Leviticus 18:22(KJV) - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 20:13(KJV) - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Leviticus 18:22(KJV) - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination
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That's why this bi-faggot conceal carries every day.
Old testament is non-cucked part of bible.
So you are compensating for being an effeminate sodomite by carrying a gun?
"Bisexuality doesn't exist you are just a promiscious mentally ill weirdo. Were you abused as a kid? Most sexual deviants were
It's in the New Testament too
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
>Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
>literally entire passages about how god was a spoiled and spiteful faggot who sent a bear to kill an entire town because some kids made fun of job or whatever his name is
>passages about women lusting over people with donkey genitals
>not cucked
The old testament is pure unadulterated degeneracy.
other than all the parts where God acts like a neurotic kike
its really telling, the Old Testament, it shows that Jews have been the way they are for a long time
This. If your trans you should always have somthing to defend yourself because people like OP exost everywhere and you don't know who they are until they attack.
>Matthew 19:19 (KJV) - Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
If you're gonna be a religious nutjob don't cherrypick your shit to fit your agenda.
And pay your fucking debnts.
Ha! Don't sas me boy, I killed greater men than you in AFG.
I wish this one could tho.
Also fuck homophobes
So Sharia law when?
>bi-sexuality is a real thing
Dude that photo was uncalled for.
If you are "trans" the greatest danger is your own insane unstable fucked up brain.
>Bisexuality doesn't exist
>im an uneducated greek faggot who knows nothing about how the brain or human sexuality works because i live in a 3rd world country: the post
>The old testament is pure unadulterated degeneracy.
You seem to miss that God smites people for being degenerate.
Go on, rationalize your life full of vice.
You are a hypocrite. You really need to take a good look at yourself because you're not better than trans people just because you're lucky enough to not be born trans. You're a sinner just as much as we are, you just don't care and live having your head up your own ass.
>It's a greek user with a fetish for dead trannies shitposts on Sup Forums about some old jew book episode.
My favorite kinds of episodes.
Did you get more tranny pics in your fap folder bro?
>love thy neighbour as thyself
Doesn't apply to sodomites and other sexual deviants who are sinners and fundamentally evil "people".
t. stupid tranny faggot
Even though I dislike gay culture, fags and degeneracy. The OP advocating the death of homosexuals makes the OP a Greek greasy fat piece of shit. If 2 men love eachother and they dont do nasty offensive stuff in public, we should keep our mouth shut. Live and let live.
Cool God, Demands Sacrificing of Faggot Degenerates.
>God smites people for being degenerate.
God is a raging hypocrite for not smiting himself then.
He fits the description of every single one of the 7 sins, especially wrath, pride, envy and greed.
so um...why do you have homosexual gore saved to your computer you degenerate?
Sorry I have no interest talking with weeaboo faggot manchildren your opinion is worthless to me
Allah snackbar.
>born trans
>Go on, rationalize your life full of vice.
yea cause not killing your children and eating a fuckin clam is such a vice
>God is a raging hypocrite for not smiting himself then.
How is God degenerate. I want to hear this.
Post the scripture that says that and pay your fucking debnts.
Also where do you get off calling other people sodomites and faggots when you have pictures of dead gay dudes saved on your computer. That's like a blackedposter calling someone else a cuck.
Your god is a faggot pussy with no power, sorry to tell you. If he had power to do anything then why is the world so full of faggots? Why is the world so full of mudslimes? Why is the world so full of niggers?
Either he has no power or he chose to have the world be the way it is an he is the most degenerate of all.
I like rubbing dicks together it feels so good!
scripture is Not An Argument
Instead of trying to shame me for being normal go see a specialist. He will prescribe you some strong anti psychotic drugs so you can get over your autogynecophilia fetish
Yes, trans people are born trans. It's a neurological disorder that starts in the womb.
allah snackbar to you too my tranny faggot friend
Is posting the rotting bodies of murdered mentally ill necessary in proving your point?
Dude explaining to your mom once she finds out your computer is filled with dead trannies will be harder than fixing greece debt.
I hope your fap folder is inside an encrypted volume.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
>Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
>when you have pictures of dead gay dudes saved on your computer
Are you 12 years old? This kind of argument is so infantile and stupid didn't expect much more from an std ridden freak like you
Would you rather have a tranny child or a severely autistic one?
It doesn't say anything about killing people over clams. It says if it doesn't have a fin or gills, treat it as the abomination it is.
>If he had power to do anything then why is the world so full of faggots?
Are you asking why you have free will? Or do you just assume these people don't go to hell?
>Yes, trans people are born trans. It's a neurological disorder that starts in the womb.
Yeah pretty much. Prenatal hormones in some women get out of wack and causes parts of the brain to develop wrong and think they are the wrong sex. Its kind of similar to people who are born intersex except that it takes place in the brain instead of the genitals.
Sometimes it does not manifest itself until puberty when the body goes through most of its sexual changes however.
I think homosexuality might actually be a similar birth defect but i have no evidence for any of this. It makes a lot of sense though, seeing as how homosexuals have existed for a long time and yet most dont pass on their genes.
>when you counter Bible faggotry with Hardblush
Good for you. An armed society is a polite society.
I'd go further than that...an armed society is a society that respects individual rights.
>Are you asking why you have free will?
This has nothing to do with free will. The amount and existance of niggers and mudslimes is not only in gods control but he had to have thought it up in the first place.
He is all knowing after all, and therefore knew that things would end up like this one day. Otherwise he is not all knowing and therefore a shitty god
Damn right you ignore me! You ain't shit and I could slaughter you fucking village single handedly.
