Fuck me

Fuck me.

- A Montrealer

canada is basically an american in their early teens and hasnt grown up and seen jack shit yet



Seriously, I'm pissed off. Why do we have to make EVERY mistake Europe and the US has made? Can't we fucking think for ourselves? FFS! I'll let my lease expire and move to Quebec City.


Riot. Right now.

Same reason as other countries. They dont see it as a mistake. They want bodies to country the population shrinking. Your government and economy like all modern countries is a pyramid scheme and they piss themselves when they think of a population that is not growing.

The downsides like rapes and everything do not matter. They figure the kids of these assholes will learn enough to work and youll pay your taxes to taking care of them until then.

You are subsidizing your competition so they can keep labor cheap and a higher pop to keep programs being fed.

Do you actually expect Qc to be any better?

fuck my life

Lol like the violence isn't bad enough there already

Relax bud, despite what Sup Forums would tell you Refugees are usually better than the people living there already. Most Fugees are professionals, meaning doctors, teachers, ect. Their whackjob kids are the ones you need to watch out for.

Is this our chance to get free shit in Canada?

Doesn't exactly matter if we don't get refugees in the first place. Which as far as I know is the case considering Trudeau met his objective.

Good, we could use the relief

It already is

There are probably more immigrant in the city than the entirety of Quebec province

Also its a blatant attempt at important voters en masse, ain't even surprised at all that Coderre say that. For those who wonder who he is, he is your straight-out-of-the-mold politician and is obviously corrupt, alas nothing will ever happens because he is protected by the mafia, as they pretty much control the city nowadays (they even have an automatic 2% tax on every construction job on the island, its part of the contract that the city give you, not even joking), dunno which family tho since the last one got blown the fuck out in the gang war (msm never called it that, but it doesn't take a genius to understand what is it that link all those pizza shop that went aflame by molotov over the past year or two), the don of the last clan got his head blown apart in his kitchen right in front of his family by a high-caliber rifle round.



This is gonna be hilarious. The frenchies hate everybody who isn't a frog.

Montreal has always seen themselves as more European than American.

>About to get enriched by hoards of rapefugees just like Europe.

Like Pottery.

Hello fellow montrealer, let us bond over our common hatred of things we don't like.

Of course not. We'll accept that just like we accepted our STOLEN referendum. FFS.


Just realized the reason Trump was so nice to Justin: he is willing and eager to take all the immigrants and refugees that America doesn't want.

French people are subhuman

Hurry up and separate

Lol too bad, you're stuck with us. Sorry for both Trudeaus, btw -- they are from Quebec.

Enjoy your riots over language citations.

It'll probably be mostly africans which IIRC speak french.

canada btfo!

Please punish me, father

Montréal is like 50/50 .
Rich anglo and poor habs.
I heard somewhere that mtl have thé 2nd biggest jewish community in américa.

Just fuck my wife already

>kick out the English
>have to take in the Muslims
Serves you fucking right
t. English Montrealer


There are refugees who basically fled the US for Canada already.

To the point of losing their fingers to frostbite before being found. I'm sorry more aren't just freezing to death crossing the border, leaf- but if it's us or them, it's gonna be them and Winter-chan can only take so many.

well maybe if you fag frenchies wouldn't have elected so many treasonous frog PM's that wanted to destroy Canada...

Or if your province wasn't such a corrupt poor shithole

Can Mulroney be considered Quebecois?

>Opposed South Africa
>Rushed to meet with marxist ethiopia
Fucking traitors

I know, it's crazy. We truly are a schizophrenic province. The worst PMs -- the Trudeaus and Mulroney -- came from us.

Really, I don't hate Canada. It's just not my country and Quebec is fucking it up all the time. Just leave us since we are too stupid to leave ourselves.

Bi-lingualism is really shitty too, wastes a vast amount of time for school kids or people learning 2 languages.

How do you form any sort of national identity in a bi-lingual state? Obviously you cannot