>Be Russian
>Build new tank
>It breaks down during parade
>Trump thinks this country is worth being allies with
Be Russian
bretty sure at this point Trump is a russian plant. s'ok tho. Obama was too liberal. We need to just take advantage of this orange faggot to bring things about halfway conservative and then get his ass out of office before he hits full blown socialism.
Our nukes work fine tho shill. Keep it up.
>making fun of issues with other country's military equipment
wow, you are real american and trumpfy represents you bigly yuge.
fat and dumb
No faggot, this place isn't for you
You should check the performance of a T-90 in Syria, you'll be surprised
>Be (insert other Euro country here)
>Have tank
>Never use it
>Spend basically nothing on military
Russia's our best option because China hates us and we aren't fans of the Chinese government
>midwest is filled with unemployed blue collar workers
>russia needs people to fix shitty tanks
>many such cases
Trump wins again
hmm, everything always has to relate back to Trump...
are you a fucking faggot that is obsessed with the God Emperor?
or just a faggot...
Well at least they have thanks.....and new ones at that.
Yeah we have more worthwhile allies, like uhhhh..... Albania?
What did you say?. I didn't hear you too good. Not even kidding. Say it one more time?.
It broke down during rehearsal you numbnuts, which is what it's for. But keep making them drumpf threads, god knows that's all you can do anymore.
This is a wrong type of reasoning
>That weapon doesn't matter because we have this bigger weapon
Intimidation is a bad strategy.You do realize this line of reasoning can be applied to 7 other nations too right?Tanks are something that matters on the battlefield causing destruction and something that can be exported.
>inb4 Anti tank weapons
We have plenty of working tanks. You'll see.
Missile tests are done for this reason. Implying yours always fly without failure... lol
Don't worry, we have many many many more.
>be american
>build new "undetectable stealth" boat
>breaks down and gets towed to shore
It's a big gigantic complicated new era brand new still being tested and fucked with ship nigger
It's not some rinky dink tank, I'd hate to see how Russia handles a new ship this size when they can't even into tanks. That's probably why they only have one aircraft carrier. With their reputation, the second one WILL SINK.
One of these motherfuckers cost like 1/3 our armed forces total budget lmao, And that does not include payment for crew, munitions, equipment, fuel.
Fucking kek.
But it is a very interesting ship indeed and should not be underestimated.
Well, they still managed to get the engine back on and continued on the parade, they didnt push it all the way.
Fucking savage dad
TFW they still have to launch nukes using floppy disks.
>United State is infamous for its military technology and industry strength
>Has many trade agreements based on selling said technology and industry product
>Russia, a huge market, is shown to be lacking in those very things
Just your reminder that Trump is winning.
>be american
>build new "strongestest destroyer in the world"
>breaks down when tugboat touches it
while technically true it's not a fair criticism for a prototype that got axed because of politics
Being friends is better than thermonuclear war with Hillary Clinton. Even Jill Stein admitted this. Quit fostering animosity between two nations that have been friends. The Cold War is OVER asshole. Get your head out of your ass.
Untrained driver engaged mountain brake. It didn't break down. Even if it did it's not like it would matter in the slightest. Tanks break down often, it's a 50 ton machine for fucks sake.
That's cute bro. Can you shoop this so it's got some smileys and funny caption shit?.
>Trump thinks this country is worth being allies with
Is the government hostile to us? No.
Are the general populace inherently hostile to us? No.
Do we share rational geopolitical objectives? Yes.
Of course it's worth allying with Russia.
>B-b-but random invidual tank breaks down!
You worthless civvy cuck. If you'd ever served you'd know armour and all military vehicles are hilariously prone to this regardless of care. Also F-35 go fuck yourself.
Yeah agreed, There is nothing else to even get close to compare to this ship.
I mean it shits on every ship our navy has without any problems.
But i belive we have to wait until it really is out of trial, This is a potentially groundbreaking ship which might mark a new chapter in shipbuilding.
>You will never fight alongside a qt russian redhead.
>American tech never breaks do-
the current russian line tank, the t-90, is already superior to the abrams
Difference between our equipment and Russian equipment is that the American public isn't lied to and manipulated from learning shit breaks down sometimes. Russian people only learn what Russian tv tells them. Everything always works.
I don't even get why we are allying with them in the first place, the brics empire exists for a reason to overthrow current capitalism and replace with commieism with china. They know that they will fuck up the world and throw armies everywhere just to calm riots.
>Russian people only learn what Russian tv tells them
t. CNN
Your media is just as bad as theirs.
>post AA missile
that was the worst detraction i've ever seen in my entire life.
