I want to go to Dubai and die in a Chinese flying taxi.
I want to go to Dubai and die in a Chinese flying taxi
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K, make sure you livestream the near death experience
>tfw your cuckcopter stops halfway to destination
>isis music blasts over the intercom
>steers toward a shiite mosque and picks up speed
Those things better be made with the same quality standards as their electric escalators or i'm going to be pissed.
This is a small collective of autists who spam their unfunny memes endlessly in this board, hours and hours pass and hundreds of threads are made by the same person, just forcing cancerous memes down Sup Forums's throat. They can pass through sleep deprivation, malnutrition, diseases, and they will continue clicking on [creating new thread], wait until their threads get popular, and see if some /r/le_donald newfags popularize their memes. These sad fucks are not even being paid to spam memes 24/7, they merely do it because it is the only minimum amount of attention they will receive in their worthless lives. Maybe one day these "spamtists" will get their memes posted on Twitter or Facebook, so that they can validate their pathetic existence. Think about this: You are spending your time making and spamming cancerous memes on a Chinese cartoon image-sharing chatroom that was created by a teenager suffering from severe autism, is this really what years and years of nurture and care by your parents have led to? Or maybe you weren't cared by your daddy or your mommy at all, and this is why you spam memes on this site every single fucking day with no stop, just fucking endless images and texts containing the same fucking memes, pushing them until some band of 12 year olds on /ptg/ finally begin to use it. I seriously hope you are somewhat rich and pay people to spam these memes. No human should have to live through this sad pathetic existence. Anyone, please, put OP out of his misery.
Plz no bully
Im sure you won't be disappointed.
Never understood why so many people love sucking Dubai's dick. Most people hate America for being oil hungry and over the top extravagant. Dubai builds skyscrapers just for shits and giggles
You better not start spamming this thread everyday, I'll report it to the mods
kek, that ISIS theme song starts playing
9 1 1
I can't wait until these things become the vehicle medium of a major happening.
fuckin kek
sign me up for a a SINGLE helicopter TRIP
first time i kekd like that in a while
Why is that design better than a traditional helicopters?
For carrying people it's not. If the engine on a helicopter goes out you can autorotate safely to the ground.
You can't do that with a multirotor so if even one engine dies you're fucked.
>The point of octocopters isn't redundancy
Sup Forumstard intellect, everyone
I was in a similar thread yesterday and 99% of the posters were spouting memes and dumb shit like what you posted above
Coming to Sup Forums to discuss new technology is like going to Sup Forums to discuss programming
I will explain shortly
>multicopters have many less moving parts in their electric motors, thus, they are less likely to fail
>8 electric motors allow for redundancy in case one fails
>they are extremely easy to fly, even a 5 year old can do it
>since this vehicle is automated in many aspects, an error on part of the pilot is less likely to happen
>it can use a parachute in case of a power failure since the weight is low
>going to Sup Forums or other (((opinion))) boards to discuss anything
>no propeller shroud
Watching bystanders getting sliced to ribbons will be fun.
>steers toward a shiite mosque and picks up speed
fucking lost
Everything about this is perfect
can't wait for the software to crash, or something to go wrong and literally have this shit falling out of the sky
You can simply add a backup Flight Controller in case something goes wrong with the main FC
>Luddites on Sup Forums
>tfw can't throw commies of flying object
why can't all muslims be like dubai muslims?
Pretty sure its some kind of attack to distract us from the true work. We need to fix Sup Forums ASAP.
A new golden era for Liveleaks.
Great so now buildings will get peppered with these assuming half of them dont drop onto houses due to chink craftsmanship
made me laugh in front of my students
They'll prolly use them to toss gays off
These are Chinese, don't expect those. Expect it to go as well as anything else China does that needs critical safety parts.
In other words, don't stand below them.
If it's filmed I don't care one way or another.
can you see the Chinese doing that?
We don't have any information on the flight controller or its software, so it's kind of pointless to speculate on it based on muh chink memes
DIY stuff like Pixhawk and DJI Flight controllers already have at least one level of redundancy within the FC itself, and DJI is a chink company, so I don't see why this is out of their reach
They also could be using some proprietary solution from the US or other "respectable" source so as to focus on the other aspects of the vehicle
"Near Death"
I am exposing the truth
Topkek fpbp
Technically you are wrong, it is an octocopter so it can lose one engine and fly completely fine, however because of they have gone for counter rotating props on an X frame, if one property fails catastrophically due to imperfections or damage it will likley take outhe the prop mounted over or under it. Not mention the foot long carbon spears that would lacerated any passengers in such an event.
Personally I build multicopters for fun and I wouldn't go near that thing with a 10 foot pole. Not sure if my money's on the first death being caused by issues with the lipos, a fly away resulting from gps/accelerometer/magnetometers or the aforementioned catastrophic prop failure.
Best laugh I've had in a while
I'd never get into anything Chinese-made that I could potentially die inside.
Some fucking Chink might save a shekel by putting bubble gum instead of a screw and the whole thing will fall apart mid-flight.
is this some kind of preview from the next james bond movie?
I'm not basing it on memes, but their track record. Sure they could invest in such things, but you are talking about a people who regularly skip on redundant safety measures just to save a penny or two.
>Chinese flying taxi
Seems like a death trap to me
Flyaways are caused by flying like a retard whenever there's a high Kp-index, or other improperly placed electrical components causing interference in IMUs/compasses. They can be prevented if there's thought put into the design of the aircraft.
They do have a bad track record, but I wouldn't make a judgment based on it, since I've also seen decent chink products, I would like to see more information about its internals before making a judgment
I'll wait for German engineers to make one, thank you.
>tfw you kill stinky sandniggers because they were stupid enough to buy your flying coffins...
You're right, that sucks. You really into the drone rc stuff? You seem really knowledgeable on it.
The whole point of it is its a personal uber helicopter that flies anywhere in a major city, you will literally summon it to you where ever you with your phone conditions be damned.
That's understandable, at least it's a much better attitude than outright rejecting the idea just because it flies and depends on computers. I've seen too many people adopt this attitude even on Sup Forums.
I've been building and flying UAVs for 4 years approximately for mapping/GIS purposes
I'm not extremely versed in navigation systems but I'm sure there's something that can be done to minimize the effects of a high-kp index within the hardware, days with high kp-index are also rare in most parts of the world, so a company like uber can probably put the service on hold a few days or hours without an issue.
The other factors that come into play for flyaways can be solved easily, they're commonplace in UAVs because the space is limited and you have to pack the components together
>steers toward a shiite mosque and picks up speed
Built by lowest chinese bidder.
Only question is will the parachute be empty or will it be filled with garbage.