Why is the fuck is everyone just ignoring this??
>No wrongdoing in transcripts
>these calls are common for incoming admin
>Flynn knew the calls were being monitored
Am I in some fucking alternate universe?? Why is this even a story again??
Why is the fuck is everyone just ignoring this??
>No wrongdoing in transcripts
>these calls are common for incoming admin
>Flynn knew the calls were being monitored
Am I in some fucking alternate universe?? Why is this even a story again??
Other urls found in this thread:
If he was so in the clear, why did he bother lying to Pence?
Why do you think user? The left are doing anything and everything to tear the administration from the inside out.
it still looks bad for optics and Flynn was dumb
>why did he bother lying to Pence?
is Pence the FBI now??
if he isn't, then who gives a fuck????
why doesn't Trump fuck their shit up ?
Why does he take it like a good boy ?
Why doesn't he start prosecution for sedition and treason ?
I thought he was going to be a strongman, why is he so weak ?
Lincoln had the same issue and he fucked everyone's shit up.
Why did he quit them? To save face ? Or was it soley because he lied about it?
Basically Flynn told Pence that the subject of sanctions never came up. Recordings reveal that the topic came up but not in any illicit way (it could literally be the Russian ambassador saying "I know we can't talk about sanctions so I won't ask"). Even though innocent and meaningless, it differs from what Pence was told so they let him go.
The more details we get, the more I am convinced that Trump shouldn't have asked him to resign.
>Why did he quit them?
Pence pushed for it
>listening to Rush Limbaugh
grandpa logged into Sup Forums?
>Am I in some fucking alternate universe?? Why is this even a story again??
Save it, if he was innocent he wouldn't have resigned.
Leaning towards this, and if he was innocent it'd reflect badly on Trump.
Best report on the whole thing I've seen: stevepieczenik.com
leftist media is going balls-out to attack trump. facts dont matter right now.
>if he was innocent
>FBI finds him innocent
Trump will give Flynn another position in the WH within 12 months.
Screencap this.
It was Pence and Priebus
so basically the whole thing was a big Sup Forums HAPPENING prank
>FBI: Hillary din du nuffin
>FBI: Flynn du nuffin
Can that agency do anything right?
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Nobody really cares about evidence or the truth; they just want the other side to look bad.
CIA are the ones making a fuss.They are the ones butthurt over Flynn's past aggressions towards them.
>why did he bother lying to Pence?
he didn't, Pence represents the deep state control within Trump's administration
So Pence is onboard with Priebus? Is Pence the mole like 8ch thinks?
don't forget Flynn bringing attention to pedogate
No, you should save it you shit eating 90 IQ baboon shit lib. Once the smoke blows over from this insignificance, the left will again, look retarded.
Enjoy 233,453,234,345 years of Trump
No he doesnt you fucking retard
>Trump will give Flynn another position in the WH within 12 months.
>Screencap this.
There will be no trump in the White House within 12 months.
Screencap this.
>Why did he quit then?
In a parallel universe where conservatives are in absolute control of the media, the top story is that the Trump White House has such integrity and is so beyond reproach that dishonesty gets you handed your marching papers even if you did nothing else wrong.
italy is stupid
>Am I in some fucking alternate universe?? Why is this even a story again??
got trillions of dollars behind overthrowing capitalism in America
The trustworthiness of Pence is still an unknown. It's best to be cautious with him.
>No, you should save it you shit eating 90 IQ baboon shit lib. Once the smoke blows over from this insignificance, the left will again, look retarded.
Kek, good luck with that dumb ass. He's 4 weeks in and shits already hitting the fan. Imagine what's going to happen over the next 4 years; he'll have the most scandal ridden presidency in history. It's what he deserves for relying on a foreign power (an enemy at that) to meddle with US elections.
Trump didn't ask him to resign. He reportedly asked him to stay, but Flynn thought it was best to go.
Yes he does
Pence is a RINO
Prove me wrong.
Pence wouldn't audit the fed
The trust was broken.
imagine being this stupid lmao
Niggers of Europe.
>no Trump in white house
Is this after trump is proclaimed God Emperor of Mankind and builds his golden throne on Mount Everest?
Guys, what if Flynn was fired because he was the leak, and this was just a convienent story to allow him to save face and to hide that they got the leak?
We should also be spreading this on twitter with the #medialiesagain
Italy is the primary route through which migrants invade Europe.
This fag is probably a shill though
>Trump shouldn't have asked him to resign.
He didn't. Trump wanted him to stay and Pence wanted him to go. Flynn knew he was becoming an overall distraction and decided mutually leave.
He'll be back in the whitehouse at some point i'm sure.
Trump keeps stressing that word "illegally". Whoever is leaking is in trouble.
