He made a video response on PewDiePie's comments about gassing all kikes. Thoughts on it?
(((Casey))) strikes again
surprisingly funny that that jew h3 did a much better job covering this than this ball-less play-it-safe pussy
I've never watched any of his videos, but in my mind he has the same voice as Mort from Family guy.
>TubeWars: Shills strike back
Not suprising
Post >yfw you will never look like this man
this jew is revolting and belongs on page 10
off you go
Daily reminder to abort your defect fetus.
Casey sounds like he fucking hates pedoshitpie.
He ended the video by saying its ok to fuck with jews, free speech and all that but reminder there will be consequences.
>Doesn't post the link
You are literally cancer, you utter fucking cunt. Why would you think this is acceptable? Fuck I'd love to break your fucking nose right now. CUNT. Utterly despicable. Get Pancreatic cancer. CANCER CUNT.
not enough room, nigger
Well i know a very certain person that tried to do so but thing's didn't quite went his way unfortunately
what the fuck is that creature?!
that's a kike for sure, but who cares what it has to say about anything?
Can someone give me a quick summary of what is going on with PDP.
I don't watch him but I have seen a bunch of threads. What I gathered is he is making a bunch of risque jokes at the expense of jews and such?
Yh same
Give us the run down
>no link
Yes, user. You are our daily reminder to do so. Before it is too late.
he thinks he's superior, plus he's an envious kike
I respect his stance on free speech, but his obvious virtue signalling irked me.
How bout "I love Zyklon bay"
>justifying talking about a jewtube video and not posting links
Casey is the jewiest jew in the world
you do know casey's with hilldawg onboard the AFO in 2005
He's already a big shot before he's on youtube.
That could work
>that face
is this the result of inbreeding or growing up in close proximity to nuclear waste?
i honestly cant tell
Thanks for thinking about me daily desu. Have a (You).
Still salty over that whole losing the Philippines thing?
He looks like he's had reconstructive surgery in the 1800s
I don't really get why so many people watch this guy. What's so amazing about him? What does he even do? I've only ever watched a video of him playing with the Switch.
i think he flies drones around nyc or some shit
i dont really frequent jewtube so i only know what ive heard Sup Forums say about him
Because people especially mainstream is fucking retarded.
Apparently he's really rich or something and belongs to a heavyweight Jewtoob network which advertises and recommends his videos everywhere.
He's just a vlogger but apparently millions of people are interested in watching this caveman doing... whatever it is he does. The only videos I've watched of him show him talking about pretentious ideas or traveling.
>no link
Don't worry Casey is where he is in life based only on talent.
he uses money to make money
basically do what rich people do and upload them on youtube
pewdiepie isn't that innocent either
his parents are CEOs of two different companies
you see how quickly big companies, fucking disney, signed him early on and ever since then his channel blew up insanely.
but actually, the only thing I might admire in pewdiepie is that he actually worked on his channel hard, selling hotdogs to buy his first gear rather than ask rich parents
casey, yeah I get the feeling he just came into the scene already part of the (((gang)))
He does stupid rich person shit and poor normies like to live vicariously through his videos. It's pretty pathetic.
He paid some Africans on fiverr to hold a sign saying "death to all Jews subscribe to keemstar", showed himself watching Hitler videos as a joke in response to people calling him a racist, wore a maga hat as a joke
Huffpo wsp etc published hit pieces taking it out of all context and saying he was a le alt right neo nazi and now his shows have been cancelled
>fucking retard
He's with the IN-crowd. He's probably the most connected nu-celebrity so he gets tons of free shit and sponsorships and deals and yada yada. So he can make these flashy videos where he jetsets the world and lives this dream lifestyle that nobody can achieve. It's lifestyle pornography.
If you can't even be bothered to give me a link I'm not going to watch it.
Get the fuck out then. Why are you still here?
I can't even look at that ugly motherfucker
What the fuck happened to him?
So he literally does fucking nothing and makes sick YouTube bucks for it. Ebin.
Truly a loss for all of us
why do i want to punch his teeth?
does he have a disfigurement or downs???
I'm waiting for a link
you can do it too user, just go get fugly and start vlogging
>I heart camps
You can be full time youtuber in half of year if you start making TOP 10 videoes.
To be fair, he's quite good at hitting story beats. But it isn't anything deep or meaningful really, he's just skilled at the craft of creating mesmerising lifestyle pornography.
ya fucker get your shit together
Someone should punch this jew in the face. I don't condone violence, but it would be nice if someone would punch his massive nose. I wonder if it would detonate all of Israel's hidden nukes they've robbed.
