So is Israel supposed to just diplomatically agree to stop existing?

So is Israel supposed to just diplomatically agree to stop existing?

As far as I can tell after 40 years of constant negotiations the Palestinians have never made any demand or concession beyond "delet ur country"

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I'm sure if I entered your house tonight and kicked you out of it you would have many demands and concessions beyond 'get the fuck out of my house', tyronne

But taking your premise to its natural conclusion, why the fuck would you decide to kill yourself and give me back my house?

The Oslo accords weren't bad. But the whole thing's a fuckup because the nationalists on both sides can just antagonize each other enough to bulldoze the liberal opposition. It's a system where no one loses anything by being extreme.

if there's a way forward it's with the israeli arabs, who are getting real educations, beginning to do better in israeli society etc

Quick Rundown please

well we can stop giving them money to start things off

Conquer or get conquered, its human basic

Just look at germanics, they dont belong in med lant yet they invaded, killed and raped and are still living there

You are problably 90% germanic or part germanic

They're supposed to stop stealing Palestines land. If my neighbors started building houses on my yard claiming it was theres I'd be getting violent too.

I gather that muzzies there are not capable nor willing to have a cunt of their own thru a two state solution, the upper echelons of their society are doing great and can always point to the kikes for every fuckup so they have no reason to rock the cushy boat

I don't condone israelis but you gotta hand it to them, their d&c is stellar in this case and they shall ultimately have the entire territory as one jewish state, the only unknown is how they intend to get rid of resident muzzies but knowing them they'll find a way

But the Palestinian point of view is that every square inch of it is "stolen" and that Israel should just die and allow them to build another interchangeable sharia shithole in its place.

palestine isn't building settlements on Israeli land. Isreal is the ones in the wrong here.

But Israel can't "right this wrong" by ceasing the settlements or rolling back out of the West Bank and Gaza, that is not sufficient to the Palestinian demand that they dismantle their country

Which response is more likely to lead to a peaceful outcome:
>we (isreal) will stop building any further settlements on Palestine land.
>Fuck you, we're going to keep building settlements on your land


>we (isreal) will stop building any further settlements on Palestine land.
Palestinians want them to die and disband Israel

>Fuck you, we're going to keep building settlements on your land
Palestinians want them to die and disband Israel

In particular full autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip was offered to the Palestinians in exchange for a written recognition of Israel's right to exist and the Palestinians overwhelmingly rejected it

Every time isreal builds further into Palestine it pisses off more Palestinians to the point of a violent reaction. No man with a set of balls would lay down and let somebody else steal his shit without fighting back.

The only possible way for there to be peace in the region is for isreal to stop illegally expanding. Until that happens there will be perpetual violence.

We'll get overrun by africans in 20 years anyway

It's "their land" as much as California, Arizona, etc are Mexican land. Arabs tried to start war with Israel, got blown the fuck out, and Israel expanded it's land. This has been the status quo for decades- it's no longer Arab land, it's Jewish and Christian land now.

>They [Israelis] have a common mistake or misconception by which they fool themselves, assuming that Fatah accepts them and recognizes the right of their state to exist, and that it is Hamas alone that loathes them and does not recognize the right of this state to exist. They ignore the fact that this state, based on a fabricated [Zionist] enterprise, never had any shred of a right to exist.
Palestinian ambassador Adli Sadeq

Israel is a festering sore in the middle east and was England's greatest mistake after WW2. Smart Jews should just have gone to America instead of living among Arabs, and the really smart ones probabliy did.

As it stands now all the really nasty "jewy" jews move to Israel, and their behaviour ensures that should the day come where America looks away for an instance and the Arabs stop arguing among themselves, they'll be wiped out with extreme prejudice in an unprecedented bloodbath that will make Hitler's work appear as child's play in comparison.

oy vey

we wuz pharaohs and we must remain the purest of the middleast

we must preserve the existence of our people!

we must secure a future for the jewish race!

This. Precisely fucking this.

Eventually they will successfully wipe out Palestine through violent means. My only hope is that after that they attempt to fuck with a country that isn't so helpless and get nuked to hell.

>Arabs stop arguing among themselves, they'll be wiped out with extreme prejudice

it should merge into an israelopalestinian union and accept all the refugees it can hold to become a middleastern power

Palestinians are just Arab invaders. They have equally 0 rights to be there as the Turkic Khazars that make up the rest of the population.

