Asked about the Flynn allegations, “I don’t know about it,” POTUS responded. “I haven’t seen it. What report is that?”
what did he mean by this?
Asked about the Flynn allegations, “I don’t know about it,” POTUS responded. “I haven’t seen it. What report is that?”
what did he mean by this?
Lock Him Up!
Remember when people opposed Obama because of his lack of experience? And then the same people now voted in a man with ABSOLUTELY NO political experience.
So this is what you get trumples.
But that's a plus user! His lack of political experience means he'll really shake things up!
He seems like a very generous man though, certainly not self-centered. I'm sure he has middle America and heart and isn't in it for himself.
trump has literally catapulted into and idiocracy. i know we were heading there, I just thought it was atleast another generation away
before the election, I withheld judgement, because the choices were both so horrible, I couldn't fault anyone for going "Hrrrrrrm, well I guess I'll go Trump"
but now? supporting this idiot now? sub-nigger IQ is the only explanation for trump cheerleaders
Wow... all the shills in this thread..
Go back to plebbit you retards.
kill yourself already
it doesn't matter where it's coming from, millions of people believe it -- Trump
No seriously. Go back to your echochamber--> www.reddit.c0m
impeach trump noow
Look it up you fucking mong, he's literally on video saying that. It's at the beginning of the video here (the original clip comes from CNN, but it's a video, unless CNN is so fake they release fake videos too).
>everyone who mocks Trump is a shill
very original user. Dude's a buffoon still, he's gonna get a lot of shit for the next 4 years, learn to deal with it.
>someone criticized my emperor!
Why do trump fags NEVER have an actual argument?
Because your argument is based on CNN reporting which is not a argument in it of itself. Trump could sneeze wrong and you would go "sneezing isnt natural go back to your echochamber trumpanzee".
There is no point in debating Trump haters your arguments are so petty. Better off mocking you.
Because there is no actual argument, he's clearly an incompetent man-child with little understanding of policy and an insatiable ego. You'd have to be super cucked to still support him haha, people here are still defending Devos/Mnuchin/Puzder/Pruitt as "draining the swamp".
He's pulling the old Reagan "I do not recall" act.
The argument here is literally based on a video of Trump denying knowing about the Flynn allegations.
There's no point debating Trump lovers though. They tend to be inbred and incapable of saying anything other than "but Hillary!"
She lost, you have to actually defend the orangutan now, no more deflections.
>your argument is based on CNN reporting
It's literally on video you mongoloid. Face it, there's no defense for this shit.
The people voting against the establishment succeeded and elected Trump. The same people are now witnessing the establishment, the intelligence agencies, kick it into overdrive to undermine the President of the United States of America. It's confirmed the paranoid fantasies of Alex Jones. Shill whatever you like wherever you like, my friend (we all have to earn a living), but for the people who voted for Trump, this only reassures the necessity of voting for Trump.
>that pic
>that body language
He's practically hiding behind the doorway and forcing every muscle in his face to emphasize how much he "doesn't" know about the question being asked