How do we fix sweden?

I'm tired of this shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck if i care

Build an artificial island and start again.

Stand up.
Be a man.
Vote nationalists.
beat rapists and robbers.
When/if the cops come, tell them straight to their face that they are a disgrace to their own nation.

weren't some people taking the blue pills through the Muslim ghettos to wake them up?

Send anyone who came here in the last 7 years back

Give Norrland to us

Nuke it John

Nuke it all

You can have the fucking cold, you're used to it anyways

Anyone since 1945

>free ticket back to Funland

Say no.

Seems like a good deal.

SD 2018


>find friends that agree with you
>start lecturing pub to pub
>get officials elected in office
>start rallies
>start killing SJW normies :^)

No, we have a new party now, one that excludes Israel shills.

oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyy

Your country must fall, it's the only way to save the west.


You don't get it sweden.

>You can have the fucking cold
t. pansy
I bet you use thermals before the temperature sinks to -15 degrees.

National israelis arent the problem. its the rootless fuckikg ones that own the world that are
Jimmie is our only option if he gets enough % in the election he will go fucking hardmode against immigrants




Right wing removal squads.
Followed by crusades against the Muslim world.

They wont send anyone back


Sweden will be used as an argument against every push for multiculturalism

fakenews dra åt helvete shill

Please tell me that's not real

What are the odds Sweden becomes a Muslim country within our life time? No bullshit or jokes. The USA is pretty much confirmed to be non-white in 50 years, but what about Sweden?

Nuke it to the ground and start over

So he didn't fall for the Big Pharma Jew

It is unfixable

It's obviously a shop.

The man you look up to is a complete fucking moron. The quicker you realize, the better off you will be.

I'd rather have Sweden survive.

>How do we fix Sweden

- Pewdiepie is fired from Disney
- Pewdiepie has been massively Redpilled
- Pewdiepie goes back to Sweden to start his own party
- He wins
- /yourguy/ is now in charge

Might be so, but it's the best option we got at the moment because no other party even talks about the immigration policy, atleast not from what I've seen.

Wait till it collapses. It's what eventually happens with most countries / systems that are unsustainable.

Be there to rebuild it so that you have less ((outside interference)) and leftist types in the lead. Make sure the country doesn't change from shitty leftist utopia to right wing tyranny.

Aaand I guess you are set.

It won't matter m8, it's already fucking obvious it doesn't work and people still shill for it.

Impossible to say. I think there's gonna be a big ol' fucking war rather than demographics shifting that much

Old ladies no longer fertile, why does it matter?

What is even the point of posting edited news article titles?

>No other party talks about immigration policy
Socialdemokraterna and Moderaterna literally halted all immigration since January 2016 and will continue doing so for another two years. How retarded can you be?

I don't even pay that much attention to politics anyways, hence me not knowing jack shit about it.

What a fucking retard. Yes, bring back smallpox, plague and all the fun diseases.

Sure, you have poorly rushed vaccines from time to time. Yes, they have caused narcolepsy. But taking that risk is better than the alternative.

basically the points outlined in this

sd are useless, provincial and politically incompetent. we are in desperate need of a more radical alternative

>not reading the thread before you post

Agreed. But he believes the Bible wants his children to be "pure" and not be vaccinated. He's a fucking moron.

It's already far far too late

Your politicians haven't even had the debate ours started back in the 90's

And the young Swedes I meet in Denmark are 2x as cucked as the worst memes in here.

You are already doomed

I hope. America looks like we'll take it lying down. Sort of like Brazil.

fuck of you fucking libtard communist nigger jew

we'll fix it for you

You need an actual right wing party first

Also don't be Sweden, simple!

Official /pol Discord:

It's beyond saving. I saw an article in DN the other day about how Rinkeby-Tensta has the highest density of burlgaries in the EU. Except it didn't refer to it as Rinkeby-Tensta but Southern Järva. After some googling I realized that this is now the new media term for Rinkeby-Tensta. This is like if the US media were to start referring to Detroit as urban Michigan because Detroit has bad connotations.

The way things are solved in Sweden is by changing the terminology and pretending the problem doesn't exist.


there is a third alternative you know, actually test the vaccines on a few human first, then release it into the public

Take out the jew orchestrators and White traitors in government carrying it out.

Norrländsk-Mongolian alliance when?

they did that because the voters forced them too by threatening to vote for sd, no sd means more immigration you fat nigger jew

Looks like you are one dane who has forgotten to take his anti-depressants.

