What is this new 'Deep State' meme I've been hearing about? Can someone give me a quick rundown?
What is this new 'Deep State' meme I've been hearing about? Can someone give me a quick rundown?
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The MSM finally acknowledging the "shadow government" conspiracy theory isn't a theory.
The deep state is basically the unelected officials who run the whole show.
You never hear about them or see them but their decisions effect our every day lives.
i.e. DEEP state
Its like middle and low cast bureaucrats who, do to personal connections and experience, are unable to be removed and have most been subverted by obongos gibs and consuming to much CNN
This deep state thing is why Hitler rose to power.
To destroy the deep state and bring freedom to the German people and the World.
CIA, FBI, etc....hundreds, thousands of officials not elected democratically and working in the same job for decades, tons of corruption, tons of questionable actions, etc...
Would you like the ability to prove the existence of the 'deep state' and also an actionable plan to undermine? Then read on.
Is it possible to build a space elevator today?
The key idea is the Orbital Ring version of the space elevator, not the geosynchronous tether concept you are familiar with.
See, for example, Paul Birch's writings:
The orbital ring only requires tethers about 300 kilometers long which is technically feasible with common material like steel, but ridiculously straightforward with better and already available material like kevlar.
There are some important questions. First, how much would it cost to do something like this?
We need to send about 160 million kilograms of material into space (See Birch's boot strap estimates in part 2: orionsarm.com
We have rockets available at $2000/kg costs to LEO today in "mass production" mode, which is only about 10-20 launches per year. Compared with the couple thousand launches necessary for a space elevator, $2000 is an unreasonably high upper bound for launch costs.
We also need to include the cost of materials. A space elevator is about 98% steel and aluminum, 1% kevlar, and 1% other such as superconducting magnets. Most of the mass (98%) cost around $1/kg, with an average cost per kilogram of no more than about $10 per kilogram.
Summing the above up, we get about $430 billion in launch costs plus another $1-2 billion in material costs.
In other words, we can have a space elevator for less than $450 billion - significantly less than one year worth of DoD spending, one bank bailout, many times less than a variety of pointless wars, etc. This is well within our reach financially in other words.
It's why presidents are afraid to do whats right and whats best for the interests of their country.
People who have dirt on politicians or so much wealth / control that they can pretty much make them do whatever they want.
It's the ones that are not listed on the Forbes most richest people but control far more wealth and assets than the number one on the list.
Old tycoon/financial/banking families.
What do we get in return for this $450 billion investment?
Virtually unlimited value. For example, with a space elevator we can reliably launch our nuclear waste into the sun. We've spent $100 billion building a waste repository in Nevada, but it was ultimately decided not to even use it. Now it costs only a dollar or two per kilogram to get rid of all of the nuclear waste in the world.
Second, we have immediate access to viable asteroid mining industry. Because the cost of delivering payloads to LEO drops to about $1/kilogram, we can not retrieve asteroids with trillions of dollars worth of minerals for mere tens millions of dollars in addition to having an easy viable way of returning those resources back to the surface.
We acquire the ability to deploy profitable solar power in orbit above cloud cover and with the ability to return said power back to the surface with near zero loss by running power transmission cables down the elevator.
Just how profitable?
With increased luminosity in space, enhanced exposure time, and the ability to deliver base loads, solar panels pay for themselves in only 1-2 years while having a 20 year life time.
In other words, if you put $5 trillion of solar panels into space, you get your $5 trillion back by the end of year two and a $5 trillion income stream each year thereafter.
In other words, the US could cut everyone's taxes, both personal and business, income, capital, death, or otherwise, all to 0%, not even cut any benefits or current spending, and pay off the national debt within a decade.
It should already be obvious that the entirety of the political debate spectrum is cointelpro.
Are taxes too high or too low? Irrelevant, we don't actually need taxes.
Is social spending bankrupting us? Irrelevant, we can retire the national debt without cutting spending all while having no tax whatsoever.
What does this have to do with taking the red pill?
We've had the technological ability to undertake such a project for decades.
That means all the squabbling you have heard your entire life, money, debt, spending, taxes, scarcity, whatever, is all bullshit. Not only is it bullshit, anyone with rudimentary knowledge of the world has known that it is all bullshit for all of this time.
In other words, once you come to understand the such a project is and has been technically feasible for decades, you have to reevaluate many things.
Why is there nothing of this in the conspiracy media? They are not really trying to expose or solve any problems. One hundred percent of it is cointelpro. From the Young Turks to Infowars or whatever, they are all completely full of shit because solutions to our problems not only exist, are easy to carry out, but this has been the case for a very long time.
