/esp/ Spain General - E Pluribus Unum Edition

This thread is for the discussion of Spanish politics. Try to keep it in English so non-Spanish bros can keep up.
What do we do to save Spain?

Latest News:
>Polls: PSOE to surpass Unidos Podemos returning to be a second force in a new general elections

>Errejón KEKED by Iglesias: Pablemos puts his gf Irene Montero as the new spokesperson

>Prepare your HIV drugs: Ciudadanos wants to declare Madrid as a “Gay Friendly” City

>Rajoy's Government “Pardons” (indulta) Six corrupt public agents prevaricators


No beaners, sandniggers or protestant netherlands allowed.
>Catholic Netherlands

Previous If there isn't a /esp/ General in the catalog, copy this OP and make a new thread! Let's make this become a thing.

Let's try to make a list of things to fix in our country and expand information regarding these same things (what, why, how...)

Get rid of ((((kik'asons)))) and Catalonia will still be part of Spain.

Lets make Delfin Asturiano /ourguy/



Next time you colonize something, could you please bring some women with you instead of raping the locals?


>genderbender Iglesias as the new spokesperson
I'm starting to feel sorry for Milhouse

>gay friendly C's
Goddamnit, now who am I going to vote in the next elections?

C's have been huge SJWs for a time now mate.

They were pretty tame last year