Watch what you say or else you speak ill to someone who is itching to remove your head from your body, ISIS style.
manly men or bust
After this thread you have any right to call yourself any more normal than I am. I have seen psychiatrists and therapists and that's why I am on hormones and act like a woman. Antipsychotics do not do anything to gender dysphoria. You can post that pimozide bullshit but the fact is simply that it's bullshit and you just cam't treat dysphoria with antipsychotics.
How can you think you're better than all trans people? It really is astoundingly arrogant and ignorant, you have no argument whatsoever, you are just some random recluse who's crazier than ~60% of trans people.
Are you sure?
Burn Witches and Kill Heretics,Kill Faggots,Conquer And Convert.. Sounds Great, I don't know why your bitching user... What's Wrong?
top kek eternal anti-fag greek strikes again
too bad your nemesis trap lover turkposter does not lurk Sup Forums anymore. I don't see him lately, he probably got stabbed by a tranny after refusing to pay him after sex
Take a hike faggot Murican retard. Some sodomite drops a line about muh guns and you are ready to drop on all fours and take his cock you faggot.
>individual rights
>when you counter Leviticus with Tokifuji
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
choose one
If you're trans you should probably know the "promizode" study is a farce and was only conducted on 1 person who had borderline personality disorder. Other trans people have tried it and have little to no effect.
Also any news on if cypro is ever coming to the US?
Why would anyone care what the bible says.
do it for the memes
But is getting an erection to your gore pics bad?
Leviticus is homophobic
>we need to follow and shape our morals becuase this books says so
>but why?
>because it's what the book says
>but why should we follow what the book says?
>because it's the book!
>but... how do we know what the book says is true?
>because the book says so.
>don't question the book. the book says not to question the book
Really gets those neurons firing
>kill a faggot for being a faggot
>proceed to strip the corpse
thats pretty gay at least in my town
post pics of when they were alive pls
This retard again. Massive insanity. Truly crazy. I don't see a lot of people here of whom I would think they'd actually commit a crime. You my friend on the other hand are a danger to society and other human beings.
Ahaaa you're derailing the tranny shit you degenerate fuck. don't blame the niggers for you're unquenchable lust and depravity.
You still havent answered the question. Is god all knowing and all powerful? If so then he created this world knowing full well it would end up like this full of faggots niggers and mudslimes. Your god made this world this way. Free will is an illusion. Everything is dictated by cause and effect, starting with the first act of either the big bang or gods creation.
If god did create us then he knew the world would be flooded with sub human niggers.
Nowhere in that scripture does it state the ten commandments don't apply to any of the people mentioned
>Are you 12 years old? This kind of argument is so infantile and stupid didn't expect much more from an std ridden freak like you
Not an argument. You're literally spamming pictures of dead trannies and quoting a jewbook. This is not the first time you've done this, breezed past your threads before, and surely it won't be the last. Only a 12 year old or a jobless loser neet has that much free time.
Granted, you're Greek, so you being unemployed is a given. Pay debnts motherfucker.
>A gree trying to act all manly
Nigger the only reason why iogurt exist is because your people were looking for a lube
>someone added Reddit spacing to this
Not an argument. Im not even a faggot, i dont date girls now. Hormones fixed me ;)
good job proving his point that all forms of queer are mentally ill
There is a very strong secular case for being against sodomy and sexual deviancy.
Pence shock therapy might fix it
If you reject Christ we are allowed to kill you.
We are also allowed to protect the faith which also includes killing you.
Vengeance is His but defense is ours.
>This has nothing to do with free will.
It has everything to do with free will. You asked about gays. The bible is very explicit about not laying with another man as you would a woman.
"Reddit spacing" is a meme created by /intl/ to cause shitposting.
Stop shitposting. There is nothing wrong with separating paragraphs.
There is a very strong secular case for being against greasy greeks who dont pay their debts and masturbate to dead trannies.
you are abnormal as fuck
serial killer type shit saved on your computer
For a gay hater you sure have tons of gay related shit on your computer. It's okay to stick it into other people's poopers. Just don't cut em' up afterwards, guro fag.
Please, name them to me.
Idk about cypro but I'm fine with spiro so I don't care too much. I don't want srs so I'm just gonna get an orchi eventually and not have to deal with them.
This is true.
Literally the smallest demographic on planet earth, yet the highest rate of suicide, depression, and drug abuse.
Unnatural behavior destroys.
And at the end of the day, it is none of your fucking business.
fuck off back to Sup Forums or /trash/ turknigger
Are those shuriken bullets?
>11 posts by this ID
I get you are triggered stop looking for attention now. If you can't handle it go back to tumblr
Wow, so many gay people on Sup Forums.
>tfw you realize all the anti Islam bashing are probably the large number of gays here larpin as deus vult Christians
Yep. Also Most of the slavs still kept their country right and not adopted that faggotry bullshit.. much respect for my Eastern Christian Bro's.
OR.....Or, I've proved a point that he thinks all gays are limp wristed and are unable to defend themselves.
I proved the point that if he goes around in real life behaving like that that some ordinary looking gay will kill HIM instead.
A la watch what you say and do, someone is always bigger and badder than you.
>we are allowed to kill you
Reported to the FBI as a future christian serial killer. enjoy your v&.
Free will doesnt exist. Im so sorry that you are too blue pilled to understand but neuroscience has shown us for decades that free will is an illusion of the mind. If you knew anything about the brain you would know up to 80% of whats going on in our head is either subconscious or unconscious thoughts and WE CANT CONTROL THOSE BY DEFINITION OR THEY WOULD BE CONSCIOUS THOUGHTS.