Well, you're not getting one. Make like your colonies and leaf.
Why the fuck does he look like mole rat?
possibly the ugliest fucking kike on the planet
You can't make that nose up.
How is it even functional?
I think they were indians. Not that there's a difference between the two they're both the same shit.
If you watch his videos, he does a majority of his breathing through his mouth.
Holy Christ on a crutch I have never wanted to crush that gigantic faggot's ugly fucking face in more than I want to right now.
h3h3, while he isn't probably liked around here, is basically /ourguy/ a lot of the time. Especially here. That faggot Neistat or whatever is actively against free speech, while a LITERAL INCREDIBLY POPULAR JEW is saying "That's not offensive, that's funny, fuck off."
Like, he's actually making the same arguments and backdoor redpilling people about how much the media lies and takes things out of context. That's half the comments section. Meanwhile, that faggot's doing the ever-so-gratingly-classic "Oh no, I'm for free speech! There just might be consequences, goyim. :^)"
Fuck that ugly faggot. I think h3 has more influence, as does Pewdiepie, and that Jewish whore Neistat has proven himself to be an untrustworthy, vapid, leftist shill that's only got a following because he could pay for it after years of dicksucking, so everyone sees his sub count and wonders how the fuck so many people watch his shit.
Tl;dr: I really, dearly hope someone, every day of his life, even if just in a youtube comment, tells him "Jesus Christ, you have literally the ugliest, most uneven, fucked up goblin face I've ever seen, and you deserve it." And I hope every day he considers suicide because of it.
Fucking harsh.
It's actually pretty impressive that he can make his pretty mundane life so compelling and watchable desu
just look his face, is he retarded or what fucking subhuman kike for sure
>lifestyle pornography
That's the perfect term
Please post a link
Well he's connected and living in fucking New York, something interesting is bound to happen.
>yfw you will never look like this man
Here's a shekel for the poor
Thanks, lad
He made a video about how media is a lying piece of shit and he made a skit about him being racist as a joke
The media then took the context out and made him look like a hitler supporter
> Woah, Hey man, i think gassing Jews is NOT COOL bro. I'm not the kind of person who would gas jews, no thanks, that is just. not. me.
> If you are a Jew and you don't want to be gassed don't forget to like and subscribe!
Did i get the general idea of it without watching?
thanks for posting the link, I forgot to post it.
Yeah, I found that a bit odd too. The way he said it like he was talking to the goyim to not fuck with him or his jewiness.
I'm a uncultured swine, what is it?
he may be the ugliest kike on youtube
this is birth defect ugly
His mother was the CIO of a Swedish clothing chain and his dad is the CEO of some medium size tech company. They didn't really help him.
He just worked hard, was good at it and was at the right place at the right time.
Manischewitz wine
it's like bum wine, but kosher
H3 is ok. Not /OURGUY/ because he's a jew and I'm sure he has some ulterior motive, but his ok for a jew.
before his youtube took off, he was a hot dog vendor.
I don't think mommy and daddy helped him much
Oh I forgot to mention something...
I haven't watched it but I think it's more like this
> *deep sigh* Alright so you might had heard the news about Disney severing ties with pewdiepie over antisemitism.
> Now first, I'm gonna say that i'm jewish *funny fast montage about jewish things in his life*
> And I doooooo *nasal as fuck* think that free speech is suuuuper *again* important
> But you gotta keep in mind that certain topics are very sensitive to people *annoying hand gesture*
> Now I don't think Felix *uses real name because itt shows him as cool and international* *points to picture on screen of pewdiepie* is the same as him *points to picture of Hitler*
> But you know sometimes I do think things can get out of hand, and I don't hate Felix *again* but I also fully understand Disney *please gibs master*
> Let me know what you think about free speech *hand gestures* in the comments, because it's a topic that's suuuupeeer important to me.
> *tries to stay relevant*
He's a fake person. Scratches new glasses to look old - trying to steal experience-respect. How is anyone caring about what these kind of people say?
probably a bunch of huffpo "writers" who lurk on this board for material for their clickbait nonsense articles saw the IS PEWDIPIE OUR GOY??? threads and decided to run with it
Controlling culture is a super powerful weapon, you can't ignore these people because of that fact.
...looks kinda delicious
To be honest he looks like Danish normie.
>give me the youth, and I control the future
Camp Guantanamo Bay is good enough