Do you stand with Israel and Bibi?
I fucking hate Israel. It's not that I like the Palestinians, I don't really care about them either.
Do you stand with Israel and Bibi?
I fucking hate Israel. It's not that I like the Palestinians, I don't really care about them either.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish Israel could be unleashed on the Muslim world.
Bibi is based.
Literally bro-tier.
If the marxist kikes would stop their shit, I wouldn't care what Israel, or Jews as a whole do for that matter.
>Anonymous (ID: j+SOClxJ) 02/15/17(Wed)18:55:08 No.112759285▶
>I wish Israel could be unleashed on the Muslim world.
>Anonymous (ID: j+SOClxJ) 02/15/17(Wed)18:55:08 No.112759285▶
......... What the fuck did you do?
Yeah sure.
Israel is based
pic related. wiped out an entire airforce, got gaza and west bank took on 13 neighbouring countries and won in six fucking days.
They have the right to be there. They defended the land in battle and won fair and square. They deserve all the territory won in 1967.
nu-Sup Forums loves Jews
I like having a place we can send the jews once the time comes. No need to kill them if we kick them out of the country.
> I don't really care about them either
If their shit would stop spilling into our country (demonstrations etc) it would be easier to ignore. I really don't give a fuck about people fighting over rocks and sand
"I hate Israel because...reasons?"
Israel isn't perfect, as a government, but every Israeli I've ever met has been kind, generous, intelligent, and honorable. I lived in an Israeli neighborhood, and it was awesome - they all look after the whole street, Israeli or not, and everyone liked each other.
Arabs? I wish I could say the same. I've known a couple Iranians who were good people, but the vast majority of arabs I've met were slimy, conniving, cheating thieves who'd lie to your face in a heartbeat, and talk shit about EVERYONE behind their backs. Alone, arabs are whining pussies, in a group then it's "Whites suck, Allah is best".
But you keep hating Israel, and all they've done to keep nukes out of the hands of the insane imams in Iran. Now run along and post "kike" in a couple of threads, dummy, it's all you're good for.
No only amerifaggot loves jews
>#1 promoter of homosexuality and degeneracy worldwide
>strong connections to diaspora cousins and US lobby
>betray our trust constantly with no consequences
>use white Christian boys as cannon fodder wars we should have no stake in
>side with their semite cousins over more reasonable iranian shias
They're even worse than the Saudis t b h and should be nuked off the Earth. Semites are a cancer regardless of their religion.
Rather Jews than Muslim
s.. I think?
I have nothing against the Palestinians but I support Israel to spite all the Assadist/Iranian fanboys here
T. Jew.
>No one ever mentions JIDF anymore on Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums is now pro Israeli.
Really makes you think.
He broke it.
>with Israel
yes, the concept of this country is justified
I'm obviously biased tho
>with bibi
no, it seems like he just aims to preserve the status quo which wont be a good thing for us
Israel is a threat to American democracy and eats up too many of our tax payers dollars. All for what? Because heebs need a safe space since the rest of the world literally cannot stand them? Keep thinking you have a friend in Sup Forums you arrogant kikes, make yourself known so when the time comes you're easier to get spot and get rid of.
Israel doesn't fight its own wars. It can at most bully some desert peasants without a country.
My grandparents were Irish, Catholic German, and catholic English.
I'm more white than you could ever hope to be.
But you tighten that tin foil hat, simp.
Iranians aren't Arabs.
Pretty sure Pakistan would love dropping their nukes on them knowing full well it's our farewell too
They also died in the holocaust when they were babies right?
>Is called a jew, calls the replyer a tinfoilhat tipper.
>Not jewish
Pick one.
>0.02 cents have been deposited into your bank account.
Have a nice day Schlomo.
Calling him Bibi was really a step to far for me. He's a leader of a foreign nation on an official visit during an official press conference. it annoyed me more then it should.
You can identify CTR shills and red-flaggers by the following traits:
>opposes israel
>white nationalism
If you see a Sup Forums poster exhibiting any of these traits, they are a false-flagger trying to maintain the false narrative that Sup Forums is a racist board.
I miss the old Sup Forums
Join BDS - Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
1. Keep Israel on their heels
2. Keep the chosen people from messing with us.
There is no difference between Zionists and Jewish globalists. Anything that goes against the Jews is a good thing. Palestine has my full support as long as it destroys Jews and takes sand niggers out of Europe. The land belongs to those known as Palestinian anyway.
I dislike them and the mudshits. They encouraged us to invade Iraq and no doubt are shilling for similar against Iran.
Let them handle their own shit
They deserve a nuke for all the American blood on their hands
>opposition to Israel is liberal
Yep, it's official, Sup Forums cognitive dissonance has come full circle.
Trump could endorse gun confiscation and Sup Forums would go on /k/ and accuse everyone there of being CTR.
>Implying nukes designed to hit targets in India can make it to Israël
>Implying Paki using the nukes wouldn't trigger India using the nukes
Majority of old Sup Forums just plays along with the few retards who actually support Israel to piss off other posters who aren't in the know. It's the newest meme.
i love jews
>Not knowing the difference between MSM, Federal Reserve kikes and based muslims killing Israeli jews.
