This is insane. Why the fuck does Trump's daughter have so much power? She's acting like a princess!

This is insane. Why the fuck does Trump's daughter have so much power? She's acting like a princess!

Other urls found in this thread:

She is a princess.

You just know they DP'd her right after.


Because MUH WOMEN.

He is trying to appease to unfucked hambeasts, old cat ladies, feminists, SJWs, progressives and incel cuckold beta males.





>break the glass ceiling
>it's time!
>womyn president
>muh vaginer
8 years forward
>ivanka trump 2024

She is our beautiful American princess.

She's going too far with the womens rights shit

Jewish American Princess

I literally want her to become the Princess of America.



>Princess of America
is such a funny sounding phrase

mediocre feet, shame
talbot salal

Shes a fucking Orthodox Jew what do you expect her to do, promote conservatism and a healthy family unit?

LMAO. Not unless it's in Israel or the Synagogue.

She made a speech about equal pay at the RNC. I'm not surprised. She and her (((husband))) need to stop intervening with politics.

Would you vote for her in 2024?

Go suck a nigger dick faggot.


Really over Ivanka. I don't care about her or what she thinks. And she does not represent American women. Why? Because she was given her wealth, given her company, given her "seat at the table" of Trump Corp by her dad.

She also lives a life very few American women live. She has maids, nannies, butlers, cooks, chauffeurs, accountants, a make-up team, and hair stylist - all of whom help her get through her day.

feminist trash. Is donald getting cucked by his own daughter?







>I literally want her to become the Princess of America.



The Trump's are playing 65th dimensional chess. Donald and Ivanka are using the Good Cop/Bad Cop tactic to lure in white feminists into defending the future actions of his administration.

She doesn't have any real official power, she's just a national figurehead.
It looks like Ivanka is going to be taking on the role of the First Lady for Trump's presidency; Melania doesn't seem willing to fulfill the role. That's fine though, because a lot of people really like her; even liberals can't really find any real excuse to hate her.
Trump also really respects and Trusts Ivanka, and is likely going to entrust her to many unofficial role that would usually be given to an active First Lady. It's feels like Ivanka is to Trump like Athena is to Zeus.

is it really not obvious by now that trump is grooming her for politics?

She's being groomed to become the first female president.

First post
Best post

First Daughter when?

This is fucking bullshit

if she had the best policies I happily would.

Good lawd!!!

Right now.

She's going to be your next president, boyo. Get used to it.

>unfucked hambeasts


Good use of the English language, Romania.

oya chap, im just telling the truth

She's married to Jared Kushner a multi-billionaire . She converted to Orthodox Judaism. She is the daughter to Donald Trump who is a multi billionaire and president of the United States. She has her own businesses worth approx 150 million dollars.

How can you say she doesn't have any real official power? She is arguably one of the most powerful women on Earth.

i want this chick bad

Same as this guy, I will actually travel to america and vote if I can get a good look at her policies, if you know what I mean

Literally right now. It's fucking happening!

Married to a jew, mother to another jew... You tell me

Do you think she's having some fuk with Trump on the reg?
Serious question

Robby Novak

ivanka 2020!

our princess :3


Who? Trudeau?

Hambeasts. Not bad

Just because you would fuck your own daughter doesn't mean its common behavior.

I meant governmental power. She could possibly influence Trump's decisions, and the beliefs of a good portion of the country for that matter, but I meant to say that she's not actually a part of our government.
She is a lot like a princess though: she's really the chief, female head of the Trump dynasty. Too bad her kids will be named Kushner though.

Why did Trump invited that Libtard Cuck Leaf there?

fpbp- she will get the first female president ticket in 2024.

I don't have a daughter m8

Virtue signalling. She's always been a lowkey champagne lefty. Not the full-blown SJW kind, just the kind that's largely apolitical and cares about faggot marriage. If it wasn't for her father, she'd be an open Dem.

Imagine if he invited Putin in the White House

The Libcucks would explode

If you want to avoid jail don't get one.

Actually shekeled

>not knowing what gynocentric fatherhood did to Obama that could influence Trump.


Yeah, find one person who was fucking blogging at the injustice of Trump's daughter not having political power.

If you have a monarch, you're not American. You're a loyalist traitor.

I'm not redpilled on this subject. Give me a quick rundown.

>women have to be giving a seat instead of earning one

fucking kek

Do Americans unironically support having the chance that millions of ethnically alternative folk could choose a president from the democratic party?
Just have Trump become America's doge if you aren't ready for a monarchy. Rules for life and then holds a sham election to pass it to his children NK style.

>trumps a sexist and misogynist


That's nonsense. Femitards are fighting with all their pitiful willpower to resist being influenced by Ivanka Trump. They don't even talk about her, lest they accidentally become Ivanka-pilled.

She has so much power because when daddy is stressed out he makes her come in the office and give him a quick succ so that he can get back to work

Obama's dad bailed, and his mom was too busy slutting it up, so he was raised by his marxist jewish grandparents

It will be Ivanka Trump running against Obama's wife. Screencap this.

Because Ivanka may as well be a princess, an heiress.
Once Trump's two terms are done she's going to run and be the first female POTUS.

Obama was very gynocentric because he had daughters and fathers tend to want the best for their kids. This is why Obama had speeches like this.

also more on the subject here

Were they actually Jewish Marxists?

Are you a fag? Not that there's anything wrong with that. But fuck off fag.

Liberals are going to get their wish of first female president in 2024

IVANKA IS A JEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, how does this relate to Trump?

Ivanka is liberal af I'm surprised she gets so much love here

smart dad, she's gonna be sitting in that chair 8 years from now.

>that post
So, she's a feminist?

Depends on what she's reading.

>ethnically alternative folk


Well said.

He uses her for discussing feminism and such with people.

The Trump Dynasty shall last for 777 years.

No one with half a brain wants Ivanka to become president
>successful in life because of daddy's money and looks
>not conservative at all
>closet lefty
>cares about wage gap and other inane issues

No. Don Jr would be cool though, I would like to see him run someday

>So, she's a feminist?


All the raging lefty women should love her.

my boy trudeau looking more fine than ivanka

Haha yeah, a fucking JAP

Did she get the CBC right there on the desk?

I'd put my shekel in her bank account any day, if you know what I mean

Even though she is (((Drumpf's))) daughter

>not conservative at all
Neither is the Don really. At least not financially instead of memey social issues

I noticed that they don't rip on her at all, unlike with the rest of Trump's family. It's almost as if they intentionally avoid talking about her to avoid letting it slip that they actually like one of Trump's daughters.

No he's right wing populist. His economic standpoints are actually more conservative authoritarian than they are libertarian like Reagan and the neocons. He is a protectionist and believes in protecting the workers. On social issues he is definitely conservative.

Ivanka is just a generic liberal bitch that's try to LARP as a conservative because her father is a Republican

Why do all her pics look like they are from BLACKED? Even her profile pic from twitter

because her mom only signed a contract to have a sugar daddy and does not want to be first lady so ivanka has to fill in.
and she is doing a great job, truley terrific!

Women like those really crisp and aesthetic colors and pictures. BLACKED is marketed towards women.

>Putting his penis anywhere near a vagina