If this isn't your Pope, then you're going to hell
jokes on you im not christian
Jokes on you I'm not Christian.
neither is the pope
Stop kissing nigger feet.
Not Christian.
Religions are the worst enemy of the world
Allahu Akbar
yeah because as soon first religion started, people started killing each other
pick up a book faggot, we kill for many things, lack of religion is one of them
>The Pope is not Christian.
Keep telling yourself that, filthy heretics.
Fuck that, single pope system. We need 5 popes to keep eachother in check.
joke's on you, i'm christian
>The False Prophet of Mystery Babylon is a Christian.
Catholics are going to hell anyway tbqfhsbbq
Jesus kissed Jews feet
Yup. Shame, too. All they had to do was go to God directly, and not to some idiot in the Vatican.
Jesus made a whip and beat the jews out of his fucking temple.
Being Jewish, he probably didn't mind their ethnicity.
There is no such thing as hell.
Keep telling yourself that, hellbound one.
Kys mudslide faggot
Dead .
Found the jew
Behold my quads
jokes on you i'm orthodox
go suck trump dick
How do we get him to voluntary retire?
So going to hell then. OP was correct how the fuck is the joke on him?
>having a communist sjw pope
this timeline truly activates my almonds
This is why i hate religion. I like the concept of a god and spirituality but saying you're going to burn for eternity because you haven't followed stupid shit is retarded
hell it is
not following lord cuck
that's literally not how it works
You don't have to follow the church of St.Peter, you only have to be baptised by them to avoid hell.
If that is your Pope then "you have to go back".
I will save us
Yes, the Soviet Union reached a state of peace, prosperity and enlightenment after prohibiting religion unlike the starving Christian Americans
>Following God is retarded
Yep. You're going to hell
Vatican has over 8 billion thats know about, which part of the bible does jesus tell the church to become obscenely ritch, all i can find is where he says being rich it bad, hmmm
I was joking, you fuckwit christcuck. Do you really think your God is going to sentence someone to an eternity in the lake of fire for fucking up on one minor point?
Read my post again
Unless he whipped his own dirty jew arse out, I'm not very impressed
that's not true actually
fuck off with your bait shlomo
But he's literally the anti-pope..
I say this as A Catholic from a Very Catholic Country.
Let's Get that Based Bishop who Admitted islam is poisoning the West in.
hell is imaginary, just like your gods and your whole religion
Sorry to tell you this, but Christians are going to Hell. I know, I've been there. It's not so bad, people up here do a lot of bellyaching about it without ever having been there. I mean, it isn't the eternal tea party/rave with the Goddess that is Heaven, but that's what happens when you worship the wrong Goddess. Hail Discordia, you poor wretched souls.
What the fuck is that godess then?
What religion?
I do not accept the word of the slanderous bachelor who lives on the banks of the Tiber.
Wherever I go - most probably rotting in soil btw - I am fine as long as there are no (((semitic religions))).
The Goddess. The only Goddess, her holy unholiness, mistress of chaos, the Lord of laughs and bringer of falls: Eris, or as some say, Discordia. You may know her by her mask, Kek, but she has many.
Too bad you aren't one of the true Lebanese.
>fag-loving heretic pope
The looks like Elliot Carver, the Bond villain who creates news.
Holy shit, look at his fucking face. He looks like the Bogdabots are rewriting his DNA as we speak.
gtfo kike, don't bring nigger games to my boards
an anti-christ that kisses muslim feet in the holy city of vatican. needs to be assasinated.
This jesuit piece of shit will burn in hell for eternity.
Jokes on you, all Jesuits are going to the darkest reaches.