If we give away any white country we are all doomed
because once sweden is gone we will all declare the next country as unsalvageable and then the next and then the next

If you are fine with Sweden being cucked and you are white you are the cuck
Even more so as a neighbor and nordic.

nazi or nukes

pick one

come take it you fucks

nuke sweden, sven you can come to live in åland though. they speak börje allready so you'll fit right in

>test the vaccines on a few human first
Why not use niggers instead?

Pekka Finland ligger nära.

a halt is a good start, we can cleanse these lands together Brothers

>34, 700 expected to apply for asylum this year
>200, 000+ expected to apply in next 4 years

Thanks for really cranking up my cranial capacity.


Once Sweden becomes a failed state, Denmark and Finland can share the land and resources between them while our PMCs "accidently" bomb Swedish jihadist weddings in the mountains.

Sweden is Danish clay

We need their iron mines to produce futuristic legos

>niggers instead
or communists.....
"lightbulb lights up"

yeah and we shouldn't forget jews either!

How can I get a Swedish gf

can someone post that image again with that vaping swedish cutie?

Vote SD for riksdag, vote NMR for kommun
The invaders came here because of political decisions. They can be forced to leave because of political decisions.

Seeking asylum = Approved asylum?

Look around yourself and realize it's no longer 2010. The whole "oppressed white male in his own country" bullshit hasn't been applicable for a long time. Most politicans agree with you now, Sweden has been a racist shithole for many years. Stop playing the victim card.

Yeah I bet it's really cranking up your cranial capacity to the maximum. But then again, doesn't take much to do that, does it?

So let me get your plan straight.
You want sweden to go full muslim then germany should go full muslim and once you are literally surrounded you are gonna start and do something.
Top tier plan.

Memes aside.
None of the european countries is beyond saving. Some have taken huge damage over the years but every single one can be saved in one way or another. The problem is that some countries are on the brink wether they can be saved trhough a democratic process or if it is too late for that and there needs to be a civil war. I would say Sweden and Germany are on that brink. These elections need to hit them hard and we have to give it our best.

>danish clay


That kind of controlling of the narrative is scary.
It's similiar here. Leftist ideology is clearly visible in the state run news and many other publications. It's easy when public schools and large portion of the media follows the same guidelines.

It's a soft and slow indoctrination process. A non-violent takeover. If you fight back, you are the aggressor, the enemy.

Bombarding people with messages about equality, radical feminist ideas, diversity and controlling criticism by labelling it hate speech or by calling the person misinformed.

They are so passive-aggressive when arguing with someone that has facts about something. Always ganging up on someone who might shatter their utopian ideas.

You see it on talk shows all the time.
I'm not saying the right is .. well.. right. But this kind of dishonest "progress" needs to stop.

And it will stop once people have had enough. We "civilized" westeners just need to be pushed a bit longer than others.

Christian Arabs

your military and police force have a combined number of approx 55k (keep in mind most of these are deskworking manlets / women) you could easily retake your country with a few thousand armed men.

Have a (you)

anyone since 1935 many of (((them))) fled to sweden

>Not AfS

You need to drop the NATO and make alliance with Russia...
They might help you get out of globalization... if they think in a long run, you'll become a stopping block before them... then they will help you (at the moment, the global JEWs want to fuck you... and the Russians not only don't prevent them... they are kinda like it... since you have been threatening them)
So, drop the globalization... the free people of the world will help you... otherwise, helping Sweden is like helping one of NWO's weapon get stronger

>Can't even use a real source.

Good job, Albin.


Sorry swedes you must suffer as an example to the future of western Europe

You're right we're only taking in a measly 2500 a month, which is only 30, 000 a year. Far, far less than the expected 34, 700 a year. And I'm sure the others expected to arrive will just peacefully return to the middle east when they aren't given asylum and not disappear off the grid and stay here illegally.

If you count Sweden, Germany and Britain, Denmark is already surrounded by around 30 million muhamedans

kick out all whites

islamic empire of sweden is fix'd now

What's their political program even?

import more muslims

They don't have one. It's basically "Make Sweden Great Again".


does sweden have a non-cucked voting system (STV or something other than FPTP)?

Well, that can be argued anyway they made this on their facebook wall didn't they?

Maybe I'm impatient but wouldn't it be a good idea to make one before you announce a party...


You vote for seats in parliament. So a party that gets 20% of the votes gets 20% of the seats. Since there are 8 parties and no one can get majority (50%+) they form alliances so it's more or less a two party system with a left wing bloc and a right wing bloc (and the Sweden Democrats currently being cucked out of power despite being the third largest).