This is deep

this is deep

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Do they even want independence? Who is going to pay welfare to them in such case?

>enough niggers to make a nation
I thought only old people and gay Cubans live there

Interesting idea, but isn't their population growth stagnant compared to other demographics?

Because they know blacks are animals
>Iran, Cuba, Venezuela
Literal who gives a shit countries

>none of these states are more than 38% nog
>winning a civil conflict with armed rednecks
lol good luck niggers

maybe back in the times of jim crow

>Tennessee, North Carolina, and Kentucky

Literally over my dead body.



VA user here
We're with you brother

Great, I'd love to have a nation on par with the DRC right on the other side of my border.

>Taking the states with the most welfare spending and lowest IQ
Let us keep the oil and natural gas in Louisana and I'd be fine with this

yes. They've been at 10ish percent of the population for a long long time.

>west virginia

It'll be South Africa all over again.

Holy shit, it's the CSA with a little missing/tacked on

Civil War 2.0 when?

Zimbabwe 2

VA is a blue state, the rebel spirit is dead there.

not enough black people here in kentucky. wont happen.

Yankee NH here, you've got another rifle.

If they could outlaw abortion then somehow harness the energy of a black father running from his responsibilities they'd be unstoppable

You know how I can tell you don't know shit about Virginia?

how about a whole continent like say ..... I dunno Africa maybe ......

I am ALL FOR a black state. In fact, I will give them 3...

The catch is that they ALL have to go there... and whites get 10 or 12 states for our own.

>Balkanization Threads

Sir I'm gonna steal that image

It's kind of impressive that they meet replacement rate despite aborting more than half of all births. If there was one thing modern Whites could learn from niggers it would be 'put penis in vagina, no tricks'.

>Voted for Obama twice
>Voted for Hillary
>Dem governor
>Two Dem Senators

Do tell me what I'm missing.

VA would have went red, but the jewish governor allowed 100 000 felon niggers to vote at the 11th hour which put it in hillary camp.


>Black Nation State

You have lost your ever-lovin' mind Schlomo

Good luck getting NC out of republican hands.

>Implying whites wouldn't cram all the blacks into Mississippi and then wall it off as an American Bantustan.

>West Virginia
>%90 white
>Belonging to some independent nig nog republic
Top lel

Every other part of the state outside Hampton Roads and Northern Virginia, that's what

Know how I can tell you don't? The cancer of DC is spreading and consuming your once great state, and what have you done about it?

Look at your shit governor. He is a fucking disgrace and a Clinton puppet.

Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa would unite to destroy Shitcago before they'd ever join a The Confederation of Chicago

How's Mcauliffe's dick taste

>Be from Southern Virginia

>Live just outside of the Great Dismal Swamp

Literally everyone (but the cucks in Virginia Beach / the Blax) is red as fuck here.

Virginia is violently split along Rural/Urban lines.

Good lord, how disgusting.

Hillary's margin of victory was over 200,000. Even assuming every one of those felons voted for her, it still wouldn't have changed the outcome. Heck, even if they all voted for TRUMP he still would have lost.

Considering the population centers of Hampton Roads and Northern Virginia have the most political sway, that's the reason, and Cucinelli was a psycho is literally the only reasons

>completely impoverished south american nations will support niggers who are reliant on welfare
>China offer support to Commiefornia if it tries to Calexit
>Russia supports Texas if they want to secede
>Canada & Europe will support the yankees in the NE if they try to secede

I'm pretty sure Texas would win the Civil War 2: Deep State Kikes Wrecked My Country Boogaloo.

you better fucking not

>14% of population
>all that clay

Better than your socialist governed you fat crab cake eating faggot


just give em commiefornia and make the wall a little longer


Added to flag collection.

West Virginia is over 90% white, Kentucky is like 85% white and Tennessee is around that number as well. The only states in the South that a black majority is even feasible is in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia. Alabama is still over 60% white believe it or not.


Cucinelli was a damn fine candidate. The neocuck republicans left him out to hang because they would rather free government gibs for their special interests over a well administered state,

Seriously Virginia, get your fucking shit together.

West Virginia is literally one of the whitest states in the nation. Also the federal government will never allow this and furthermore the only feasible possibility would be if every black moved to Mississippi and Louisiana and we built a wall around them. I'd agree to that

Hello, newfag.

