tone of voice with which we want to give you this "gift" of land.

Malmö alone is such a shithole and economic drain, getting rid of it would instantly raise all economic and living standard indexes for Sweden. It's our fucking Detroit and you're welcome to it.

Every time I think Sweden can't get any more retarded, they prove me wrong.

Wouldn't it just be easier to change the cross on your flag to a crescent moon, Sweden?

We had this thread few days ago and it had almost no replies.

Denmark is riddled with complacent people who will not consider criticisms. Despite this, we still have an abundance of clever people with proper discernment. There is an old socialist culture of not working or even trying to advance oneself in life. Which needs to be stamped out here.

best scandinavia

Eller hur, Stockholm är fan roten till alla Sveriges problem.

sven, why are you the only country to respond to your own language when talking to your own country? even france doesnt do it

are you so fucking cucked that an english website is the only place where you are not forced at gunpoint to speak arabic?

I never noticed this, but you're right. Swedes are right there with leafs in terms of how annoying they are on this board.

Please, most countries do this. Now you're just cherrypicking.

Maybe he is a bit of a joke politician? We had one guy say all gays and Somalis should be shipped to Åland because they are leeches.

I never understand why you nords are at eachother like a pack of arabs. You have supreme aryan genetics that even ancient greek scholars noted (we called you hyperboreans) and traded with the vikings etc, you have beautiful modernised design as well as elements of gothic architecture yet to let rapefugees in and capitalise on what i think is a decent implementation of welfare, and scramble over little shit

no i swear it is true.

my actual guess is that sweden is slighty more advanced in internet culture than rest of europe. you are better at creating memes in your own language and culture than us danes for example. so you are quicker to resort to your meme language when among your own

i would say the finn is equal. but they never speak their own language here

>meme language
If you mean what I think you mean, then I tell you this: don't start this with me danebro. Don't talk to me about meme language when your own language sounds like it does.

no, i'm talking actual meme language like

> my wifes son

i mean, it's easier for you to speak internet in your own language than it is for me and others

i love when your woman moan in swedish, otherwise it sounds like a retard having a panic attack

>when your own language sounds like it does
you mean 99% the same as yours?

No. Not even the fucking Mexicans speak spanish.

>the plan is made, a official "War", to be followed by swift capitulation and the handover of Skåne
>the Danish armed forced show up in dress uniform for the symbolic "War"
>swedes open fire
>the War of the Cucks has begun

>Tfw Denmark conquers Sweden unwillingly

Not sure I understand what you're trying to say here, don't most Danes understand English as well? It's not like we go around and talk about fucking memes in Swedish, or English for that matter.

This is just plain wrong, and you know it.

Well, we can't all be so lucky as to have our mother-tongue be the international language. But I repeat myself: I've seen this happen lots of times in other languages.

>Calling others cucks
>Has the flag of a foreign country embedded into their own

I didn't think Swedes could still feel butthurt after having their anuses so thoroughly stretched by Ahmed.

Ameri Dane here. When can I take my fathers birth right and come restore order? I don't even know why the faggot left really.

Now you're not even trying anymore.

Sven, looking at the map I'm not sure if it's smart to give your arable land and forests away like that

from what i have seen the swedes are better at internet culture than danes. like finland, they are able to create their own memes in their own language, that sometimes also can work on an international scene like reddit or Sup Forums.

otherwise is mostly copies of american memes. i just see more content created by swedes and finns on the internet than any other scandinavian countries. these are also the countries with best and easiest acess to the internet, so maybe thats why..


An interesting observation that might hold some truth to it. I have not noticed this, despite living in fucking Malmö and being around Danes more often than most Swedes.

>I don't even know why the faggot left really

Back then, many Europeans had this idea that migrating to America would be new opportunity in life (the American dream). Some left for the US simply because of this.

as a trade-off, danes act worse than Sup Forums on the internet. try to read Ekstra Bladet commentary on facebook on muslim-related articles.

>declare war
>denmark takes sweden to court for war crimes, specifically using the scorched earth tactic by putting all the browns there

Sweden is now admitting that it has fucked itself.

Danes only really has that shitty copy paste Bubber meme.
There aren't really any meme worthy things in Denmark. Perhaps its just the culture, Danes have a very selfcritical sense of humour instead of making fun of others, and even when we make fun of others, its by acting as if we are that person. Perhaps that type of humour just isn't fit for memes.

Considering that we, the Canadians, British and your Embassies were all involved in the hostage crisis we did have a right to get pissed.

What would you say are some Swedish memes then? I honestly cannot come up with any.

Getting rid of Skåne by giving it to Denmark

>fill Skane with mudshits
>give it back to Denmark
It's a genius plan senpai!


The reason for officially declaring war to "gift" a part of your country I also dont get... Just trade it away.
What I also dont understand is why the fuck they dont just use the tactics of the danes in handling shitskin....

Sweden vs Denmark would be ultimate memewar.

Implying that Sweden hasn't recruited tens of thousands combat experienced fighters from middle east


i've seen plenty of your king, and a lot of swedish cartoons being memed. check out /r/sweden you'll get the idea


>Implying that Sweden hasn't recruited tens of thousands combat experienced fighters from middle east
>Yeah denmark we just declare war on you to give away a part of our clay
>Invades Denmark with mudskins

Next day:
>Yurop falls into utter chaos, everyone declares War on everyone because everyone wants to get rid of their mudskins while using them as meatshields.
>FINALLY some other country started WW3
>Germany still gets blamed for it in 2050.

cant denmark just take the land but kick everyone out? sweden can have more refugees


I'm a lifetime skåning, I support this, fuck Sweden.

>dominate the entire world through racial genetic elite
>small country