So why did he have to resign? Anyone got a quick rundown?
FBI are /ourguys/
CIA are the cucks
because otherwise it looks bad and trump is already up to his eyeballs in things that "look bad"
>all that shilling this morning
o i am laffin
shills, absolutely and completely, btfo
lol it's funny because he could do literally everything right and people, especially the msm, would still try to find fault with him. trump could bring back every single job that was lost overseas or to illegals whom he deports, remove the national debt, end homelessness, halve crime, bring peace to the middle east, and faggots would still mumble about "m-muh racist, muh russia drumpf".
shits polarizing as fuck right now.
Because he lied about it.
From Dec.
Michael Flynn Is Harsh Judge of C.I.A.’s Role
Any inside fags have any intel on who is on the side of freedom and who is for pedos and slavery?
Is the FBI with us? mixed? against? neutral?
Jan 23
Donald Trump’s national security advisor Mike Flynn ‘investigated over Russia ties’
Hahahahaha fucking libcucks rekt yet again
>yfw Trump makes Flynn secretary of defense in his 2nd term
God you libshits dont even deserve oxygen. 4 weeks in and you liberal cunts have done nothing but cry and protest. Id round up all the liberals of any color and drop a few napalm bombs. You're all fucking cancerous peasants.
I wonder what happens to people in corporations that are misleading to a ceo? The real story is the surveillance and the leaks so the media are inflating and conflating the opposite.
harassment, threats from the deep state (soros, neocons)
just like in totalitarian soviet russia
nice one ritardato
>Why is the fuck is everyone just ignoring this??
noone here cared about the "flynnscandal" in the first place. he lied to pence, so what? he resigned to keep his dignity and uphold the integrity of the trump administration like a real man, while other politicians do nothing else but to lie, and they lie to the people, being exposed again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and nothing ever happens. they keep doing business as usual and keep lying.
>Pence is a lying two faced scumsucking rat
wow big surprises there
why do you think he was cleared retard
>Who cares if Flynn lied to Pence and Trump
Trump basically needed to fire him on principle
>4 weeks in and you liberal cunts have done nothing but cry and protest
same as it ever was...same as it...ever was.
I was also just listening to rush. We are in some fuckin wierd ass timeline.
>the integrity of the trump administration
He quit because Pence is cleaning house before Trump is impeached.
>best military maneuvers are the simplest - some guy (napoleon I think)
The dems are going batshit insane over Flynn they think theyve found something, so Trump baits them further with Flynns resignation, they will look so fucking stupid when the FBI finds nothing, again. This is the groundwork for building ammo for 2018.
>Politicians lie too much!
>I'm okay with the new administration lying to me!
this is a the true reason flynn resigned. it all goes back to pizzagate. everything in the government eventually alway leads back to pizzagate.
this is one giant psyop by trump
>pick non-issue that won't harm and bait leftist into biting it
>let them believe their leak won it so hubris kicks in
>they start openly talking about deep state and how the intelligence community is against trump
>trump can now openly purge with the blessing of the right laying down foundation for the real surprise later
this is gonna be the biggest btfo in human history once trump is ready
>The dems are going batshit insane over Flynn they think theyve found something, so Trump baits them further with Flynns resignation, they will look so fucking stupid when the FBI finds nothing, again
Flynn will be reinstated in another position soon enough. Trump is loyal as fuck.
I think this is all a bait too.......let the media go apeshit over Flynn, then the FBI shit clears him in any Demoshit investigation.
BOOM Trump can then confirm CNN as fake news once and for all.
>asked to resign
Why the fuck would you think Trump asked Flynn to resign? It's evident that Flynn took it upon himself because he may have felt he was becoming too much of a distraction and media circus.
We don't currently know, but there is no evidence at all that Trump requested a resignation nor any evidence that it was politically beneficial for him to resign.
If anything, the resignation is the more traitorous thing we've seen out in the open.
He's a decoy. Meanwhile Trump and Sessions are setting their gun sights with Rowdy and The Beav on recon.
who said im okay with him lying? its about the lie thats told. him talking or not talking about the sanctions i dont mind at all. its better than the previous administrations lying about stuff like sandy hoax, 9/11, WMD in the countries you are invading, the reason for the war etc.
also he lied to pence in the first place, not the people.
i mean, are you retarded? Bannon wanted him gone, so hes gone.
>The intercepted calls are different from the wiretapped conversations last year between Michael T. Flynn, Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, and Sergey I. Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the United States. In those calls, which led to Mr. Flynn’s resignation on Monday night, the two men discussed sanctions that the Obama administration imposed on Russia in December.
