Well Sup Forums?
The Second Meme Magic God: Thoth
Other urls found in this thread:
This is a god awful forced meme.
Thoth is also said to be a mediating force between good and evil; making sure neither truly ever wins.
we /polytheists/ now
Thoth is also the god of magic, and in recent times we have seen meme magic harnessed more and more.
Thoth is a scribe and mediator of all writing. Writing has been the key conduit of meme magic, as websites like Sup Forums, reddit, and facebook have been used to spread the memes.
Please stop pushing Thoth with the dove meme: Thoth isn't even close to a dove.
If you want to make a meme take off, give it a real, original meaning. As of now, this Faceberg dove doesn't represent anything.
This is just getting weird. How fuckin old are you kids?
The fuck is this heresy
kek have mercy on you fgits
this shit is actually going to be forced inst it
fucking nu/pol/
>Trying to force a meme this hard
This is akin to that skyrim arrow meme that nobody really liked and was only used to annoy people because of how forced it was.
Quads confirm
looks like a fucking emu
>tfw digits confirm
Kek was a blessing and a curse of a Sup Forums phase.
On the one hand, we got some laughs out of it. Genuine laughs. But this shit surrounding it is nonsensical. Entire threads to bait the kekposters who are kekposting to bait anti-kek posters who are trying to bait them back right as hard.
"digits" aren't supposed to be anything more than icing on a cake. You make a good post, you get digits, it's a cool ensemble. Posting for the sake of gets to fit in with the kekposting club is fucking retarded and part of the reason the board is absolutely rife with retards come here to try be the next ebin screencap.
You'll notice that Sup Forums screenshots are becoming more and more like Sup Forums screenshots in the sense that the reactions to a post are becoming more relevant than the post itself.
Fuck "kek" and all the people who are going on with it.
The god of forced memes, if you want
But nothing more
I'm actually okay with this. The more gods we have the better.
this is shit
that bird looks like something CTR would draw
fuck off with the forced meme
please dont
Kek will bring order.
>pol hadn't realized that we are just useful idiots for ancient deities .
Daily reminder to report and sage spam threads
You're looking too deep into it. Sure there are some thot posters who are baiting for replies but it's mostly just newfags trying to force 'their' meme into being a thing. This has happened before many times and they never last long. They're samefagging just makes it look worse.
thoth was forced because pepe was born out of bane posting, thoth didn't have it's own birthing event. Thoth is literally some guy wanting to make a meme, creating a giant paragraph to try and validate it, then spamming tumblr and Sup Forums with it. Kek has always gained recognition by accident from someone just bane posting, this election for example. Thoth is trying it's best to gain limelight.
>6 digit palindrome
>wtf I love Thoth now
>Sup Forums unironically worships a tzeentch greater daemon
just as planned
KEK loves THOTH confirmed
I really hope so.
Sup Forums will always have retards and shitposters, but it's only one of the few places with genuine laughs anymore.
Thoth is Mooman