What is it about this region that produces such unrivaled excellence?
The Nordic race is so blatantly superior to everyone else it's ridiculous.
What is it about this region that produces such unrivaled excellence?
The Nordic race is so blatantly superior to everyone else it's ridiculous.
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true that
this picture proves how fake every picture from space is, the world aint round son
The Germanic tribes didn't destroy Rome, nor Greece. They destroyed themselves, and the Germanic peoples took what they'd accomplished and carried the human species to greater heights than the world had ever seen before.
You know the "hard times create good men" meme?
Probably that. Always cold and dark so only the best survive.
>There are other cold and dark countries too
None that have access to sea and Europe
>What about baltics?
Great potential but the eternal Ryssä fucked them over
is that photoshopped? I don't see any cities
Beautiful picture.
Decent ratio of mountains, lakes and sea access. Literally the perfect landscape
Environmental evolution.
Yeah... oh, no i meant no. Even chimps leave behind hand tools.
If you're Scandinavian and still live in Scandinavia, you are a supreme cucklord
All the real Nordic men went east and founded Russia and Ukraine
The lesser men after that headed west to Iceland and Greenland
What was left was a few guilible cucks who converted to Christianity and fought a few good wars, especially the Caroleans
Anything after that is official cuck status of weaklings
>Look up top 10 Swedish inventions
Is that map topographically accurate? Norway is nothing but mountains.
A Danish-Anglian oath-taking mercenary foreigner huscarl and heathen was teaching a class on Harald Godwinson, a known usurper.
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and swear loyalty to Harald and accept that he is the rightful heir to the throne of England, and ruler of all
At this moment, a brave, Righteous, Christian, Normand vassal Knight who had sacked over 1500 townships and understood the necessity of pillaging and fully
supported Duke William as the rightful heir of Edward the Confessor stood up and held up a longboat.
"What's this for?"
The arrogant snownigger smirked quite Danishly and smugly replied "Raiding monasteries, you stupid Christian"
"Wrong. It’s for seaborne invasions. If Harald Godwinson, as you say, is the rightful heir... Then he should have recieved a Papal sanction by now."
The mercenary was visibly shaken, and dropped his bearded longaxe and pouch of Geld. He stormed out of the room crying about oaths and heathen deities. He wished so much that he had an
excuse to not fight the Normands, but he himself had sworn to defend Harald to the death!
The students applauded and all became vassals of Duke William that day and accepted the leadership and guidance of Bishop Odo. A comet named "Halebop" flew across the heavens, signalling the Duke's divine right to rule. The bible was not read, because no one could even read, and God himself guided their army to victory.
The viking lost his life and was beheaded at the battle of Hastings. He died defending the body of Harald and was buried with full honours.
Once again a thread where autists rant about muh civilization and muh history, when you could discuss this instead Quality is so bad on Sup Forums these days.
A fucking gecko
That's the only black person i genuinely feel bad about.
It's all Finland, rest of its a shithole.
that explains your moon landing, oh wait
Pic related has been the richest part of Europe since the middle ages though
Are you retarded? From that perceived altitude even Mount Everest looks flat.
It's because everyone already knows that Nordics are genetically superior.
Huh funny that the Rothschilds started at that time...Probably just a (((COINCIDENCE)))
pretty sure it aint a satelite image burger
Look at it again
Holy shit burgers are stupid...say "moi" to Natt for me :D
Shut the fuck up.
Your "men" don't even feel like they are allowed to piss standing up anymore. You open up the flood gates to muslims, and you won't even fight to defend your women. You are a fucking disgrace and you have betrayed the west.
>american education
>t. 59% white
Kek, don't you have some Blacked porn to watch, amerinigger?
>You have betrayed the west
lack of niggers, sandniggers, riceniggers, curryniggers, jungleniggers, etc.
they're not that great.
A Cold History. Good evolutionary traits they learnt.