Wipe em both out, and also the fucking Armenians, return it to British control or just exile all the European shitskins invaders there after its been sterilized.

So if native Americans started blowing up busses and night clubs you would agree with them?

Again, I will remind them

Why are Arabs so bad at fighting?

Because Allah will curve da bullet for them

I lived by the border of The Onondaga Nation Indian reservation in Nedrow NY.

White people are not allowed to cross that line. The police are not allowed to cross that line. The Feds are not allowed to cross that line. If anyone who is not Native American crosses that line they are killed.

Only one person did when I lived there. They threw him in a wood chipper and fed the remains to dogs. Pic related is the sign at the border, right on the highway off ramp.

They have every right to do this.

Paleshitskinians are going down.
Only a matter of time before they all move to Jordan.
God wills it.

I'm assuming Israel had an advantage in firepower and tech with all the money we willingly give them. Likely we gave them guns and other supplies too.

>we (isreal) will stop building any further settlements on Palestine land.
any settlements built on palestinian land are evacuated by israeli authorities within days.

settlements are not an issue because we already have an agreement where we can and cant build which they agreed to and we enforce it.

>Israeli strength: 264,000 troops (100,000 deployed), 300 combat aircraft, 800 tanks
>Arab coalition strength: 547,000 troops (240,000 deployed), 957 combat aircraft, 2,504 tanks

The Egyptians made many interesting tactical decisions such as when they sent a mechanized infantry division across the Sinai with no air support, then when Israeli jets destroyed or disabled most of their vehicles they found they didn't bring enough water to walk home and the Syrians for some reason allowed a man named Eli Cohen to plan their artillery emplacement - his suggestion to plant trees for shade next to every cannon in the Golan Heights meant that Israelis could easily find and destroy them from a distance.

>6 day war
You're just ignorant. The precise reason why Arabs lost that war was that they were arguing and trying to show off among eachother. They couldn't even agree on basic joint military maneuvres, and that's how they lost.

>South africa

Yeah, just let the subhumans take over, you bleeding hearts shitters, what could possibly go wrong?

I don't mind this at all. By all means, end the gibs - for all of them.

By the way Israel's GDP is $290 billion which means their welfare check from the US represents 1% of their economy, I'm sure with such a terrible loss they would be immediately overrun by Arabs

>I'm assuming Israel had an advantage in firepower
that is incorrect, look up the the war and events leading up to it we did not have superior numbers and firepower and had suffered heavy losses during the war .
it was a disaster barely managing to outmaneuver the attack these nations planned on us.


we are all gods children. if they israelis make reparations to the palestinians and truly integrate them into a joint society they can find unity and strength in eachother

I hope you don't believe that bullshit.

racism always fails. look for common ground to make bridges to a positive future, not conflicts to build walls over. both the middleast and the world can truly be brought to peace if the jews can learn to open their hearts and love

>tfw Gaza and West Bank will be African free because no one wants to live there

>So is Israel supposed to just diplomatically agree to stop existing?

It would be better if they stopped existing altogether so Russia can claim the middle east, deal with its shitty politics again, and we'd stop funneling money to an ironically godforsaken shithole because:

>Rich Whites: "muh oil"
>Rich Whites: "muh imperializms"
>Rich Whites: "muh business exploitations"

look. Islam wants independence and hates european superpowers and USA for colonialism and control of their countries. They see Israel as an example of colonialism. Apart form that, islam is an expansive religion and wants to islamize the rest of the world - like christians want to spread christianity. So Israel will never be accepted under any conditions, it's that simple. If Turkey or Iran manage to unite the rest of islamic countries, then Israel will have it really tough

That's not how muslims work and you know it.
Jews have really fucked with us on an international level but there are 2 sides to them that hate each other.
We need a place to send the international criminals to and it's nice that the leaders there already don't like these internationalists.

binationalism aka living like dhimmis is clearly the solution. Pay up the jizya. pBUH

>Only a matter of time before they all move to Jordan.
i think they learned their lesson

thats really hateful, muslims are just like the rest of us. the days where countries based their policy on hate and prejudice are behind us, and are in fact a threat to all global order. it only takes one before it spreads and we all can devolve into horrible genocidal conquerors, like hitler. is that really want you want the world to look like? jews and muslims should look for common points in their religion instead of focusing on differences and work on building a lasting, powerful union that can bring prosperity to both parties

Did anyone expect these dumbfuck borders to last? There's never going to be a Palestinian state. Gaza is going to collapse because they won't stop breeding and the next time they act up as a result Israel is going to flatten the place. It's not a matter of jews or arabs, it's just so obviously untenable when you consider a country's geographic and resource requirements and the difference in economic output between the Israelis and Palestinians. All anyone is doing is delaying the inevitable, while Israel waits for some big global distraction to let them make more land grabs.

