Why did the West kill Russian economy?
Why did the West kill Russian economy?
It wasn't the West. It was the Khazarian Cabal who used the West to try to reclaim Russia.
Because white trash countries like Russia should not exist.
This is what happens when a paper tiger try to act tough
Romania bringing de bantz Exx Dee
Sorry but they didn't. Russia did it themselves by having their economy even more reliant on oil and gas than middle eastern economies are.
Lol, this is super retarded, Russia can persevere through tough times, as we obviously did in the 40s and in many other times, coming on top and stronger.
And 80s weren't that tough, the leadership and the system failed and collapsed.
It's literally a Russian national trait to endure all hardships and fight tooth and nail to the end. It is as true as the fact that French are faggy surrender monkeys and poles can be sometimes OK but are often too up their ass with pride and 'honor'
You are not wtronger than soviet union tho
Pole >>>>>>>>>> fucking leaf
How does your country function with such a high minimum wage?
russia just sucks at economy
>daily reminder
awww, we love your big aircraft carrier (=Maria)
Did you guys ever do anything with it after you got it all the way around Europe? I thought I heard something to the effect of that some plane or missile or something proved ineffective so you just left it there.
But that could have been fake news.
I don't know what's more impressive : the surge or the fall.
But it has stealth.
Are Croatians based?
t. gypsy
I'm going to give this artists credit for actually drawing the second row instead of just recycling the first row.
brekekekekek koax
What is that picture trying to portray?
Croutons: small pieces of hard bread usually served with salads.
>coming on top and stronger
The Russian Empire was strong, the Soviet Union was strong.
Russia isn't strong. You lost a huge chucnk of your land, even more of your population and most of your economic significance.
Russia isn't a superpower on par with the USA anymore. The new great powers are the USA, India, China and maybe for a while longer the EU.
Russia is only relevant because of the nuclear arsenal. Without that you'd be as relevant as Nigeria.
That doesn't sound very tasty.
you fry them in lard or some sort of oil with spices, and you don't eat them alone, but with a salad or a soup
>they can't even nuclear
It's quite tasty. It's a way to make use of stale bread and you season, oil, sometimes toast them. A handful makes a great garnish on some other dish.
They're a bit like corn chips or potato chips or something like that in nature, except more adult.
Still doesn't sound good.
I'll stick to kulen.
First of all, looking at their economy in dollar terms is a mistake and does not reflect what is actually happening in their economy. They did not all suddenly get like 30% poorer Allowing their exchange rate to float is generally considered a good move, especially for the government and state owned enterprises.
Their problems have little to nothing to do with the sanctions. Kremlin-connected Russian economists admit this in interviews and panel discussions they have attended at various think tanks.
Oil price drop had nothing to do with Russia-West standoff either and was easily predicted years in advance by observing market trends and massive investments into increased production when price was well above the inflation-adjusted historical average price.
Their real problems are overdependence on commodity exports, excessive government control of economy (right now it's over 70% of GDP directly or indirectly controlled by the state) which results in uncompetitive industry, violations of property rights by corrupt officials which hampers investment, lack of intellectual property rights enforcement etc.
Look on youtube and you can find plenty of inteviews with Russian economists who work or have worked in the government or in Kremlin-connected think tanks who will talk at length an in detail about their economic problems.
put put put put put
>Russia can persevere through tough times, as we obviously did in the 40s and in many other times, coming on top and stronger.
we wuz kangs n shiet
russia is literally a shadow of its former self after enjoying maybe 2 decades max of "being on top"
the rest of russian history is about as ass backwards as any run of the mill african nation.
shit, do you even understand the image you posted?
it explains your own question perfectly
Is the same people bro and it is obvious where their strength comes from: the stupid fucking bear will always try again. Doesn't matter how hard you try, The Eternal Russian won't go away.
>historically russia has been a shithole where only an elite few enjoy any quality of life
>this is where there strength lies
literally no you stupid fucking beaner
mexico could be viewed the same way as russia except you dipshits never got nukes.
take away russia's nukes and they're no different than your corrupt shithole where nobod who lives there actually wants to be there.