>muh dna
Alright pham, Natt is kinda spergy though
Finns are not white
That's not a banana, that's a fucking penis and balls
sure bud
The entire place being covered in meters of frozen shit for most part of the year, make food and warmth hella scarce = peoples were stuck with one another to survive to the next day, often in very close quarter so hating one another only brought far more trouble than worth = Eventually developed a culture where peoples aren't complete asshole to each others so living in the far north become much easier, basically improving life for everybody there exponentially, as permanent settling and productivity replaced the easy-going lifestyle of the nomadic man.
Northern Europe will be a 3rd world shit hole in 30 years.
brah these maps give me a bonair
I'm sick of these fucking traitors.
At what point do we decide they have had enough time to make up their minds? At what point are they a lost cause and become our sworn enemies?
Today's day and age is the american man and nordic man era, but some time ago we wuz conquistadores n shiet.
America will be a shit hole in... Oh wait, it's already a shit hole lmao
Imagine 1 meter of snow outside, and living in an open stone castle. Instead of a compact wooden & dirt insulated house.
I've always wanted to visit Trondheim. One of the most expensive places to live in the world. And I want to visit the hotel where they filmed Ex Machina.
Is that why their men are introverted cucks how bow down to feminism and Niggers?
Iberians 2014 a.C.
>says they're superior to everyone else
>gets dominated by low iq sand niggers who live in the stone age
Really makes you think
You dumb motherfucker.
It's not about white versus non white.
Judge each person by their character.
Muslims are fundamentally incompatible with the west, and you are flooding your country with them.
Sometimes you just need sheer numbers, that's how the Soviet Union defeated the technologically superior Nazi Germany.
>muh stone buildings
we sure are..
Scientific study:
>In summary, the results show that even wood interior solutions have an impact on both the building's environmental footprint as on the residents' well-being.
Swedish is such a dumb language.
get a load of this cunt. He doesn´t know the Nordic countries. LMFO
Well tree is better for humans.
Swedish riches grew on it's excellent steel it could make from its good quality base resources.
Norway got fat from milking their oil and natural gas.
Now pair it up with culture of not wasting anything that was forged by the harsh climate.
That's all there's to it.
Denmark isn't really Scandinavian, we should really be a part of Holland, since they saved us from becoming Sweden.
Sure buddy!
Living in such extreme climates means you have to develop a sense of time, forethought, planning ahead.
Beautiful picture
I don't buy it. Care to explain?
The unintelligent ones died of the harsh winters. The unbrave ones died of the reoccurring wars. The intelligent ones killed any of the unintelligent ones that were leeching. The brave ones killed the unbrave ones that were treacherous.
Don't forget the eugenics program up until around 1973
There is internet in Greenland???
No Brazilian shitposting? The cuck most be asleep.
It's CGI
>and you won't even fight to defend your women
What do you want us to?
Find every woman being raped and save her?
Sorry but we can't just put on a radar and find any bitch we want to.
>You open up the flood gates to muslims
Didnt know we were jews now
slit your wrist traitor
Founder effect mostly.
No, you're imagining things. Stop buying crack from that homeless guy, John
It's still beautiful. Makes you wonder why they think they need rapefugees over there.
>Implying that's not him above with a Swedish proxy.
>You are a fucking disgrace and you have betrayed the west.
The american meme of the past 60 years is what has betrayed the west. Sweden is only on the destructive path of trying to emulate the USA.
Guess he got tired of people calling him a nigger.
which he is.
Baltics are better.
quality is bad because people like you rant on about "MUH EVOLUTION SCIENCE"
Scandinavians superior! wot
Danes desu are the only true superior people out of the lot of you, the rest are just happy clappy retards with a deathwish. Infact i think the swede/norwegian national symbol should be a lemming. Fins are meh, yet to be seen what they do, a lot of talk no action!
I guess you have it.
I get it ;)
IKEA is shit though.
underated webm?
Is that why the third world is trying to get into your country and rape it's people?
Also interesting to see how your not fighting it either.
Also you're nothing but a bunch of cucks.
You're not going to be nordic for long.
>Capped to 50Gb
>Fastest speed 4Mbps
>Min. $163.65 pr/month
How can everyone else even compete... Kill me.
What the fuck? why does this picture look fake? Where are the cities?
As i said. A lot of talk... no action.
I pop in the loop, but is it a Scandinavian humour