Cucinelli was a theocratic radical, he was pure cancer

Virginia doesn't need a regressive version of John Calvin

i like this angle

>foreign powers supporting black separatist movements

BLM designated as a russian psyop when?

Yeah everyone thinks GA is pure black but its really not they only live in the big city areas. You wont see as many in the country/mountain areas.

>West Virginia


>Ohio under Chicago's control
Try it you fucking niggers, Ohio is the most racist state in the North

It always comes back to the crabs with you va anons. Come up and get some my man, we have plenty. You can even use some of my old bay, I just got a fresh 50 gallon drum yesterday.

Mfw "Confederate States of Dixie"


Pick one

Why not just use Georgia. You could easily pack all the nogs in the USA in that single state.

Time to kill some fucking Yankees

Nigga I was born in Silver Spring and raised in Bethesda
Moving to Virginia was the best move I ever made, enjoy giving up more of your rights and taxes to niggers

Tennessee was 77% white in 2010 which fits with a 3% drop every ten years. So still a pretty firm majority but nowhere near as white as Kentucky and West Virginia.

Yeah. Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana are really the only states where you see a lot of rural blacks. Even in Louisiana they're largely concentrated in New Orleans

>implying any of that is true or that it would ever happen

This is pretty stupid.

m8s, Chicago is a city-state. Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa are all part of the United States of America.

Georgia here

Please try, the rural conservatives living outside Atlanta would have a field day

>The US will have Haiti 2.0 on its border in your lifetime

KY fag here. Brother, I'm with ya!

>push on nation's ethnic/ideological fault lines
>see if you can start a war
>casus belli obtained to "liberate" the side you support

This is kikery 101. They're trying to divide you.

this is a wonderful solution at this point
take it, segregate us again thank you god

Ah, I see my mistake now. I was just retarded

>divide Texas
How about you niggers give us back the land you partitioned away when we became a state?

>black state

Good fucking luck with that, whole different kind of white people, they make stormfront look reasonable and moderate

>that pic
>that post
true patriot

Yeah and the white population is spread out too I really never see blacks when I'm there if you're outside of Nashville

I hope to god they try. White southerners would have a field day.

That percent is a lot higher in the southeast, I think it's something like 40% in Alabama

>asshole of MD

Nah that's Baltimore and Elkton, I'm assuming you're from St. Mary's Co?

>Countries that hate us gladly support something that will weaken the country

Yeah, no shit.

Do people seriously lack the ability for second-level reasoning?

Haiti 2.0?

You got it all wrong, Virginia Beach is extremely red, especially around Pungo and Princess Anne area from all the military influence. Its so culturally conservative that we wont even extend light-rail from Norfolk because of all the "riff-raff" that comes in from the city.

>Taking over WV

I would be laughing if this wasn't so completely fucking retarded.
Good luck.

Come to the Shenandoah Valley and you'll see the rebel spirit alive and well

Please god, no!

MS here.
We'll stand with you.

Please no give them florida instead.

I blame France

nothing of value would be lost except moog

They don't understand what they are implying, do they?

>New Afrika
Fuck off. That shit doesnt touch alabama. They will have to take it from my cold dead hands

In Alabama it's 26%, in Georgia it's 30%. Mississippi comes the closest at 37%.

So even though Mississippi has the most in terms of percentage of the population, Georgia seems like it's growing the fastest. But it will still take several decades without an explosion of growth before they reach 40% there.

But didnt the Nogs get a Whole Nation built by the USA in form of Liberia ?

And isnt there Cannibalism like 30 Years after the Whites there gave up Government ?

Jesus even when the Blacks get a whole Country handed to them they still cant even manage that

>Greater Louisiana
>naming it New Africa
How absolutely disgusting, user.

I know it will hurt, but imagine: the state of Dixie, free of blacks, pure, southern, white culture and people across the new nation. No genocide required. And you can volunteer as a border guard and shoot wall-hoppers.

"Chicago" needs to be split. Rip it in half, separating PA. Western PA (Pennsyltucky) will join the midwest and eastern PA, and the remaining NY, Jersey, Delaware, etc. becomes a new country.

please do this before I move to montana


So accurate. Cheers.