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>what do you mean I can't be a man child all my life?
>it's the system that needs to change! not me!
Honestly, when have you ever seen someone who's "fighting against the system" AND successful
How about we all just kill ourselves instead?
vague pseudophilosophical bullshit
>implying humans ain't malleable
Stupid analogy
I aint no square mane
If only 0.3% of the population are circles, it's not worth changing the system.
You're going to have to abide by our constitution if you want to live here.
Or how about you change the constitution so that we can all fit?
Okay, what exactly do you have in mind?
Make sure it doesn't conflict with Sharia Law.
what system
>very successful?
>moderatly successful?
like a handfull of entrepreneurs, artists, and musicians. and even then they still have to conform to some kind of system
rlly made me thang............................................
I think that Sup Forums population is a prime example of a "circle". I can't seem to understand why do you all defend the "square" system?
The system has obviously let us all down, we are isolated, secluded and lonely.
What this image doesn't show is the thousands of squares for every circle.
We aren't going to spend the money and effort to reshape the system to fit the few members of our society that can fit into it with a little work.
Its okay to change the system. Though our system usually requires, or used to anyway, a well thought out debate as to why the system was being changed, the possible benefits by and large to it being changed, the possible cons of changing it, and how long we should let this change stick before we revisit the issue and see if the change was actually for the good.
Your picture seems to dneote that change is good, by the cube guy wearing a tie and holding a clip board and looking essentially, like that asshole boss everyone had. He is not smiling, he is not happy, like the other characters. He is pictured as being less than the other characters.
The circle characters are of different colors, provoking a thought that they are different from one another, but they are also happy, and hopeful looking, promoting that they are glad to be alive. Their simple question seems to be an easy one to answer, until you remember that not all change is necessarily good. While change can be good. It can so be terribly bad. At most we just try and live and adapt to changes, good or bad. There is no thought provoking that the system the square piece has works, only that change must be acceptable, and likely putting forth that all change is acceptable, which should not be so.
This is the age of the war of ideas. Its been going on forever, but only now are the fruits of one faction coming to light, as well as their supposed motives. Is this just a phase in the age of information? Yes. I think so, ideas are information. But this is perhaps the most important time. We're waking up to the information that we've been fed may have been for ultierieor purpose. More and more people have started to question, who gains if I believe this way? Is this way conducive to the freedoms we share as Americans, (and across the world). Is what I'm hearing good for the comunity ( The community being those like minded enough that we believe in core American values.)
You're using vague, oversimplistic terms to whine about a multifaceted problem without offering any sort of solution. Fuck off.
>we are isolated, secluded and lonely.
speak for yourself. I'm in a happy relationship and have plenty of friends
Donald J Trump
bill gates
young george lucas
steve jobs
We are usually isolated, secluded and lonely, becasue our thought induces us to be together, we belive that being united must be a good thing, and lonely, in my opinion, because what we know is good and right is being trampled on, and we are made to feel as if there is nothing we can do about it, and furthermore, even worrying about what is right and good is considered a sign of being behind the times, of being a racist or bigot, or of simply being stupid.
We are getting made to believe we are stupid. So we do not voice our opinions, so that we do not find that we actually share a large common ground. We aree being intentionally kept divided in the sham that we are being united by our differences. We should not be considered In diveresity we are united. We should be considered that despite our diversity, our beliefs unite us. The problem is which beliefs should unite us. Will we be united as serfs and peasants? Or will we be united as equals? Will we be united as recognizing worth? Or will we be united in having out hands out for whatever pittance is given us?
Fucking outstanding, Brazil.
>everyone on Sup Forums lives in his moms basement
I love this stereotype
that cut way too deep
I fucked up.
To quote the book of disquiet
"Revolutionary or reformer - the error is the same. Unable to dominate and reform his own attitude towards life, which is everything, or his own being, which is almost everything, he flees, devoting himself to modifying others and the outside world. Every revolutionary and reformer is a fugitive. To fight for change is to be incapable of changing oneself. To reform is to be beyond repair."
Absolutely ridiculous.
Humans are the most adaptable creatures on the planet.
Furthermore, if you're unwilling or unable to meet the requirements of a situation, then either you've picked your situation poorly, or you're an abject failure.
I'll have to give this one to the monkeyman.
u r 1 cheeky kunt m8
tfw when you're not poor
Someone please put a MAGA hat on the orange ball. I'm on mobile
Something tells me the assumption is they're spheres.
>Meeting demands of consumers by proxy of meeting the demands of your employers is Gommunism
Bottom-left square?
>Share your thoughts
Release the hounds
Fuck circle kikels
Because the squares (normies) think they're the circles while calling the real circles "nazis".
I wonder how much Sup Forums's attitude changes when things are put like this.
nice, I love OC straight outta Sup Forums.
Just wish that I would have some irlL redpilled friends to share it with :(
I don't trust triangle people.
they shouldn't be round balls, all alike, they should be special snowflakes, each unique
OR how about you fuck off and do your own thing because the sqaure life is the best life. You can't just put a sad face on your enemies and a happy face on your supporters and be done with it. Those happy round balls are the mindless consumers that let the world become so littered with plastic junk. The system was made to placate their needs by competing forces that need to work harder than the other to fulfill those needs. They are the ones pushing Mr tie there through the system and making him the shape of it like a brat does to their parents. You need a spanking boy.