>Mr. Trump, however, had become increasingly concerned about the continued fallout over Mr. Flynn’s behavior, according to people familiar with his thinking, and told aides that the media storm around Mr. Flynn would damage the president’s image on national security issues.
>Stephen K. Bannon, the president’s chief strategist, asked for Mr. Flynn’s resignation — a move that he has been pushing for since Friday, when it became clear that the national security adviser had misled Mr. Pence.
>4 weeks in and you liberal cunts have done nothing but cry and protest.
Get over it. Republicans were crying and protesting Obama 4 weeks into his presidency. And they kept on protesting even after he resolved Bush's massive economic crisis.
>You're all fucking cancerous peasants.
>heartland shartmart shopper calling anyone else a peasant
That's rich. The US wouldn't be a superpower without the money and influence of the coastal states.
This is all a play to set the standard of trust around trump, and to reel the delusional in where the bomb is planted. Shit is about to get real lads, I think the hammer of justice is coming soon. If I've learned anything from trump, don't be so quick to lose faith in the man.
Maybe because a cabinet level administrator was forced to resign in record time here. The reason is important and all (and will continue to dominate the news for weeks if not more), but just the forced resignation is an enormous news story in itself.
>Why is this even a story again??
Because (((they))) can put "Trump" and "Russia" in the same sentence without literally clutching at straws to do it.
You actually believe that? It starts and ends with PREIBUS. This motherfucker has bungled everything he's touched so far and is gatekeeping the president. He's a rat and needs to go.
Make sure you keep hitting those talking points shill cunt
My guess is it's not about Trump. I think they're gaslighting European voters to try and stave off LePen's election.
"We had a good run but it's over. Stay home. Don't vote."
Am I warm? Anyone care to assail this assumption?
>being this delusional
You guys have been screaming the same shit since election day you have 0 credibility left. Good luck in 4 years with your muslim nigger candidate after 30 more terrorist attacks in Europe
Mods will probably delete this for LARPing, but his son tweeted about Pizzaggate and clinton joked about Flinn beeing kicked out for spreading fake news.
Look it up.
> Trump shouldn't have asked him to resign.
Trump didn't ask. Flynn offered.
Trump accepted. He shouldn't have, but he probably didn't grasp the implications at the time.
>Bannon wanted him gone
Because the NYT has an "anonymous source" claiming it?
Fuck off. The Media is running a plain as day Divide and Conquer gossip campaign against the Trump administration. They've been doing it since September.
It's sedition now, but they're determined to keep going. Let's see how long the FBI keeps seeing an active campaign to put down the US government as "protected speech".
>shits already hitting the fan
What, manufactured controversy?
Are you proud of being even more of a bunch of mongoloids - and ten thousand times more violent - than the Tea Party?
yes, the media invented Flynn's resignation
Why did he resign then? As an ultimate apology to Pence hoping he forgives him so he can get picked back up by the admin in a couple weeks?
Someone resigned, what a huge deal.
i havent even be up to date with politics lately but this shit screams artificial drama
can't wait for the logs being delivered from Kriegsmarine any day now.
So the events go like this:
>Obama sets a trap by expelling a bunch of Russian employees and their families and slapping sanctions on Russia literally two days before New Years, Russia's biggest holiday by far, and a couple weeks before Orthodox Christmas
>This extremely dick and unnecessary move prompts a response from the incoming relevant counterpart, Flynn, who is a go-getter and wants to be ready to hit the ground running day 1
>He falls for the trap and speak to someone and is tapped by the NSA
>NSA database is accessible to both FBI and CIA
>FBI reviews it and finds it harmless, after all they just spent how many months investigating Hillary's far worse crimes, not to mention pedogate etc.
>Because the CIA was working with Obama to plant the trap, they will not accept this, and the technicality of the never-enforced Logan Act is trotted out
>FBI is threatened by CIA for technically exonerated Flynn, and CIA leaks everything to the press
>Flynn decides its best to resign and avoid the shitshow despite the fact that he's done nothing wrong and Trump likely wanted him to stay rather than capitulate
>CIA/Soros "muh Russians" meme gains some traction on a Logan Act technicality despite being objectively retarded
>hoping he forgives him so he can get picked back up by the admin in a couple weeks?
>why did he bother lying to Pence?
Is this your first time here?
You believe he "lied" to Pence and Trump punished him for being naughty?
It is a huge deal. Trump doesnt even have his full cabinet confirmed and already lost one...because he apparently lied to the American public and his own VP (which is actually the best possible narrative you can make of this, the truth is probably worse)
The jew deep state is telling the jew media to create an illusion of illegitimacy around Trump so they can launch a coup or an assassination with as few people supporting him as possible to prevent civil war
Bump. Lots of shills today.