Similarly, you now know that 20%+ annual GDP growth is possible. If Trump gives you 3-4% instead of Obama's 2%, he is simply working with the establishment to try to placate and subvert a rising tide. If we see the easily achievable 20%+ growth rates, it is at least possible that he isn't a subversive. Anything less and you know he is a fraud.
Also if it weren't for the deep State America as we know it would already be a thing of the past, or do you believe Obummer and Jewrge W Bush actually ran anything?
>Rothschilds bow to the Deep State
>In contact with aliens
>Possesses psychic-like abilities
>Controls America with an iron but fair fist
>Owns castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Deep State City will be be the first city)
>Owns 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Deep State babies
>Everyone in the Deep State said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of a Deep State who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Deep State bots inside you right now
>The Deep State is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Deep State bunker in Wilkes land?
>Every member of the Deep State has to learn fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the Deep State. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Deep State
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, the Deep State is a timeless entity existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
I miss space elevator threads
DEEP State is your (((Jewish))) military industrial complex, wall street, mainstream media, intelligence community, pharmaceutical industrial complex, big oil, and average joes who have comfy jobs in their bureaucratic roles
All of a sudden Ron Paul/Trump comes in and wants to reform the system (ie: cut the waste) and all the deep state people are like hell naw I want my pensions and stock options
So they politically assassinated Trump administration and silence people like Ron Paul.
Deep State is basically union workers with actual influencing power
if you don't even know you shouldn't even be asking these questions, our sacred order goes far beyond history.
It's Deep Throat Deep.
Ah, so basically EU.
What did he mean by this user?
This seems ture with fucking crazy shit going on right now. Can't blame hitler for doing what he did. What should he have he done lay down and die?
Did the jew control the media back then to? What about books? And religion?
This. Alot of them are bureaucrats hired to do a job and then protected by overpowered unions so they can't be fired easily. They have their own agenda and also might owe fealty to whoever hired em'. We have to unfuck the public sector unions to really do anything about it.
Can the willing be utilized in this meme warfare beyond becoming mere #SpaceElevator proselytizers? Some of us are possessed of greater power than that...
No, more like high ranking civil servants. Every country has them. You really think parliaments and ministers make all the decisions?
Let this /our guy?/ tell it for you
Der ewige Jude
google it
Much less, the Jews were creating social studies centers (mostly gay studies and propaganda), then Hitler and the Hitler Youth burned most of that shit down.
I don't know user, it seems like we're reaching that point, I just don't see a new holocaust happening again but all the hatred towards things they do is absolutely back.
A group of individuals who are about to be BTFO!
Have you ever had a shitty boss that noone took seriously? Every workday sucks, nothing gets done and eventually he gets forced out because noone is happy.
The deep state refers to the employees in this situation. The boss is Trump.
Respect is earned, not given. Some managers understand this and consequently work to earn the respect of their underlings. Others do not understand this and consequently fail.
Well EU parliament/meps don't do any of the decisions. Deep state is hidden and Eu you can see drunken Juncer giving some crazy statements
Sure. The space elevator is good in itself, but it isn't the last or only thing mankind needs to accomplish. Do you have answers? Contribute them, meme them, set your sights and actions towards building a better world.
>burning down all the faggot shit
who here /newhitleryouth/
this is based for the eternal anglo threads, they are only started by jews, let that sink in.
ah, this is a comfy meme
if your boss was elected by the american people though? public servants are just that
As someone who has worked in government and in Brussels, this is just laughable.
A simple PR move by a corrupt government that try to save its skin from the new one coming in
When peoples no longer believe the lies that there is no shadow influence over the government, simply pretend that such thing was always seen as normal/present, hence why you shouldn't bother about it, implying that its how its supposed to work or some double speak akin to that. It's basically bottom of the barrel kind of stuff, they are probably sweating bullets atm .
(((Bill Kristol))) says he prefers the (((Deep State))) to Trump State.
"new deep state theory"
Is this a fucking 12 year old?
In my opinion, the "deep state" decided it's time to change the geostrategic and economic scenarios, since their catastrophic policy has given Russia the upper hand.
The Deep State is not hidden, but right in front of you. You can see it as anyone failing to advance the Space Elevator as a project to address all our society's ills. They hate you and want to keep you utterly suppressed and ignorant of your potential as individual and collective.