They have to go back
Basically this. OP's retarded picture assumes everyone's a circle, where's people would be represented by all kinds of incompatible various shapes. There's no perfect solution to this.
really make u think....
A circle can fit into a square hole
You know you are too long on Sup Forums when you see the shapes outlining a merchant ...
>im grey and frowning and my eyebrows are low
>im wrong
>hehe im like colourful and smiling and, like, im calmly suggesting you change with relaxed eyebrows
>im like, obviously right, right?
>circles completely destroy The System
>"Now everyone fits!"
why isn't anyone stopping to pick up all those coins on the ground?! It would either be a great financial asset or it might make you move faster like Mario Kart. GET DA COINS MANG
those are just the chips that the guy cut off his square block to make a ball
This is stupid from the picture the diamterwr ofthe circles is te same as the length of the squares side. This means that the circles should be able to fit in the square easily without having to do anything. Really ge shapes should have beenswitched around to give te proper message.
God damnit
It's hip to be square.
No industrial espionage
Get out
this kills the Sup Forums faggot
Pretty much this society functions best with X but we don't wanna do X so make everyone worse off for us
I like that they used jew hands as mortar
Realistically it would take less time to just cut the cube in 4 parts than to shape it into a round ball.
Also less material would be wasted.
i remember when Sup Forums was anti-establishment
why are you all such kikes now?
oh wait you're a shill nevermind
Holy shit, leaf shitposting has achieved new levels
We grew up and realized that fighting against the system is not beneficial. It's called the redpill.
What about triangles, rectangles and hexagons? This comic is racist.
then why did you faggots support trump throughout the election? memes?
The best way has always been to make your own system. No one gives it to you.
Go back to Sup Forums or /m/ or whatever.
How about you make the hole in the system bigger?
So dumb lazy cunts are circles in this comic?
Get rid of the system and let society revert back to co-independence where people live independently but do so in a way that makes it easier for other people living independently.
Let the vermin rot.
Yup... blacks suck at school, so every couple of years educators insist that the problem is THEM, that some new teaching method will work... it NEVER does... it is time to face the facts it is not the teacher but the students... there is not a magic "black" method of education.
Trump was the best candidate. Also, supporting a political candidate and thinking that whole world has to change to fit your life is two different things.
umm, which system is the cartoon about specifically, there's lots of systems in the world.
The left square seems like he's intelligent, upholding standards, and living a productive disciplined life, whereas the circles seem retarded. Naive about how the world works due to their mental deficiency, they probably have never worked a single day of their lives. If they have, they were never in a serious position of responsibility over anyone, anything, or even themselves to truly grasp the fundamental concept that sometimes you have to do things you don't like to survive in this world, and sometimes that entail conformity with societal standards for the sake of collective wealth through cohesion and order. Likely the balls decided that they wouldn't conform to the "system", and thought they could make their own "tolerant, free" society. However, because of their lack of will to strive for standards, cracks of inefficiency arise and their society collapses (they wouldn't be asking to join the system in the first place if they could survive without it). The only option left is to beg the structured, efficient squares for handouts, which the squares naturally have to refuse due to the unsustainable consequence of a disproportionate ratio of producers to consumers the circles would cause if their demands were met. The circles, starving and exposed to the elements on the fringes of the "system" resort to rioting in an animalistic attempt at survival. With the circles deluded into justifying their uprising as a moral consequence to a lack of welfare, the squares are left with no choice but to retaliate to ensure the survival of the very system that provides the goods the circles want. The conflict is short however. The efficient squares easily win the confrontation because they're more well grounded due to the edges they have, allowing them to stand their ground, whereas the balls are rolled off the table into the genetic abyss, leaving their mark on the world as nothing more than a science textbook example of natural selection to future generations of squares.
This thread
Just dumb down whites and send absolutely everyone to college. Charge them a fortune while you are at it.
Oh you are already doing that. Good good.
Sup Forums special cumflakes version
French edition.
Sadly they have to do something VERY similar for many state jobs... they will give an exam for Fire Chief... if NO black person passes they blame the exam and dumb it down EVEN more until a black passes... then they still have to WEIGHT the score based on race and gender so a black female will be selected... sort of like a white male needs a 99% but a black female 45% to be selected
I think you meant that the normies are the circles, and we are the squares, because we all know we're headed to a collapse of civilization if things keep heading the same way the "normies" want us headed.
Thing is, 50 years ago we would've been the normies, but ((they)) decided to make it otherwise. Now you see them trying to push their shit into countries like Russia/Iran because they don't want a society of circles to bring them tumbling down with the rest of the world.
Very nice. I enjopyed the fantasy.
Pretty sure they can squeeze through
Too simplistic of a thought to take it seriously. Imagine you having to change to fit into a corrupt and oppressive kind of system? But then a system that allows everyone, even Muslims, to be changed in order to allow their shitty sharia law? There has to be a balance and out of all the countries I think USA's so far the best.
You start user, i'm right behind you I swear
savage from ireland
how about you fuck off and go somewhere else?
Except not everybody is a ball either, everyone is a special snowflake today , so you have a lot of shapes today
It would be if Trump could do his job without screaming faggot circles dragging him back every step of the way. Pray for us.