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Michelle Moore needs to fuck off
seriously moore has nothing
he can keep crying and I'll keep laughing at his pathetic fat fuck tears
>this fat fuck has armed security
>wants to repeal the second amendment for ordinary citizens
Notice how he mentions Miller and Bannon even tho there are others in more important positions.
This way we know who is legit or not.
So why haven't lawfags done anything about Michael Moore attempting to bribe the electoral college?
When has michael ever been important?
Probably not worth the time invested for the possible payout.
He organizes those marches for (((them))) and libcucks eat that shit up.
If (((they))) try to remove our POTUS we need to exterminate every jew on the planet.
I am sick of their bullshit.
He looks like someone who molests children desu
His face looks like a fat womans vagina.
Why would he reassure Russians.
Russians would call Flynn to see what was up.
"Hey dude, Obama is chimping out on us. Do you think Trump will continue this bullshit or not."
Flynn: "Don't know. Maybe, maybe mot. What do you think? I'm a civilian right now. Don't even have a job."
Anyhow, if Flynn talking to Russians is illegal then so are people who speak to foreign diplomats at events like TED.
Hes a joke. Hes a joke and he just doesnt get it, he reminds me of that Chris Chan guy
Any CEO or civilian who went to Bilderberg would be in violation.
Someone shut that fat ugly old woman the fuck up.
they want to take down Miller and Bannon because they're attacking pedophiles?
>Why would he reassure Russians.
ultra cheap energy for the next 100 years without the need for Israel or the middle east
Obama ruined his career for 8 years because he obviously couldn't make critical ''''''''''''''documentaries'''''''''''' about a black liberal. He's trying to make a comeback.
>the overgrown manbaby who was claiming that Trump was staging a coup is now going off on a tangent about something also completely fucking insane
one of these days they'll have cried wolf one too many times
But if Russia is sure about Trump, why would Flynn reassure them?
They'd already know it would only last until Obama left.
They'd be no... "LOL, Obama. Let's just send a few ships. Obama is gonna go anyway. Pass the Cheetohs."
Oh no, how will trump ever recover
The people freaking out the most about Trump are pedophiles.
Only Molloch could keep such a fat blob from having twelve massive coronaries a day.
He'll never learn, will he?
American corporations that want Russian oil and titanium would call Russia and Trump.
"Okay, you dudes. We all cool? Hey Trump we want you to lay off Ruskies. Putin, we want you to chill and wait for Obama to leave."
Flynn was just casually talking to a Ruskies.
They communicate through a fucking swiss banker or some shit... not Flynn.
This whole Flynn charade is retarded.
Michael Moore flipped Michigan to Trump. He's a patriot.
considering he told flynn to tell russia "it will be ok" what is wrog with that? obama creates sanctions over muh hacking trying to trigger a conflict in order to declare martial law to stay in power, and trump, already voted and concerned about the US future, reaches out to russia to keep an unnecessary and bloddy conflict from happening.
think about it. Would Flynn make a good middle-man?
Hell no.
The perfect middle man would be an unethical Swiss Banker or some motherfucker with diplomatic immunity from a neutral country who doesn't give a shit.
If some Ruskie had to "what's up" Flynn to ask an opinion, there is nothing going on between Trump and Russia.
why use Flynn when you can use a banker?
Bowling for Columbine had some alright points to it.
This. If Trump actually WAS a Russian plant, he sure as fuck wouldn't have someone he's associated with in constant communication with Russian intelligence. That would just be dumb as fuck.
>Michael Moore
why are the liberals so dead set on warmongering? Why can't they learn to get along?
>This whole Flynn charade is retarded.
they wanted Flynn out because he was talking about pedogate just like his son was.
I don't care how Flynn was associated with any deals with Russia, in general the WWIII model is supposed to be Russia and China against everyone else so Russia teaming up with the US to develop trade will prevent that from being possible and the deepstate wants to avoid that because if they don't have a war they lose
their model requires consistent warfare
During the W Bush years he was the definitive voice shitting on the USA, at least in international media. Until he got exposed and BTFO by manufacturing dissent everybody under 30 thought his movies were the truest facts.