Quickest rundown of power structure:
>Illuminati (true power holders influence geopolitics substantially and are private citizens, invisible to the public, no accountability)
>Deep State (non-elected government officials unrestricted by term limitations, privy to above top secret information and capable of disseminating information as they please, low visibility to the public, low accountability)
>Surface State (elected officials, public officials with term limitations or other restrictions on how they handle information, high visibility to the public, moderate accountability)
>Bureaucracy (mix of non-elected and elected officials who generate policy based off of Surface State guidance, high visibility to the public, moderate accountability)
>Public (can only influence Surface State, low visibility, high accountability)
D.S serves better their interests so no surprise here
I remember this pasta.
sure, study the arts. there are many ways to use symbols to inspire understanding in people. The space elevator thing is just one facet out of many. Study all the different facets of truth and find interesting ways to combine them and meme them. s'what i've been doing
Deep State is also anti-commie, so why are you guys cheering for it?
The (((state))) wants to get way deep inside of your ass and completely dominate you
The enemy of my enemy is my friend?
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal Tutankhamun bloodline
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>First designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>Strong ties to the French prime minister; evidence to suggest that they influence his every move, pushing for policies meant to weaken the nation's moral fabric so that they might rule over them without difficulty
>Have blackmail material on Rothschild and Rockefeller
>They are the only known lifeforms to have witnessed the Big Bang
>Rumored to possess psychic abilities
>Said to have IQs upwards of 200
>Christ & Anti-Christ duality though fusion
>Extensively funding NASA research regarding sustainable life on Mars
>Trix between alien outer-Void civilization and human/reptilian civilizations
>Based on Antarctica
>Promoting degeneracy agenda by intentionally caricaturize themselves by plastic surgery
>Control France with an iron fist
>Own castles and banks all over the world
>Rumour has it they possess the Demigod gene
>They created pizza in the 1700�s as a way to broaden their revenue from selling cheese to fund their child sex ring
Bureaucrats, analysts, intelligence officials, administrative agents, department staffers, mid-to-senior level government employees.
Basically the all of the people in government who actually "DO" the work. Trump can say whatever he wants, but these are the people that actually have to carry out orders and run the government. They are people who make their careers in government.
If none of these people listen to Trump, then his power is severely diminished. This is a big problem with this administration so far--everyone in Washington treats him like a joke.
>solid steel
>clearly made of copper
non-manufacturing fags get out REEEE
german plug masterrace
Oh whoops, I meant to say "aren't"
I don't see a lot of enthusiasm tbqh.
It's the unelected portion of governments. People who have literally never read about how governments work think it's some kind of conspiracy that's coming out, but it's obvious if you think about it for more than a minute, did they never consider that the heads of the intelligence services aren't directly accountable to the public? That's not an NWO conspiracy, that's how they work.
Conflict between different branches of the US government is nothing new. It's obvious some factions in intelligence think Trump is a liability and are trying to discredit him. But of course on Sup Forums it's a satanic conspiracy controlling the entire world.
These are the correct answers, OP
Work like fucking/experimenting on kids and drugtrade?
>Deep State
>new meme
Where the fuck have you been?? I never thought I would say this, but you might be the only person on this entire board that actually needs to browse more /x/.
Make them again then
anycunt up itt like slipping the missus the rodger?
They will lose, that's all you need to know.
Basically the same as a banana republic. That (especially) security agencies use their powers to more or less control the country directly, and work actively against the administration if they are undesirable.
CIA, NSA & FBI are actively leaking information to the media, in an attempt to cause a scandal were Trumps people are forced to resign (like Flynn) or, as the ultimate goal, getting Trump impeached.
The US is basically not a democracy/republic (w/e you wanna call it) anymore. There is a government within the government who is trying to carry out its own agenda, and who will resist any elected administration from interfering.
They kind of have to now since C(IA)NN was already implicated and exposed as part of the political media machinery.
This willingness to submit to the deep state on live television is a disturbing last ditch attempt by the globalists who control the news to get the public angry enough to revolt. But it's too late, they've been totally exposed for months.
Time to escalate Meme War II!
Did you drop this?
>Sup Forums expects Trump to defeat ISIS without the intelligence services
good luck.
your emperor is already over. he doesn't even need to be taken out or impeached. his little hands are impotent.
>the large government doesn't want bigger government
That's not really true. The bureaucrats certainly did the bidding of Bush, Reagan, Nixon, etc.
Trump just commands no respect and has no credibility in Washington. Everyone there knows that he is a farce... and a dangerous farce at that.
The system is working.
The Bush's, the Clinton's, the Obama's, the Rothchilds, the Bilderberg group, 6-8 out of the 16 intel agencies and most big names rolling around Washington the past 4-5 decades (most circle from CEO of companies to the highest ranks within the white house.