Who cares im all about the /k2 black panther/ anyways.
No, not superrior at all. Both tanks have their pros and cons, they're too different to compare them.
>Trump unironically believe it is possible to make this shit great again
>better than a almost 40yo model
>be amerinigger
>fat and dumb
>didnt see the video how the tank actually wasnt broken
longer effective range
more reliable engine
lighter weight
easier logistics
60% longer engagement range
top tier ewar package
top tier era
ability to engage low flying aircraft and helicopters
can literally do sweet trick jumps
much much cheaper
huge fucking gun
extremely thick composite armor
>not replacing an outclassed 40 yo tank
T-90 is just a modernized t-72 and era is only good for one use and if it gets hit in the same place twice it goes boom.
yeah but hitting the same spot twice is pretty tough especially when you've been getting bullseyed for the last 30 minutes while trying to traverse the 2km it takes you to get in range without all while hoping your extraordinarily heavy tank doesn't break, run out of jet fuel or sink into the mud
literally "suicide bomber" packaging
shitty thermal scopes
weak and short armor-piercing rounds
thick frontal armor, but everywhere else there's like 80mm of steel
shitty engine requires pure fuel
no autoloader
too heavy for muddy or wet terrain/bridges
>weak and short armor-piercing rounds
ya the t-90 would be pretty much 100% reliant on thr coaxial HEAT missiles in an engagement with the abrams.
In modern tank doctrine that is probably fine as the shells are often used for HE infantry support rather than anti tank
You will be suprised on what modern tanks with infared laser stablized guided cannon can achieve.
Meanwhile in Finland: 100 old soviet MTLBs
>be a leftard libshit
>think that the US needs to go to war with Russia because the MSM says so
The day of the rope can't come soon enough.
laser guidance doesnt help you when your projectile doesnt travel far enough
Our countries are friendly to each other though
also some interesting facts:
The Russian army has over 15 000 tanks,550 are T-90,8900 are T-72,3450 are T-80 and the rest are T-55/-62/64
Many russians claim their tank is the best in the world:
Country of origin Russia
Entered service 1993
Crew 3 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight 46.5 t
Length (gun forward) 9.53 m
Hull length 6.86 m
Width 3.46 m
Height 2.23 m
Main gun 125 mm smoothbore
ATGW 9K119M (AT-11 Sniper-B)
Machine guns 1 x 7.62 mm, 1 x 12.7 mm
Elevation range - 6 to + 14 degrees
Traverse range 360 degrees
Ammunition load
Main gun 43 rounds
Machine guns 2 000 x 7.62, 300 x 12.7
Engine V-84MS diesel engine
Engine power 840 hp
Maximum road speed 60 km/h
Range 550 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 40%
Vertical step 0.8 m
Trench 2.85 m
Fording 1.2 m
Fording (with preparation) 5 m
Leopard 2A7
Country of origin Germany
Entered service 2014
Crew 4 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight 67.5 t
Length (gun forward) 10.97 m
Hull length 7.7 m
Width 4 m
Height ~ 3 m
Main gun 120-mm smoothbore
Machine guns 1 x 12.7-mm, 1 x 7.62-mm
Elevation range - 9 to + 20 degrees
Traverse range 360 degrees
Ammunition load
Main gun 42 rounds
Machine guns ?
Engine MTU MB-837 Ka501 diesel
Engine power 1 500 hp
Maximum road speed 72 km/h
Range 450 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 30%
Vertical step 1.15 m
Trench 3 m
Fording 1 m
Fording (with preparation) 4 m
Nigga a APFSDS shell from a l55 cannon slice clean through a t90.
Until the Abrams stops being sufficient to crush mudpeople it's gonna stay the same. The Stratofortress has been in action since the 50's, and its still perfectly effective
#1 an apfsds has 3-4 km range maximum, whereas the t-90 at-11 is 5km or more
#2 the t-90 ERA is designed specifically to shatter a sabot round which makes it completely ineffective
Honestly I wanted to say something about the T90 outnumbering the more expensive Abrams, but Goddamn if I am not mistaken the Abrams outnumber Russia's T-90 by 8 to 1.
its true, the odds of t-90 or armata ever fighting an abrams is pretty thin
tanks are less and less important anyway
that's without considering that modern militaries rely on air power.
US relies on Navy for force projection cause carriers
Where did you get your stats from sputnik? LMAO.
The apfsd they have for l55 120mm is literally desgined for current gen russian nera and era armor.
16 to 1 actually
the current round is designed for kotakt-5, the current armor being built by russian is the relikt
No the current APFSDS is for relikt and has du with a special alloy to penetrate and detonate russian era and nera.
