Why arent White women more loyal?

You can see it with Europeane women welcoming Muslim refugees into their country who would impose Sharia law on them & make them into second class citizens. Here is a story of a guy that I kinda know :

>Girl from Europe wants to backpack around the world
>Boyfriend leaves his high-paying job to join her
>They go to Turkey, Russia, India and arrive at Vietnam
>She leaves him for an Asian long-haired hippie Beach bum

More pics below



in Vietnam

Starts dating this guy

because white women=whore/slut

That long haired asian is an upgrade though. That boy was just a beta loser

Alphas rule the world

jewish degeneracy that pushes

we gave them equality, now they want supremacy

the only path toward salvation is to remove all the rights women have

Who are the most loyal women? I've heard Vietnamese

This guy looks like a massive loser, though.