You have repeatedly described yourselves as Lightbringer, or Lucifer. How do people accept this name and its connotation? Isn't the deeply ingrained religious meaning of Lucifer as the bad guy an obstacle to your efforts?
Read this in Sam Hydes voice for some reason.
>Not the kikes
>The bureaucrats certainly did the bidding of Bush, Reagan, Nixon, etc.
Or they did the bidding of the bureaucrats. Could be both ways.
Trump is being resisted because he wants to change the system. The system doesn't like change.
I would be more willing to believe your story it wasn't for literally all media in the west talking with the same voice. Look up Udo Ulfkotte, he spilled the beans last year on how fucked up the situation is.
I have a cousin that is a staffer at the Department of Health & Human Services. She's dedicated her career to public service and has a masters degree in non-profit program administration.
Do you really think that people like this give a flying fuck about Trump's agenda? They have dedicated their lives to public service.
You can think again if Trump will all of the sudden start commanding the respect and attention of these people. They will ignore him and undermine him and continue to do the jobs they sought to do. Trump is a dunce, a curmudgeon, a loser, a scatter-brained retard. These mid-level government agents hate Trump even more than any outside left-leaning activist.
The deep state is simply the establishment politicians who have realized that Trump is malleable...and that if they can get rid of his inner circle that has his ear (Bannon), they will be able to run the country again.
No one is talking about ISIS here you bumbling retard.
It'll come to pass that three is known by its fruit.
There is no problem challenging deeply ingrained ideas. Indeed, one should be suspicious of anyone who isn't doing that. The world has obviously gone mad.
>I have a cousin that is a
That's fine, but it's actually true in this case. I'm not saying my dad is the president of Nintendo. I'm saying I have a cousin that is a low-level staffer at the Department of HHS. Is it that unbelievable?
Who do you think the Illuminati are?
Trump busts hundreds of child molesters, somehow trump is evil now once again.
i see a pattern here, you do not.
We need to fix earth first. Can't have the muzzies or jews getting their filthy paws on space minerals
Nothing more than a slide tactic. All smoke and mirrors m8. They will be set loose again unless (You) personally see to it they all recieve justice. Remember to show proof it's happening.
What the fuck are you on about? Jesus how are you this incoherent
Challenging ideas s one thing, changing the fact that so many people currently take every word in Bible as literal truth is something else. But seems nothing is a problem for the real Lucifer(s) :-)
Nice to meet you, really.
>You can think again if Trump will all of the sudden start commanding the respect and attention of these people. They will ignore him and undermine him and continue to do the jobs they sought to do. Trump is a dunce, a curmudgeon, a loser, a scatter-brained retard. These mid-level government agents hate Trump even more than any outside left-leaning activist.
Trump is the one elected by the public to run the country. He should automatically command the respect of all of these people. If they do not treat him with respect then they are not treating the American people with respect. If they pursue their own agendas or "do the job they sought out to do" despite the American people voting for change and Trump's agenda they should be replaced by people who will respect the outcome of each election.
You put a nice a spin on why it's a good thing they won't listen to Trump, but conveniently left out how that is the problem in the first place.
The more you defend the deep state resisting Trump the more it sounds like you are admitting elections don't matter and the power to run the country resides in a select group of unelected elites. The same kind of stuff leftists used to label as conspiracy only a couple of months ago.
i am not doing peoples jobs, how lazy are you americlaps?
open a news paper for once you ignorant faggot.
Im 20 can i be a Hitler youth?
why are you still alive?
(((old tycoon/financial/banking families)))
Will a space elevator make my waifu real?
>the Deep State is the unelected bureaucrats who run the government across administrations
Quick rundown
>the Deep State exists independent of who the elected officials are
>they are comprised of bureaucrats and intelligence agents
>they operate with autonomy
>they have their own agenda outside of the official agenda
>they conduct activities with little-to-no public oversight
Basic Gestalt
>the Deep State are the true power holders in our government and control elected officials through blackmail, bribery, and extortion.
>news paper
I agree it is a problem. It's a huge philosophical problem.
It's just another example of how far apart rural and urban people are in this country. They do not respect the hillbillies that elected Trump. Furthermore, there are hardly any hillbilly Trump supporters that are qualified for these government jobs. Therein lies a problem with the solution that you mentioned.
It's a fucked up mess when Washington and the American people are so far out of alignment. There is no clear solution.
Trump has no loyalties in Washington. Past candidates from both sides of the aisle have had this. An legitimate outsider could come in and command respect, but come on, let's be honest, Trump is a fucking joke.
nice meme you homo, you sure got me!
It's a step in the right direction.
Solar Warden.
Alternative 3.
>Deus Ex is real