This old fuck is starting to annoy me
Bernie Sanders asking SIC to look into Russia today
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You mad that your orange god's administration is crumbling before your very eyes? Once he lifts the sanctions on Russia like the good little putin bitch he is it's all over for him.
This old hypocrite faggot needs to die off already.
What method of the death penalty will Trump get once he's impeached for highest treason?
Starting? Bit late user
No one likes your comics, faggot.
Let us not forget the the SIC a while back passed legislation saying financial trading on info they gathered (some classified) was legal and ethical.
Basically insider trading.
Death by snu snu
Even if Trump did nothing wrong, the IC will produce something against him.
The "golden shower" report was just a try. Now more serious shit is coming. All of them fake. But the media will spread it.
Why the fuck do you want to put sanction on Russian ?
You are about to investigate something all right...
He's just another Democrat attack dog now.
Your the type of person that would get beat up your friend for telling you your wife is cheating on you.
Delusional Trumpcuck.
Maybe Bernie should have investigated Hillary's campaign as well.
What the fuck is Crimea?
Because they are the niggers of Europe?
uhh... what?
it doesn't matter if he asked putin himself to fuck hillary over, it's not grounds for impeachment, there is no consequence
With repweating digites he dies tomorrow.
I thought the niggers of europe were niggers.
Please send your bank account information to
>commie that went to fucking USSR for his honeymoon criticizing others of russian espionage
I wonder what embarrassing pictures they got on him.
These same people have absolutely no problems with wikileaks and the Podesta emails.
Bernie can still win guys
>Trumpcucks denying they backed the wrong horse through massive fucking cognitive dissonance.
Why do Jews hate Russia so much its a consistent theme
Didn't they ALREADY look into this and come up with they always do?
Because they deserve it
Historical Russian clay.
we already have 2 investigations into this from months before the election in November.
the SIC cannot do anything but try to get information about the ongoing investigations. There's nothing they can really do except be briefed by the FBI. I'm guessing Bernie is hoping someone in the Senate gets loose lips and reveals something else, b/c besides grandstanding (yet again) this old commie is accomplishing nothing.
dnc was a leak
podest was phished
hillary got hacked by a ukrainian named guccifer who was ethnically a czech
fbi investigatory emails show that staffers had bernie agree to throw the primaries and they had promised the win to hillary months in advance
reminder: bernie cant stand by his word and is a sellout
reminder: there was no russian hacks
every voter machine is isolated from a network they dont even have a LAN
people who propose they are connected to the internet are just retarded
Spineless cuck
>today i will be asking the senate intelligence committee to thoroughly investigate if DNC coordinated with Clinton and his campaign to cheat me out of the primary.
>muh /trumpregret/
We're happy - you're the ones in emotional turmoil, in case you were too busy using plebbit to notice
>To thoroughly investigate
>Splitting the infinitive
>Communist """education"""
I don't know if Bolshevik Bernie should be throwing stones from his glass house.
Can't we just start throwing leftists into forced work camps already? Those FEMA camps I imagine are pretty vacant.
oy vey
too far goyim
too far!
luckily he didnt talk about debra wasserman schultz stuffing the voter ballots too right?
keep it that way!
why is this communist loser still getting attention?
I don't care. They're literally at the point where they believe their own propaganda. Slowly but surely they pick every molehill to die on for no political gain.
>I get triggered easily. Hold me Sup Forums
eat a fat stack of shit
what about the treason committed by everyone who voted for him?
This old fuck is based. I'm sorry you're too cucked by your god emperor, with your dick locked in chastity, to appreciate what he's trying to do for us.
This is important.
But seriously, he can't have the nuclear codes.
Did those retards not learn the last time they tried to "investigate" imaginary fraud
>leftshits have 0 understanding of how principles work
news at 11
>someone who believes the msm and ic has the gall to tell somebody what kind of person they are
McucKUltra at work.
pogroms. white and christian
jews fight against all nations which somehow in history holocausted them.
