>Perfect men don't exi-
Perfect men don't exi-
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If he's so perfect why in less then 2 years has he fucked Canada up even more?
Checkmate faggot
IDK if it's just my monitor but his hand looks sickly and it bothers me
Be honest Sup Forums you would impregnate his pucci in a heartbeat
Yea keep panicking alt-right. Just admit the fact is nothing changed in your life ever since he got elected.
Is that the Crimson Chin?
>gets fisted by a female but firm fist
>in contact with gays
>the Rothschild think he's gay
>the first Trudeau children will be adopted refugees
>has the cure to aids but prefers to spread the disease instead of cure it
>secretly wants to fuck President Trump
>is a cuck
There are very few world leaders dumber than Trudeau.
Duarte and all the Africans maybe. You could say Trump but the man made billions and won despite everyone trying to prevent him from doing so. Trudeau was a nightclub bouncer and drama teacher. He's just a handsome guy who gets the women voters wet and says generic pro globalist/feminist/pc progressive talking points. He's the male equivalent of a bimbo.
Amen to that.
Justin Trudea sucks at feminism.
>that Adam's apple
Is that thing a man?
A man in a long line of predetermined and approved leaders for western countries.
No different from a Bush or a Clinton.
Just another "likable" puppet figure. Preaching about diversity and marching his country toward a suicide of cultural and moral values.
These people are showmen. Actors, good speakers. They do as they are told by the deep state / current heads of the old-money banking/financial families.
That's my coo-coo-clock-tier theory.
Nice quads
How does it feel knowing your gf or daughter would cuck you with him the minute she saw him?
He's a fucking pleb
technique like a 14 year old
looks like that game of thrones girl
I want to kick his faggot teeth in
>Justin Trudeau
Jesus, he is the incarnation of the saying ''Don't trust someone by his appearance'' , because either behind this pretty face is one of the most morally corrupt person on this side of the earth, the direct descendent of the establishment ( Trudeau father was a staunch federalist, son is the same) whose sole purpose is to act as a puppet while things happens behind the scene or an extremely naive dipshit so far up his own ass that he genuinely believe George Soros to be a good source of knowledge when it comes to managing money (aka sell all of Canada gold reserve)
The earlier sound far more likely, we are speaking of the son of a prime minister, he probably got coached on a lot of subject by his father, what say he didn't leave his connections as a legacy to his son?
why did you post a pussy?
Trump giving Justin the death stare for having better chances at getting laid with Ivanka than him even though he has been trying to fuck her throughout her entire lifetime. Now he'll have to lower his standards and go for Tiffany instead.
he looks like an oak
Robbie Rotten?
He got massively btfo by the Big Leaf Cock
TIFF a cute
Trump's reaching out for the Great Cucknute's Ivanka pussy stained hand in a desperate measure to get a piece of that juice.
Nah mate.
She looks like an malnourished and albino African child.
Trudeau will fall, Bernier will free Canada.
>Op is not a fa-
did you just assume his gender, shitlord?
>Is a feminist whiteknight
When people find that out, his points go down 80%.
You realize he's an obvious homosexual don't you?
And you don't think that's a problem? He has done literally nothing to improve our country for Canadians, just made it a haven for mudslimes. Now they are trying to enact legislature that would make it a hate crime to speak negatively about Islam! Fuck you.
It'll be too late then. Trump has already sucked off as much of the remnants of Ivanka's pussy from Justin's cock.
To be frankly honest I have never seen anything more outrageously gay and homoerotic than that bear hug Justin was trying to do. As a gay man that voted for Hillary Clinton, I can say with 100% accuracy that Justin is gay and that he is trying to French kiss President Donald J. Trump. Why a French kiss? Well isn't it obvious, Justin is both bilingual and gay. Let me again state for the record, I am a gay Hillary Clinton voter, so I know gay...trust me Justin is as gay as it gets.
did you just assume xir gender, shitlord?
Pretty sure it was Donald giving Justin the 'fuck-me' eyes.
You realize that irl the Leaf in Chief unironically sees more prime pussy in a month than you will during your entire lifetime?
He has a gay ass lisp and a baby face, I'm fairly sure he's a closet homo.
Maple leaf vs whoever
>people still don't understand Ivanka Trump is a liberal and not like her father
Jewfags ignoring this every day.
Fuck sake we need him more than ever
I bet he would make the cutest trap ever.
No homo.
That's a funny way to spell bulls
Don't look like bulls to me
>made it a heaven for sand niggers
Pierre and Mulroney did that. Justin is just a mindless drone like Harper and Chetrien before him.
Where is his jaw?
Our only hope
This is why you need to belt your children
We haven't even got our promised weed baka trudeau is the worst
remember to hide them
if you comment remember to add sage in the options field
don't forget!
Speaking of baka when will the mods unfilter s.m.h t.b.h f.a.m? I really miss using that
She obviously doesn't take him serious in this picture.
solid copypasta my friend
Hopefully those alpha Cuban dictator genes kick in one day and override his Canadian cuck genes
Is he the third Bogdanoff?
I liked that he was brought to heel during his visit to the US.
Canada is a great side kick to Uncle Sam.
Trudeau is literally Edith Bunker.
He's literally Edith Bunker
Canadian accents are ear cancer.
Esfores is the last bastion of truly free speech here.
>and that's why I'm a virgin, the post