No, they don't. They should be bulldozed like the human trash they are. Right of conquest is just.


israel is fine. its basically a huge concentrationcamp where jews can jew themselves instead of us. what is wrong is that they rob more and more land

i also think its fucked up how israel was created by just taking the land of palestines, but the jews living there have nothing to do what happened back then, and throwing them out there again would be just as much bullshit as the creation. let them stay there, make them stop expanding. send every jewy jew in there

Of course ultimately i side with EVROPA, this sand nigger conflict is really none of my business. However i do understand the fury of the Arabs, the jews just swept in and conquered that land over night pretty much. If some long-nosed merchants came and carved out a piece of Sweden and claimed that was their "Promised land" i'd be fuckin pissed too.

You know I really don't care. I don't like the jews or Muslims. I'm pretty confident the jews will win though. Palestinians are a fucking joke of a people and they don't even really exist. If I was a betting man id put my sheckles on the jews.

Muslims are coming and carving out pieces of your nation and you aren't doing shit kek.

Quit roleplaying.

Muslims colonized and lead war campaigns long before Israel existed. The crusades were a result mudshit aggression.

Picking sides in this battle is so stupid. The best thing that could happen is Muslims and jews wipe each other out. Neither group are the good guys.

>they don't have a right to protect their borders by any means necessary

You're correct.

Palestinians have rejected any negotiations with Israel for a two state solution. The jews are willing to co-exist with the Palestinians, but the Palestinians just want jews gone entirely.

Palestinians are the absolute lowest of the low when it comes to mudslimes.

>muslims are just like the rest of us
user, I...

>Implying the merchants hadn't lived alongside the Arabs in Palestine for thousands of years
It's their promised land, goy


>muh racism
i guess you want to live in a world where slovenians are colonized and wiped out too?

Anyone who calls themselves "Palestinian" is a part of the problem. As someone who holds history sacred, the Palestinian lie is as I always have seen it a mockery to our human history. There is no such thing as a Palestinian Arab people .

Actually the Israelis are also paralyzed as far as a 2 state solution goes unless a libcuck government gets into power, but then this will happen

About 1 out of 5 people in the West Bank is a Jew, they refuse to leave and will declare independence as a Jewish state in the West Bank. Israelis are sensitive to "muh holocaust" and will intervene to prevent the ensuing civil war from going badly for the Jews.

As long as those settlers live there things are fucked.

1. there is no race involved here even though I consider anyone non-caucasian a subhuman shitskin
2. islam is a totalitarian system of government designed for world conquest through violence and subjugation, only posing as religion; see buddhist afghanistan, christians in ME and many many other exterminated because of them
3. we are currently not in danger because nogibs but we need to change course legally speaking and institute ethnic state discrimination against aliens if we are to survive; this is something we could learn from mohamedan death cultist states themselves

> "Stop stealing"
Nigga, we took ALL OF IT 50 years ago. Whether you believe that we conquered Judea & Samaria, or liberated it, how exactly do people imagine it being an active thing? You can't stop something if you've already done it. You can undo it, but not stop it.

misrepresenting an entire religion to paint its primarily minority adherents as inhuman is racist user.

the racist world you want would see you displaced user, your home destroyed and your family killed, just like the palestinians. very misguided

I don't give a shit about any of them as long as they keep to their medieval shitholes, however I am extremely belligerent towards them entering my homeland

as for paleshitians/israel see my opinion here

the thing is, trump doesnt have to be civil to israel at all. the EU and UN have already turned on israel, liberals hate israel and only the dwindling christcuck shabos goyim support israel.

trump could totally crush israel and even expose 9-11 right now, and even the liberals and cucked euro countries would support him because 'muh palestinians'. he has no reason to support them at all.

>pic related

Good goy. Jews are the victims.

they want the same, unfortunately some imperialists just wont let the muslim world be. israel must be fully open to muslims if there will ever be peace there

>expose 9-11
Expose what about it

Guess they shouldn't have backed the losing side in 67. Land taken in war becomes the sovereign territory of the victor.

>if you kill the Palestinians, they win