>Barney Sandle is still saying things
Didn't he die last year? Could this be the Mandela effect in action?
lol nice picture of a textwall if anyone reads it they're gay.
but jews were behind the utter decimation of people in the USSR
They'll be made Russian citizens. Free to starve and praise "God emperor" putin.
What? the principles of "fuck America, praise the dollar." Yeah we don't understand that. Those are trumps principles. Now be a good little cuck and keep letting Trump and uncle Vlad rape your daughters and pilfer your bank account. You can drown out their screams by saying how based and manly they are. They may even let you ride on their ship.
Ted, stop posting. You already beat him badly enough.
>we're not bombing Russia nor is Russia bombing us but they're a huge enemy
>we're bombing the fuck out of the middle east but they're our friends and should be allowed to emigrate to the US
leftshits gonna shit
My bank account has only increased under Trump.
Gas yourself, potato nigger.
you have to remember no one like Bernie
Today I will be praying for the first time in my life. For Bernie to have a stroke followed by heart attack.
>you have to remember no one likes Bernie
outside of REEEEEEddit
He sent pictures of his dick to someone when he was married.
Can we dig up this photo and blast his Twitter?
Please no bully.
don't you have some potatoes to be growing
I've seen you shilling an awful lot lately, paddycuck.
>this mick taking a headline with "spy ship" seriously
>America never bombed the soviet union therefore it was never an enemy and we should have just let them park their military vessels wherever they want.
Thats you.
>My neighbour isn't an enemy therefore I'll let him sleep with my wife.
Also you.
Russia and China are not active military combatants but they pose the highest risk in terms of intelligence warfare to american stability on earth right now.
Bernie is hater, a freak, a loser, a cuck and a real traitor. Whatever people saw in him, he sold when he endorsed Clinton.
Because it is perhaps the only conglomerate to put an end to jewish supremacy in media, culture etc?
What's the story on this russian "spy boat" coasting up the new england coast?
>That ID tho.
Yes because anyone with an IQ more than 90 is shilling when they present evidence you don't want to hear.
A scary russia boat that is equipped with 5 gas chambers is exercising its right to free passage through international waters
We sent a single little ship full of drunks with antennas and they went full banana. The end.
These are the same scum who mourned fro Castro and supported the Soviet Union back in the day.
How did you manage to type that with oligarch cock in every orifice?
>tfw a literal socialist has to stop a former KGB agent from taking over America with his puppet
Starting to annoy?
I'm not even american and this fucker pisses me off.
He's just trying to save some face after having it BTFO by that Cruz guy last week. He is already irrelevant.
Bernie Sanders is a fraud.
How do we know?
It is easy to pay for health care for everyone while simultaneously cutting all taxes to 0%.
If he really wanted health care for you, it would be trivial to sell it as such:
Is it possible to build a space elevator today?
The key idea is the Orbital Ring version of the space elevator, not the geosynchronous tether concept you are familiar with.
See, for example, Paul Birch's writings:
The orbital ring only requires tethers about 300 kilometers long which is technically feasible with common material like steel, but ridiculously straightforward with better and already available material like kevlar.
Funny how it only does that and breaks a treaty by launching its cruise missile right after Trump is elected.
They're testing him. And trump is failing. He's standing by and letting you get fucked. Good to know all I have to do if I want me some white wimmins in Colorado is put on a Russian accent.
There are some important questions. First, how much would it cost to do something like this?
We need to send about 160 million kilograms of material into space (See Birch's boot strap estimates in part 2:
We have rockets available at $2000/kg costs to LEO today in "mass production" mode, which is only about 10-20 launches per year. Compared with the couple thousand launches necessary for a space elevator, $2000 is an unreasonably high upper bound for launch costs.
We also need to include the cost of materials. A space elevator is about 98% steel and aluminum, 1% kevlar, and 1% other such as superconducting magnets. Most of the mass (98%) cost around $1/kg, with an average cost per kilogram of no more than about $10 per kilogram.
