Well, white people?
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Did he really say that, or was he just pretending to be retarded?
Only a faggot would see a Saturn V as a dick.
Says the man who is almost as white as that rocket.
Well, he's white so he should know.
He's right, aerodynamics are tools of the patriarchy. Along with submarines, trees, and everything else that's even vaguely phallic.
So does that also mean niggers are jealous because their too primitive to develop space technology?
gravity is a social construct
Whites invented gravity to keep the black man down
Talcum x is projecting way too much tbqh
Well the shape of the rocket really has more to do with aerodynamics but whatever
>not knowing about the Ugandan Space Program
Well what. Fuck off, thats it.
Shaun King is white.
I guess he'd know
Could be worse. Imagine, you would be a nigger.
Well we had to, else the cotton would have flew into the sky, hell the slaves would probably have hitched a ride too! The lazy fuck...
check mate
>racial-psychosexual high
And he's a nigger. Probably retarded too.
considering what resources they have, if they get that thing to fly then kudos to them. On the other hand, what have you done today that is worth taking a picture? What have you done this year? What have you done your entire life?
No, he is not white, he is a white nigger. Many such a cases.... sad.
Spheres and Tetrahedra don't make good rockets.
I can ride a bike real fast
Some post source
>what have you done today that is worth taking a picture? What have you done this year? What have you done your entire life?
Is an impressive pile of shit in the crapper worth it? Or I should be Indian for that to be considered an achievement?
He would know.
Well, he is white so he must know
This would trigger a normie nigger on facebook so much
>colonizing mars and the moon is only bad if whites do it
>"nigger" doesn't understand space
>thinks white people are just making big penises and sending them into oblivion for shits and giggles
man how retarded can someone be?
>caring about uganda
>What is satirical exaggeration
>one example from blacks out of hundreds from whited
Never seen a white man go 'muh dick' before
> Aerodynamics are nothing.
Nah, he is saying blacks don't make rockets because "MUH DICK."
That's pretty disturbing
I'd like to believe he's not genuinely retarded, but considering the long history between liberals and Fuddcore gun knowledge, I doubt he's anything but retarded.
this guy is obsessed with dicks
These have to be fake. I haven't seen one person think about dick this much since Sigmund Freud. But at least he worked in a field that dealt with this type of thought.
Why is this guy thinking about dicks so much? He gay or something?
He doesn't even know about the Negro American Space Society of Astronauts?
i'm sure thoe phallic objects aren't meant to compensate