NO, I don't not stand with Israel.
We all know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11 now the proof:
I prefer the ones in the ovens.
...and the stormfags
>opposition to Israel is liberal
It's the other way around. Israel is the closest thing to a democracy in the entire ME.
>T. proxy wielding jew.
Most the Jews there are Sephardim. They aren't the problem. The cancer are the Ashkens.
Stop saying "death to Jews"and say "down with ashkens"
Proxy Hitler
I'd rather be Hitler than a jew desu.
Thanks :D
If jews would stop with the multiculturalism bs i wouldnt give a fuck what israel does.
Sephardim are just ooga booga tier Jews that look and behave like Arabs. Ashkenazi are the EuroJews that assfucked the entire white civilization.
Fuck no!
>h..he's literally hitler!!1!1
Back to rebbit you go. Take your kike loving ilk with you.
Shit, forgot this was /pol
stormweenies BTFO
Lol go back to bleddit/Trumblr/either you kike.
Jews are pussies, they can't fight their own wars with the exception of the six days war which was only possible because none of the other countries took Israel seriously.
I have never in my life posted anything on Reddit
This is my country too. I was born here.
Deal with it, sorry
Honestly Israel is bro-tier, and given that our alternative is Palestine I'll take Israel any day. They are honestly our best allies in the Middle East.
Now the Marxist fucks are an issue but I wouldn't boil them all down to Jews.
Lel, the alternative to what, Shlomo? The US has either to pay billions of burgershekels to Israel OR Palestine? There is no third option?
This. People need to grow out of the edgy nazi larper phase in their lives and realize that the true enemy is mudslimes
Why not both?
As a nationalist and staunch anti-muslim, it would be hypocritical of me not to support Israel's right to exist
honestly trump fucking aced bibi
bibi wanted to force 1 state solution with US backing. trump told him "whatever works best for both sides" which in other words is "fuck off"
quite smart.
This shit is embarrassing, Sup Forums. Look at what you have become.
Jesus fuck where did you people come from. I don't have much of a problem with Jews in Israel or how they run their country. But the international Jews have to be sent there. They are the reason we have a Muslim problem in the first place. Just like they helped in the destruction of previous western kingdoms. All Muslims and Jews belong in the Middle East.
You people need a deeper understanding of the historical depth of Jewish communism and the neocons. We should fight Muslims that attack our country, not Israel. So many of our brightest and best have died and or been handicapped by these Jewish wars. They can take care of themselves. And if they can't, who fucking cares?
lol Trump memesters straight up internalized that cognitive dissonance and now shill for Israel and war with Iran, the most neocon positions in American foreign policy
so how does it feel you memed a legit neocon puppet into the White House
That's what happens when we get an influx of redditors from le_donald. They blindly follow their kike-loving hero.
trump got bibi's number
just look at my post in israel its known that bibi is shady/neocon and have low approval rate. trump is smart
I support Trump as much as the next Sup Forumsack, but come the fuck on. It's like they've forgotten why we supported him in the first place.
I swear, Trump could come out in favor of gay marriage and these faggots would go full SJW.
>Anonymous (ID: 4LW17ckx)
>02/15/17(Wed)12:59:10 No.112759754 Anonymous (ID: 4LW17ckx) 02/15/17(Wed)12:59:10 No.112759754
>>Anonymous (ID: j+SOClxJ) 02/15/17(Wed)18:55:08 No.112759285▶
>......... What the fuck did you do?
He selected text too high up and then clicked the reply button. Hitting the reply button with some text selected or highlighted does that.
Israel is bro-tier, but represents older American values of toughness and humanness coexisting
These attributes are not consistent with millennials and women respond to emotional arguments
Im between Manhattan and San Fran and it really is two totally different mindsets (SV is safe-zone bubble) but the hypocritical, self-righteous liberals is fostering in hipster Brooklyn, who weren't here for 911
> NYC has more Jews than Tel Aviv
> SF also has a huge diaspora
What did he mean by this?
Your country was conquered by moores. You're basically a shitskin. Fuck off. Spain hasn't been relevent for 600 years.
Bibi is on our side right now. We should be supportive. I don't trust him of course, since he's a Jew. But for now, he's on our side with Trump and a good asset to have.
What can he give Trump I wonder? Israel has no other allies, nothing much in terms of exports (which is why it's so dependant on (((donations))). It's not even a Nato member, so sharing military operations always results in them passing on intel to Russia and China for a small sum of shekels.
i want to like them but I can't
too much redpills
>What can he give Trump I wonder?
saying border walls work, calling libtards and obama anti-semitic, stopping libtards in their tracks when they criticize nationalism, an ally who has no qualms about genociding every muslim piece of shit on the planet if required and not giving a fuck about libtard ethics. not a bad asset to have.
Yes I do.
I support the building of the temple.
I support moving the american embassy to Israel
I support settlements expanding.
I support the anti-christ exalting himself in
the temple and the return of the christ.
Lets get this shit started. Deus Vult.
I fucking hate israel, but palestinian too
Enjoy your relevance lol