>I don't think it's natural to be a monogamous person.
>I think the idea of marriage is very romantic; it’s a beautiful idea, and the practice of it can be a very beautiful thing,” she says. “I don’t think it’s natural to be a monogamous person. I might be skewered for that, but I think it’s work. It’s a lot of work.
>And the fact that it is such work for so many people—for everyone—the fact of that proves that it is not a natural thing. It’s something I have a lot of respect for and have participated in, but I think it definitely goes against some instinct to look beyond.
"Scarlett Johansson Thinks Monogamy Isn't Natural"
She's not wrong tho.
And how does this relates to politics?
she's right
>It’s something I have a lot of respect for and have participated in
Did it's human programming go wrong? Fucking kikes mang
Humans are a K selected species so fucking a lot with multiple partners and making tons of babies is not how we should proceed.
Stupid, egotistic, overhyped bitch tries to sound philosophical and intelligent.
What a dumb cunt.
Yes it's not natural. Neither is writing or driving or laws or computers or basically anything can be associated with civilization. Monogamy isn't practiced because it's easy, it's practiced because it's better.
so she claims she is cheating on her husband?
Jesus that trollface
Good let me fuck this slut and move on to the next one
I never said that's not the case.
This guy gets it. Whores just spread disease.
What the fuck is happening to our MORALS!! A country nor civilization can maintain itself with this. And at the same time, under threat of a foreign enemy (ie Islam).
> a kike trying to damage nuclear family some more
r K is just a spectrum
she is right.
She peaked with lost in translation desu. I don't get how people can worship her as a sexual goddess nowadays when she looks like that.
>western women
>muh fee fees
Nice tits, Major.
Fifth post best post.
ive pumped her.
Get pregnant, whore. Then grow the fuck up. Actors are pathetic.
When will this vastly overrated cunt fuck off already?
>ive pumped her
Some crooked teeth with yellowing.
Usa is truely low standards.
Almost everything she does in her daily life isn't "natural." What a fucking whore. She'll regret it when she's old and nothing but a pair of saggy tit, and a pussy with desert levels of non-humidity.
>local moron with no self esteem allows himself to be cucked by hambeast
Why would this even be news?
>Trying to justify your own shitty habits.
>kike women
slut better be careful, shes starting to get old and her new dyke haircut looks awful. shes about to pass the wall and she has no kids nor a man. You can only slut it up and be happy when you're young and beautiful
>smokes weed once
In other words, she's a whore.
She has a valid point in saying monogamy is unnatural for humans, but then the argument becomes what can be considered natural?
Is it a focal point based system where multiple mates are connected to one single mate or is it just supposed to be an unregulated fuckfest?
Thanks for your input, kike. Now back to the oven!
The Herpes Rumors must be true. the mark of Jeter. I can't be monogamous after her men find out she has the herps and leave her.
>and work is like....icky, y'know?
Shut the fuck up you kike! Jesus Christ, did you know that the Jewish Diaspora is the fucking worst. How does it fell being BTFO from every nation that has come to know your shitty self?
This and
>caring what a hollywood actress thinks
You took the words right out of my mouth.
America smacking the truths in this shit
In other news, she just left her husband. Must be a coincidence.
holy fuck that's awful
that is just not attractive
It might be work but you can't achieve happiness by being lazy.
kek, underrated
Thats why she stands around and plays pretend while getting paid multi millions.
It's not for whores and weak men
Are you telling me that a
>Woman + Jew + Hollywood + Lefty
is a degenerate?
OH WOW I need to sit down (also sage)
Holy shit she's transforming into Lena Dunham
Giving women rights isn't natural either.
Is rape natural? Is a man catcalling a woman natural? What about "manspreading"?
Singles of truth
Yes, yes, and yes.
>Naturalistic fallacy BTFO.
Well put.
Good shit America.
Whenever this conversation comes up I like to post this wise Turk. I think you'd like him.
All of humanity, all of civilization, is the product of man overcoming his base urges.
neither are her tits
Everything is related to politics my friend.
Who gives a fuck stop worshiping celebs you plebs.
She's right, men should be able to take multiple wives if they can support them.
Did you expect anything else from someone part of the (((Hollywood industry)))?
Also there's something weird going on with her face in that pic.
r/k theory has nothing to do with how many people you fuck.