T. Knower
Yeah but that doesn't work against enemy who has actual anti-air defenses.
Bombing sandniggers is one thing, trying to that against s300 or s400 is another.
Same with carriers. Useful against people without fleet and submarines, not so much otherwise.
An AT-11 Sniper is a ATGM,a more fair comparasion would be the LAHAT:
AT-11 Sniper
4,000 / 5,000 m
Laser beam riding
:125 mm smoothbore guns
:6,000–8,000 m (6,600–8,700 yd) ground launched
8,000–13,000 m (8,700–14,200 yd) air launched
Speed:285–300 m/s (940–980 ft/s)
:Semi-Active Laser Homing[2]
105–120 mm smoothbore,
>Bombing sandniggers is one thing, trying to that against s300 or s400 is another.
The S-300/400 is a meme,Stealth aircraft can just go around or fly higher.
yo ivan do u got railguns yet
>s300 is a meme
>stealth aircraft is not a meme
You got it backwards.
Or us can just spam literally hundreds of JASSMs.
>longer effective range
>more reliable engine
>lighter weight
>easier logistics
>60% longer engagement range
>100 pixel zoom
If stealth aircraft are a meme why is Russia,China,Japan and South Korea trying to develop one?
kek, I picked up on that .too
Its even more hilarious given that first "stealth" bomber F-117 was shot down in Yugoslavia by ancient SA-3 Goa.
Theres no such thing as a stealth-aircraft, you should know that better than anybody Serb.
stealth is just a bit of a misnomer
it is more like plane camo than muh magic invisibility cloak
most countries still want their soldiers to wear camo, even if it isnt actually predator armor
I know.If stealth made aircraft invisible the US would still be using the F-117.
Yeah only you don't have to sacrifice most of your flying capabilities to wear camo as a soldier. You have no choice but to do that if you're buying into the "stealth-aircraft" marketing meme.
Various problems with this:
>Flies the same route many times
>Bomb bays open
>no lock on indication in the F-117 so it could close the Bomb bay
I know this better than you Ivan.
true, and i think other countries are pursuing more balanced strategies where they just use radar absorbent materials and take extra care for the worst offending bits of the aircraft
(antennas, exhaust, leading edge of the wing)
That's more like claiming we stopped using CAD because car styling changed away from pic related.
F-117 was limited by our ability to simulate and calculate for stealth in exactly the same way low-res boxy vans from the 80's and late 90's 3D models were limited. It's literally low-poly stealth.
>Yeah only you don't have to sacrifice most of your flying capabilities to wear camo as a soldier. You have no choice but to do that if you're buying into the "stealth-aircraft" marketing meme.
I see that the PAK FA is selling quite well,0 planes have been sold,but a lot in the minds of ignorant russian's
Also don't mind the fact that the F-22 is the best fighter in the world.
>no autoloader
That made sense at the time of its design though. Autoloaders were super fucking slow back then, way slower and bulkier than just putting another dude in the tank to load the cannon.
stealth will always have problems because what works at one frequency doesnt work at another frequency
you can build an aircraft that is near invisible to a single frequency narrowband radar but it is pretty easy to build a variable frequency radar. then your super awesome design is completely ineffective
>F-117 was limited by our ability to simulate and calculate for stealth in exactly the same way low-res boxy vans from the 80's and late 90's 3D models were limited. It's literally low-poly stealth.
I know.Computers were not developed as much as they are now in the 80s.
From what I know the tank driver passed out during the parade, that's why they were able to start it again and take out... Not sure
>Build new plane
>It's the most expensive project ever, no one knows what it's good for and generally it's shit.
>NATO thinks this country is worth serving, because of invisible and imaginary enemies.
The B-2 is stealthy in various wavelengths,even in Infrared.
also low band radar is useless since it can't lock on to targets and is easy to detect.
look at this house nigger
Shhh. Just let them dream. The scars from the Cold War are still healing. Let them keep their pride.
That's a feature not a bug.
>Ivan passed out from too much vodka/Korkodil
That's even more retarded than mechanical failure.
Because you can't hack floppy disk's,your country also uses floppy disk's.
How do retards like yourself come to these conclusions?
in the same way that camo is stealthy at a range of wavelengths but not really more than that
The american public payed fuckin trillions for some gayass plane project for fucks sake. No other nations pays such taxes only to feed an army, that's larger than the armies of all their "enemies" combined and still these retards don't think the money they give away is "a little bit too high". Americans are literally the stupidest and easiest to manipulate taxpayers, what dafuq are you even saying? Not to mention all these "necessary" foreign bases and shit.
muh brain nigger, be more specific