Summing the above up, we get about $430 billion in launch costs plus another $1-2 billion in material costs.
In other words, we can have a space elevator for less than $450 billion - significantly less than one year worth of DoD spending, one bank bailout, many times less than a variety of pointless wars, etc. This is well within our reach financially in other words.
What do we get in return for this $450 billion investment?
Virtually unlimited value. For example, with a space elevator we can reliably launch our nuclear waste into the sun. We've spent $100 billion building a waste repository in Nevada, but it was ultimately decided not to even use it. Now it costs only a dollar or two per kilogram to get rid of all of the nuclear waste in the world.
Second, we have immediate access to viable asteroid mining industry. Because the cost of delivering payloads to LEO drops to about $1/kilogram, we can not retrieve asteroids with trillions of dollars worth of minerals for mere tens millions of dollars in addition to having an easy viable way of returning those resources back to the surface.
We acquire the ability to deploy profitable solar power in orbit above cloud cover and with the ability to return said power back to the surface with near zero loss by running power transmission cables down the elevator.
Just how profitable?
With increased luminosity in space, enhanced exposure time, and the ability to deliver base loads, solar panels pay for themselves in only 1-2 years while having a 20 year life time.
In other words, if you put $5 trillion of solar panels into space, you get your $5 trillion back by the end of year two and a $5 trillion income stream each year thereafter.
In other words, the US could cut everyone's taxes, both personal and business, income, capital, death, or otherwise, all to 0%, not even cut any benefits or current spending, and pay off the national debt within a decade.
It should already be obvious that the entirety of the political debate spectrum is cointelpro.
Are taxes too high or too low? Irrelevant, we don't actually need taxes.
Is social spending bankrupting us? Irrelevant, we can retire the national debt without cutting spending all while having no tax whatsoever.
What does this have to do with taking the red pill?
We've had the technological ability to undertake such a project for decades.
That means all the squabbling you have heard your entire life, money, debt, spending, taxes, scarcity, whatever, is all bullshit. Not only is it bullshit, anyone with rudimentary knowledge of the world has known that it is all bullshit for all of this time.
In other words, once you come to understand the such a project is and has been technically feasible for decades, you have to reevaluate many things.
Why is there nothing of this in the conspiracy media? They are not really trying to expose or solve any problems. One hundred percent of it is cointelpro. From the Young Turks to Infowars or whatever, they are all completely full of shit because solutions to our problems not only exist, are easy to carry out, but this has been the case for a very long time.
Similarly, you now know that 20%+ annual GDP growth is possible. If Trump gives you 3-4% instead of Obama's 2%, he is simply working with the establishment to try to placate and subvert a rising tide. If we see the easily achievable 20%+ growth rates, it is at least possible that he isn't a subversive. Anything less and you know he is a fraud.
>Top grade argument fucking white nigger
So let me get this straight:
He knows he got cheated out of the election by Hillary and the DNC...
That's a FACT.
Yet he doesn't want to investigate that, instead he wants to pursue a fantasy accusation used by Hillary???
This guy is living up to his heritage:
A fucking JEW.
>Investigation of Hillary's emails are a waste of tax payer dollars
>Let's waste tax payer dollars on an investigation of Trump
Based. It'll be even better once Cheeto Supreme gets executed for treason.
Bernie dies in 2019.
Let it be so!
No missile was launched nor was any treaty broken
Actually yes, conspiring with foreign nationals to subvert the US is treason.
>Le Russian maymay.
These Democrats sure are pathetic. They keep on trying to find the Russo connection, but even if they found something it changes nothing.
The only way it would matter is if they can prove Russia bought favors. And that isn't going to happen.
kek wills it!
I'm afraid this man is right.
If Edward Snowden and Jullian Assange are exiled because of treason than so should Trump and his empire.