It's where your energy and time is allocated during mating/birthing/raising young.
Pretty sure ancient beings found a lifemate and didnt hump every whore in a miniskirt. Dont get me wrong i want to bend over every hot women i see, but talking to and spending nonsexual time with them thats a whole nother issue.
Well said.
It does bring order for sure but with it comes higher cases of abuse on both parties, this not even accounting the fact everything around marriage misconstrues in ways that would make your average propagandist cum in their shorts. Also thinking about " the greater good" is an ideal that can go fuck itself.
>neither are her tits
She's right. Mankind pretty much ran on a harem system before the invention of civilization.
> (((Johansson)))
C'mon goyim family is a social construct you are supposed to fuck around and not have kids.
Just enjoy life
> work isn't natural
JOHANSEEN BTFO!!!!! someone tweet this to her scum-face.
>Sup Forums LARPs about want to secure the existence of these whores
The absolute state of naziboos.
why do men rape and murder 1000% more than females.
Why criticize women when it is men that are defective? Men are statistically so dangerous that they should be locked up in cages for public safety's sake.
this is true. Men want multiple women, women only want one super awesome man.
That's why it's not a double standard, men and women are not equal.
She's right, but only for women.
Only the genetically superior men(poc) should be allowed to breed.
Stop all caving in to the defeatist evader. Monogamy IS natural because it ensures that the father sticks around to raise the child so the mother doesn't die.
>Women: Only give it out if he is able and willing to provide
>Men: Fuck everything and stick with the best mate
is the natural order. For second class women it's get fucked by Chad while scoring beta bux
>And the fact that it is such work for so many people—for everyone—the fact of that proves that it is not a natural thing.
>that they should be locked up in cages for public safety's sake.
What is the UK?
Why you fuckers always post thin slags and not this hambeast.
when the burger drop the pill just right
Only a roastie could use the "unnatural" argument while wearing so much make-up that it would break the neck if applied to a child.
Pretty much this entirely. Anyone who uses "unnatural" as an argument should be dropped off naked in the rain forest.
because any """"man""""" who would agree to that deserves to be publicly shamed
Yeah? 100% of abortions are done by women. The overwhelming majority of infanticide, too. And child abuse.
As i said in the other thread, Asa Akira once said that Scarlett Johansson is a bigger slut than her and that everyone who has took part in the high ranked parties of Hollywood would say the same. Now, is Monogamy natural or not? i couldn't tell.
She works with the Council of Foreign Relations - so of course she's dishing out backwards advise to dismember the family unit. Nothing new here
Small price to pay for civilization.
RIP in pepperonis that huemonkey's keyboard
But user rape is natural monogamy is not.....
Because natural selection lead to genders with a division of labor, men are warriors and hunters - killers.
Agreed leaf.
Marriage is a religious construct invented to control the masses. So we like fucking and like variety, don't understand why this is looked down upon. To each their own.
Fuck, am I the only one here that has a war bride fetish?
They are our enemy and want us extince but...
I want to go balls deep in a Jewess.
animals = natural
gods = unnatural
subhumans gtfo
What the fuck is a war bride?
She is somewhat right. But being in a monogamous relationship is what is the best course of action for most people. A lot of relationship breaks because people are presented with other opportunities. They have the choice between their current partner or another partner. This is most often seen when successful men trade their wife out for a younger girlfriend.
Polygamy will put these options out on a display and most people that engage in these kind of behaviors will end up falling in love with one of their "other" partners and sub sequential leaving their current partner.
I don't believe that anyone deep down really prefer to live a life with a series of "new" partners. Most people want to have a solid family, mom, dad and a couple of kids. And then they stay being that family unit, for the remainder of their life. The alternative is these patchwork families, where it is mom, stepdad, stepdad's children - and then every other week with dad's new family.
A monogamous relationship is the key to happiness. In every western country, you see oceans of single woman in their 40s-60s whom will spend the rest of their life alone, because they thought they could do better or because they were governed solely by their emotions and if they had just put some effort into their relationship or in their attempt of finding a man, then they could have lived a much better life.
> why do men rape and murder 1000% more than females.
Because they can? If women had equivalent physical strength they would too. As it stands women can only really do this to children, which is why child abuse is more prevalent amongst females.